victims of feminism support thread


Well-Known Member
@kelly4 he was wearing those loafers I bet wasnt he?! :lol:
Buckles knows
Buck only met him because I set it up for us three to get together. Unclebaldrick was cool as hell. He has been over to my house and I consider him a friend.

I have absolutely no idea what went down between you two and will stay impartial on it.

You two should keep it up though, it makes for good reading.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Buck only met him because I set it up for us three to get together. Unclebaldrick was cool as hell. He has been over to my house and I consider him a friend.

I have absolutely no idea what went down between you two and will stay impartial on it.

You two should keep it up though, it makes for good reading.bongsmilie
Some people like soap operas, some don't.

Agree about staying out of it. I don't know what happened and don't care.


Well-Known Member
Ok so this is your way of saying that there are excusable degrees of thievery. But there are no degrees of bias, as in what GWN said.
i'm not convinced there was any thievery at all.

but you'd have to be dumber than shit to think GWN isn't a full blown racist, the silent type of cancer that gave rise to dictators like trump.


Well-Known Member
Some people like soap operas, some don't.

Agree about staying out of it. I don't know what happened and don't care.
The politics section is nothing but one big soap opera. I hate soap operas, but I love conflict.:lol:


Well-Known Member
I have no idea why my response was deleted, but I’m guessing it’s because I told UB to STFU, then proceeded to call him a DICK. Sorry, I won’t do that again.

So, once again UB, I’m not sticking up for anyone. You also know that I approved of Obama, and are being disingenuous if you are inferring different.

I think this is where I called UB a DICK, Once again, I’m sorry about that.
you can't say you approve of obama and then just let racists like GWN off the hook when they go around smearing him with racist lies.

it would be like me saying i approve of you while being friends with people that called you a pedophile or something.


Well-Known Member
you can't say you approve of obama and then just let racists like GWN off the hook when they go around smearing him with racist lies.

it would be like me saying i approve of you while being friends with people that called you a pedophile or something.
I can’t micromanage how people feel, how people think or what they say. Constantly barking about shit nonstop wears me out.


Ursus marijanus
i'm not convinced there was any thievery at all.

but you'd have to be dumber than shit to think GWN isn't a full blown racist, the silent type of cancer that gave rise to dictators like trump.

You just called me a liar.
You have the testimony of two honorable people on RIU and the thief's own admission.
And yet you're not convinced any thievery took place.
You, sir, are a dishonest man.

As for GWN being a racist, I am fascinated to see you so enthusiastically use the classic National Socialist approach to truth management. It is called the Big Lie, and when I was a student in a German high school I received much hand-wringing explication about how it was used to co-opt the people of the Reich. You use it as a substitute for reasoned discourse on everyone whose politics offend you.

There is something deeply ironic about RIU's Racial Justice Warrior using the tools of REAL racists, y'know, the oven guys ... to call me a liar because I defended GWN as not being a REAL racist. But thieves exist on a continuum, and it is more convenient for you to stay tight with your fellow political bully and breathtaking hypocrite, and cast aspersions at those who identified him as a thief.



Well-Known Member
You just called me a liar.
You have the testimony of two honorable people on RIU and the thief's own admission.
And yet you're not convinced any thievery took place.
You, sir, are a dishonest man.

As for GWN being a racist, I am fascinated to see you so enthusiastically use the classic National Socialist approach to truth management. It is called the Big Lie, and when I was a student in a German high school I received much hand-wringing explication about how it was used to co-opt the people of the Reich. You use it as a substitute for reasoned discourse on everyone whose politics offend you.

There is something deeply ironic about RIU's Racial Justice Warrior using the tools of REAL racists, y'know, the oven guys ... to call me a liar because I defended GWN as not being a REAL racist. But thieves exist on a continuum, and it is more convenient for you to stay tight with your fellow political bully and breathtaking hypocrite, and cast aspersions at those who identified him as a thief.

With all respect, I don't think you'll get through to him regardless of how well you articulate an argument.

He's completely and utterly convinced of his (perceived) "righteousness" and (perceived) intellectual supremecy...

Exactly like most racists are.