RO water accumulation.

One thing you'll find about RO water is people love to ascribe magical properties to it. Leeching minerals if you drink it, going "stale" if you don't use it, not having oxygen if you don't rig up some sort of complex apparatus. All a bunch of nonsense. It's just water for cryin' out loud.

One thing is true, it's probably overkill for your plants. Get a presure tank and a faucet and use it for drinking water, then it won't be a waste. I keep a 3 gallon jug of RO in the fridge, it'll spoil you for other water. Hopefully you're not buying bottled water as it is.
If you use a good plastic container (such as a water jug that came with distilled water in it) and keep it sealed it will last about 3 days before it starts going south.

Remember: RO water (especially RO/DI water) has ZERO preservatives in it. NONE. There's no phosphors or chlorine or fluoride to keep the water from going stale, so if you don't use it by day three, chunk it.

That's why I only make the water I'm going to use that day. Period.

DO NOT be stupid and put air lines in your RO water. All you do by doing that is pump air with all the contaminates it contains into your 100% pure water.

You completely defeat the purpose by doing that.

Lol, I am sorry, but there is absolutely ZERO science behind that statement and just something you choose to believe. It's strange to me that some peoples beliefs about water can take on an almost religious bent, with belief being the operative word. Of course these days there's so much information, jumbled up outdated science, misinformation and even lies (promoted by those trying to sell you something) that it's understandable that people can get confused about this.

But at the heart of a lot of these beliefs rests a variety of causes - distrust of government (hard to blame after so many terrible examples, like Flint, Michigan for instance), conspiracy theories (like flouride is a big pharma plot to make us sick), old science (people used to believe that distilled water was good for you, which we now know is wrong), and some old wives tales thrown in (like stored water going stale or bad). There's also a distrust of science, especially these days, the science deniers seem to be thicker than fleas on a dogs back, lol.

But there are many sources of information - good ones include government agencies, some not all, and universities. Those who peddle bad information, or outright lies include some government agencies, least trustworthy of which seem to be more local agencies that are more apt to lie in order to perserve/protect some special interest, like big donors or coal companies for instance). Others are usually trying to sell you something (like RO systems, lol), or an idea which then leads to a something they're selling, like books, snake oil or EXORBITANTLY PRICED WATER.

One recent example of this are the absolute wackos and snake-oil peddlers to selling other unhinged and brainless zombies :dunce: RAW WATER AT UP TO $60 A GALLON - talk about stupidity combined with a complete and utter lack of science, lol, that just boggles my mind thinking about it (and proves the old saw, a fool and his money are soon parted :lol:). But that's an example of how beliefs can cloud the mind to the facts.

But back to the topic at hand, NO, RO water doesn't go stale!!! If it's in a clean, proper container, it will last indefinitely, and deoxygenation doesn't harm it, and putting oxygen back it with bubblers is NOT going to ruin it, with the caveat that the stone and line are cleaned before use. Although a little algae or whatever isn't going to hurt your plants (although I understand it can contam your rez).

I would suggest bubbling only cleaned stones and lines (soaked in a light chlorine solution and then rinsed) and then only just before you're about to use it - otherwise you might end up with algae or something growing in the water (storing is dark colored opaque containers is best). But seriously, if you're not storing water for months, and who does that, then you're worrying too much, hell rain water isn't pure at all, but it's what all plants thrive off of (and I remember my Grandpa watering his garden with "stale" rainwater during dry month and those were the best carrots and tomatoes I've ever eaten ;?).

Bottom line, you need to get some perspective here - we are growing plants that can adapt to a WIDE RANGE of conditions, they are plants btw, and not human babies lol, so you may need to dial back some of the extreme ideas and get back to the simple fact that all you need is clean tap water, as long as there are no "contaminants" a good filtration system will handle most of the stuff we'd generally be worried about, and RO is seriously overkill with very few exceptions. BTW, this rant is not aimed directly at Taco, there are some people, make that MANY people, who have some seriously weird beliefs about the stuff we feed these "weeds", lol.

P.S. Yes, the term "weed" goes back a ways, and you hear it used for wild/feral marijuana as well as hemp (as in ditch weed), plus hippies, or maybe it was beatniks, who may have used the word as code back in the day. But it also is used as a reminder that marijuana pretty much grows like a weed in nature and sometimes under harsh conditions that only weeds can survive ;?).
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Again, appreciate the posts.

When I’m inquiring about accumulating water, I am talking in terms of 2 days for myself. Just keeping a couple of 5 gallon buckets rotating.
Question about my previous encounters with PM, and my battles against.

As you can see, my RH is fluctuating a lot right now. My belief is that a higher humidity during veg is a good thing, @Dynamo626 threw me some good info above, and he knows as well as anyone here about my PM battles.

I have a DH that I can put into my 5x5 tent, and keep my humidity at 50 and below. I was told that this would prevent PM by maintaining low humidity. My problem is that I ran the DH last time, and the PM still kicked my ass. Was my problem that the plants had already been subjected to PM earlier in their life cycles so they were already fucked?

I really want to kick the shit out of my PM problems. That’s why I cleaned the fuck out of everything with Clorox bleach before I got his grow going. Any help to solve this major problem is greatly appreciated.
Question about my previous encounters with PM, and my battles against.

As you can see, my RH is fluctuating a lot right now. My belief is that a higher humidity during veg is a good thing, @Dynamo626 threw me some good info above, and he knows as well as anyone here about my PM battles.

I have a DH that I can put into my 5x5 tent, and keep my humidity at 50 and below. I was told that this would prevent PM by maintaining low humidity. My problem is that I ran the DH last time, and the PM still kicked my ass. Was my problem that the plants had already been subjected to PM earlier in their life cycles so they were already fucked?

I really want to kick the shit out of my PM problems. That’s why I cleaned the fuck out of everything with Clorox bleach before I got his grow going. Any help to solve this major problem is greatly appreciated.
Bleaching everything should kill the PM spores already in your grow room but won't stop more from coming in if you haven't made changes to filtration of air coming into your room. I grow in a greenhouse where I basically just open up windows during the day and don't filter anything coming in. I spray with Actinovate if I see high humidity coming my way, as a preventative measure. If I still get an outbreak I rotate sprays of H2O2 and Green Cure and have no issues harvesting clean. Those are the 3 products that I really like, and I went through trying many other approaches before being happy with this one. Fuck spraying milk! LOL Good luck!!
Sometimes all it takes is a spike in the RH, like right at watering, or in some areas of the country, a spike in temps and humidity can overpower a smaller dehumidfier. Once the PM spores hatch, they're harder to get rid of so I'd suggest keeping your RH lower as in upper 30's to low 40's - it won't hurt the plants and it's better to have a larger buffer zone imo.
Bleaching everything should kill the PM spores already in your grow room but won't stop more from coming in if you haven't made changes to filtration of air coming into your room. I grow in a greenhouse where I basically just open up windows during the day and don't filter anything coming in. I spray with Actinovate if I see high humidity coming my way, as a preventative measure. If I still get an outbreak I rotate sprays of H2O2 and Green Cure and have no issues harvesting clean. Those are the 3 products that I really like, and I went through trying many other approaches before being happy with this one. Fuck spraying milk! LOL Good luck!!
I’ve been using Greencure since I got started with this ‘hobby’, but I’m scared to use it after week 3 of Flower. I also tried something called PM Wash last time around, which states that it’s OK to use up harvest. I think it was h2o2. Any rate, both were ineffective.

I live in a community that has LOTS of greenery and landscaping. All of it has moldy growth on it.

At this time, I’m just moving air in my tent with fans, I haven’t introduced an inlet fan yet. When I do, I’ll make sure to Clorox the filter.
Sometimes all it takes is a spike in the RH, like right at watering, or in some areas of the country, a spike in temps and humidity can overpower a smaller dehumidfier. Once the PM spores hatch, they're harder to get rid of so I'd suggest keeping your RH lower as in upper 30's to low 40's - it won't hurt the plants and it's better to have a larger buffer zone imo.
If you use a good plastic container (such as a water jug that came with distilled water in it) and keep it sealed it will last about 3 days before it starts going south.

Remember: RO water (especially RO/DI water) has ZERO preservatives in it. NONE. There's no phosphors or chlorine or fluoride to keep the water from going stale, so if you don't use it by day three, chunk it.

That's why I only make the water I'm going to use that day. Period.

DO NOT be stupid and put air lines in your RO water. All you do by doing that is pump air with all the contaminates it contains into your 100% pure water.

You completely defeat the purpose by doing that.

Your opinion!

And I respectfully disagree!

Been doing it for years and NO problems what so ever! Your air pumps don't have pre-filters on the intake?
So please explain what this contaminate is?

My water is sweet and fresh.....period. Has been from day 1... TDS/PPM of 1 (by metering the tank water). When the PPM's rise on an inline meter, to over 10. I change the filter's. All of them at the same time.

The water that sits in the plastic lines. Pulls Chem compounds from the plastic.....Did we know that?
I watch the inline meter say as high as 17 PPM till the fresh incoming has flushed the older water from the line.
You see that everyday!

Your getting more contaminate from the plastic water lines then from the air pump.
Lol, I am sorry, but there is absolutely ZERO science behind that statement and just something you choose to believe. It's strange to me that some peoples beliefs about water can take on an almost religious bent, with belief being the operative word. Of course these days there's so much information, jumbled up outdated science, misinformation and even lies (promoted by those trying to sell you something) that it's understandable that people can get confused about this.

But at the heart of a lot of these beliefs rests a variety of causes - distrust of government (hard to blame after so many terrible examples, like Flint, Michigan for instance), conspiracy theories (like flouride is a big pharma plot to make us sick), old science (people used to believe that distilled water was good for you, which we now know is wrong), and some old wives tales thrown in (like stored water going stale or bad). There's also a distrust of science, especially these days, the science deniers seem to be thicker than fleas on a dogs back, lol.

But there are many sources of information - good ones include government agencies, some not all, and universities. Those who peddle bad information, or outright lies include some government agencies, least trustworthy of which seem to be more local agencies that are more apt to lie in order to perserve/protect some special interest, like big donors or coal companies for instance). Others are usually trying to sell you something (like RO systems, lol), or an idea which then leads to a something they're selling, like books, snake oil or EXORBITANTLY PRICED WATER.

One recent example of this are the absolute wackos and snake-oil peddlers to selling other unhinged and brainless zombies :dunce: RAW WATER AT UP TO $60 A GALLON - talk about stupidity combined with a complete and utter lack of science, lol, that just boggles my mind thinking about it (and proves the old saw, a fool and his money are soon parted :lol:). But that's an example of how beliefs can cloud the mind to the facts.

But back to the topic at hand, NO, RO water doesn't go stale!!! If it's in a clean, proper container, it will last indefinitely, and deoxygenation doesn't harm it, and putting oxygen back it with bubblers is NOT going to ruin it, with the caveat that the stone and line are cleaned before use. Although a little algae or whatever isn't going to hurt your plants (although I understand it can contam your rez).

I would suggest bubbling only cleaned stones and lines (soaked in a light chlorine solution and then rinsed) and then only just before you're about to use it - otherwise you might end up with algae or something growing in the water (storing is dark colored opaque containers is best). But seriously, if you're not storing water for months, and who does that, then you're worrying too much, hell rain water isn't pure at all, but it's what all plants thrive off of (and I remember my Grandpa watering his garden with "stale" rainwater during dry month and those were the best carrots and tomatoes I've ever eaten ;?).

Bottom line, you need to get some perspective here - we are growing plants that can adapt to a WIDE RANGE of conditions, they are plants btw, and not human babies lol, so you may need to dial back some of the extreme ideas and get back to the simple fact that all you need is clean tap water, as long as there are no "contaminants" a good filtration system will handle most of the stuff we'd generally be worried about, and RO is seriously overkill with very few exceptions. BTW, this rant is not aimed directly at Taco, there are some people, make that MANY people, who have some seriously weird beliefs about the stuff we feed these "weeds", lol.

P.S. Yes, the term "weed" goes back a ways, and you hear it used for wild/feral marijuana as well as hemp (as in ditch weed), plus hippies, or maybe it was beatniks, who may have used the word as code back in the day. But it also is used as a reminder that marijuana pretty much grows like a weed in nature and sometimes under harsh conditions that only weeds can survive ;?).

Part 1 - the best part. Your correct - check my answer to him too.

Last part. Respectfully, I say.
It is NOT a weed and your statement points that out. Weed is a slang term and not a scientific designation.

In fact;
The slang term "weed" does not describe the plant but, the marijuana cigarette or joint! This term began around about 1929....The first time it was used in print?
That was in 1932, in the Chicago Defender (An African American news paper). The story was about how the "Humble reefer, the weed, the marijuana cigarette has moved from Harlem to Park ave."

Source of info: Oxford English dictionary.......

Personally, I say it grows like a tropical....

Just saying, ok?
It's fact. And you are wrong.

Already know your point of view.

How ever. Water (RO) stored in the proper covered container can last longer then people actually know for sure. The water will get more "contaminate" from leaching from the container then any other source.

If you have a properly pre-filtered air pump. Your not going to "contaminate" the water by it's use. Simply add a sheet of Hepa filter to the thick cotton filter on your pump. seal it to the bottom of the pump with food grade silicon and let it dry completely. Replace the cotton particulate filter and feel safe.
Lastly. If you don't cover your storage tank. Then you can get problems.

Look that up, and don't take statements from non scientific aquarium sites as fact, either!

Strange thing about that, is a friend with an open storage tank on his system. I've warned him for years about the chances of contamination and slime (algae/fungal) problems. Stupid part is. He's never had one., so I quit giving him grief over it. His choice anyway.

Do what works for you, and I'll do the same.....

Calm down and carry on....
If you use a good plastic container (such as a water jug that came with distilled water in it) and keep it sealed it will last about 3 days before it starts going south.

Remember: RO water (especially RO/DI water) has ZERO preservatives in it. NONE. There's no phosphors or chlorine or fluoride to keep the water from going stale, so if you don't use it by day three, chunk it.

That's why I only make the water I'm going to use that day. Period.

DO NOT be stupid and put air lines in your RO water. All you do by doing that is pump air with all the contaminates it contains into your 100% pure water.

You completely defeat the purpose by doing that.
Pal, respect has nothing to do with FACTS.

When you pump contaminated air into purified water, guess what? You contaminate the water. How do you think polluted rain happens? The droplets fall through particulates in the atmosphere on the way down. That's how.

Now, is it on a level that's going to be detrimental to you or your plants? No. Of course not.

But what's the point in the expense and effort of making RO water and then contaminating it?

If you're going to do that, you'd might as well save your money and buy bottled water in bulk. It's cheaper and in effect is the exact same as what you're doing.
^^^Bro science^^^

Use an aquarium pump with a filter on it! Our fishy's ain't dead yet!

Because that little cotton swab filters out carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, benzine, methane, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide and other contaminates.

RO water is PURE. It has NOTHING in it. That's the entire point. It's H2O and nothing else. You're simply pumping all that shit right back into it. So why bother? Just use regular water.

Unless of course you're some sort of perverted masochist that loves to waste time, effort, resources and money to produce what he can get pretty much right out of his faucet.
Ro filters remove disolved solids not gasses. Thats why they all say they dont remove chlorine on the package. I didnt buy a ro filter to get rid of gasses. I never heard of any one having problems because they bubbled there water and added " contaminants". We pay for bottled water or spring for a filter to provide a nice blank slate so the plant gets only what nutrients i give it. If your water starts at 400 ppm and your plant can only handle 800 ppm then they would only get 400ppm worth of nutes because there is already 400ppm of shit
Ro filters remove disolved solids not gasses. Thats why they all say they dont remove chlorine on the package. I didnt buy a ro filter to get rid of gasses. I never heard of any one having problems because they bubbled there water and added " contaminants". We pay for bottled water or spring for a filter to provide a nice blank slate so the plant gets only what nutrients i give it. If your water starts at 400 ppm and your plant can only handle 800 ppm then they would only get 400ppm worth of nutes because there is already 400ppm of shit

Mine removes it all. It's surgical grade water. Maybe an el-cheapo system doesn't, but mine does.
Because that little cotton swab filters out carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, benzine, methane, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide and other contaminates.

RO water is PURE. It has NOTHING in it. That's the entire point. It's H2O and nothing else. You're simply pumping all that shit right back into it. So why bother? Just use regular water.

Unless of course you're some sort of perverted masochist that loves to waste time, effort, resources and money to produce what he can get pretty much right out of his faucet.

You had better research just what happens to dissolved O2 and Co2 and pH by RO filtration. This also applied to other gas's that maybe included in the water.

My grow has no real available gas's of the sort you mention. At least not enough to effect water quality, even by perpetual air flow.

I politely suggest you actually research this "issue" you "quote."

Then supply us all with link's to your findings that prove me wrong.....

Oh, and btw. Methane is a natural occurring thing in ground water ( so are others, and 28mg/L at 50 F is normal). Once the water reaches over 50 F. The amount decreases expotentially as the temp increases. Same is true for many other gas's.
This speaks to the application of the 5 gas "laws" of physic's as applied to dissolved gas's in any liquid...

Yes, there are gas's in water. The concentrations are limited by factors that include volume and temp. These gas's don't accumulate over those limiting factors!

That help some?

I'm not feeling insulted, and hope you aren't either.... I'm just trying to explain....OK?
You must be either dyslexic or outright stupid.

Never once did I say it would HURT ANYTHING.

I'm simply stating that it's a waste of time, energy, resources, and money to PURIFY water to it's PUREST state possible, and then INJECT CONTAMINATED ATMOSPHERE RIGHT BACK INTO IT INTENTIONALLY.