What did you accomplish today?

I dodged the draft on the 20th :-(

Never ever was a problem before until Stockton.
Those mother fuckers threaten me with contempt. I showed up, with a frown, saw the judge he asked if there was any reason why can't serve i said i pick up my daughter 2 times a week from disco bay. Dismissed.

If butte does the same thing here i'm gonna be so pissed.
I just logged into the county to find out I've been excuuuuuused

Word! Got lots to ask, but the rest of the clay has your name on it ;-)

I decarbed under vacuum before pulling higher temps to distill and was hella surprised how much ethanol was still in the crude. Crazy shit.

My experience is that after a distillation, carbon doesn't do much.

I'm curious to try the bleaching earth in a nonpolar solvent such as heptane (boils 102 degrees) ... that might be better.
Word! Got lots to ask, but the rest of the clay has your name on it ;-)

I decarbed under vacuum before pulling higher temps to distill and was hella surprised how much ethanol was still in the crude. Crazy shit.
Yeah. Ethanol has a high degree of stiction. I really like the solvents that cannot form hydrogen bonds. Hexane and dichloromethane are two faves.
I can teach you a sweet trick to shift that residual ethanol ... (ssshhh)
Hex to the hane? I need you bro. Talk of that type stuff scares me.
OK you two, get a room!

(totally kidding, it's fun to hear you guys discuss this), although I had three years of college chemistry they kept us away from the real glassware/tools.
T5's and hps still totally gets it done, don't get me wrong,

But with me, in 2018 california with some of the highest price power, it's 315's and DE's. way more effecient.
Still rock t8's over my cloners, but it's all new lighting now.
Dude i feel so behind the times. Lights, phones, computers. It all evolves so fast. I can't keep up. As long as my 600 produces steady supply for less than I'd spend I'm content.