RO water accumulation.

Then supply us all with link's to your findings that prove me wrong.....

Oh, and btw. Methane is a natural occurring thing in ground water ( so are others, and 28mg/L at 50 F is normal). Once the water reaches over 50 F. The amount decreases expotentially as the temp increases. Same is true for many other gas's.
This speaks to the application of the 5 gas "laws" of physic's as applied to dissolved gas's in any liquid...

Yes, there are gas's in water. The concentrations are limited by factors that include volume and temp. These gas's don't accumulate over those limiting factors!

BTW, I never said or implied you did say "hurt anything."

You did that yourself by saying that gas's in the air contaminate the water!

None of the gas's you list, or any other for that matter (other then O2 and Co2, and those effect pH). Accumulate by pumping air into water to keep dissolved O2 at useful levels! The concentrations of those gas's in the air. Are not enough to make a difference either! If your implying that sulfur dioxide in the air is compounding to make sulfuric acid in the water. It would be detectable by your PPM meter! I get no rise other then the filter element reaching it's end of effectiveness.

I do get a minor pH fluctuation by season! That is temp related and that relates to those gas law limitations and O2/Co2 levels.

BTW,,,,,RO filtration is far from the purest water "state" available too..... You have several more levels to go for that. It is not "pure."

So please, tell us just what it is your system is and post pics of your amazing "purest state possible filter system." I'll bet somebody might like to get one..

I'll skip the obvious insults.....
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You must be either dyslexic or outright stupid.

Never once did I say it would HURT ANYTHING.

I'm simply stating that it's a waste of time, energy, resources, and money to PURIFY water to it's PUREST state possible, and then INJECT CONTAMINATED ATMOSPHERE RIGHT BACK INTO IT INTENTIONALLY.
Are the plants not transpiring the same contaminated air? Are we talking about growing in Chernobyl?
so, I know a lot of people said get a float valve. Which you absolutely need if you want to make water unattended.

but I didnt see anyone tell you to get

which will shut off the feed water after the float closes, not sure if yours has one already or not but this is necessary.

don't forget to flush your membrane every couple weeks, depending on how much water/how often you make water, this extends the service life but it also reduces the life of the prefilters (they're cheap tho)

just put some bleach in your storage container every now and then, because you introduce contaminates in there when you scoop out water for use

Again, appreciate the posts.

When I’m inquiring about accumulating water, I am talking in terms of 2 days for myself. Just keeping a couple of 5 gallon buckets rotating.

Instead of a couple 5 gallon buckets, get a rubbermaid brute 20 gal black or grey trash can and lid.
You must be either dyslexic or outright stupid.

Never once did I say it would HURT ANYTHING.

I'm simply stating that it's a waste of time, energy, resources, and money to PURIFY water to it's PUREST state possible, and then INJECT CONTAMINATED ATMOSPHERE RIGHT BACK INTO IT INTENTIONALLY.
Are you listening to what you're saying??? Now for the sake of argument I'll argee that the moment that RO water comes out of the filter, it may indeed be pure, or as you put it, "surgical grade", whatever THAT is, lol, but really, why on God's green earth do you think it needs to STAY that way in order to use it to WATER PLANTS???

Your plants, and every hydro/watering systems I've seen or heard of, DO NOT REQUIRE this level of purity in the H2o supplied to them, and I defy you to tell me otherwise. While one part of your statement is indeed true, the rest of it is nothing put a logical fallacy based on some strange idea that perfect water makes a perfect system.

1) The FACT is that absolutely pure water is not in any way a requirement in growing cannabis (caveat MIGHT be if you were working at some experimental facility testing the affects of individual nutrients in a tightly controlled environment, but that is not germane to this discussion, unless you are, lol).

2) Generally speaking, RO systems are used in situations where the existing water supply is contaminated or has too high a TDS - the system is there to provide CLEAN water, and THAT is the operative word, and NOT "surgical grade" or 100% PURE H2o. Thinking otherwise is simply wrong-headed, and constantly defending this untenable stance just pushes you more into the camp of the Zoroastrians, lol (maybe you're an Aquarian ;?). Either way it's becoming practically a religious belief complete with unreasonable dogma.

3) Your ideas about maintaining the purity of said surgical grade H2o are flawed - from the very moment it leaves the system it begins to absorb elements from it's surroundings. Unless you keep it stored in a glass carboy, it will begin leaching elements from the container, and if it's not air tight, then from said atmosphere.
Btw, you and your plants absorb them as well, but unless it's seriously polluted, you're worrying needlessly and just making mountains out of mole hills. YES, you paid good money for a system that makes "pure" water, but WHY do you insist on believing that it absolutely has to remain in that state in order to be useful?

Bottom line, RO systems are only necessary to remove HARMFUL elements, THAT IS ALL that is required where agriculture or cannaculture, for that matter, are concerned. Any thinking otherwise is most likely due to your anthropomorphizing in treating your plants as if they were little human babies, lol. Sorry, but SERIOUSLY, there is absolutely ZERO NECESSITY for absolutely pure water. Rant done, lol, I won't beat this dead and decaying horse any further ;?D
Carbon filter.

What difference is there between putting it inside the tent versus outside the tent?
inside the tent it takes up valuable space. mainly though when the filter is inside and your venting out of the area you are pulling air through the filter. air follows the path of less resistance and this is an inefficient use of the filter. its hard to enplane without illustrations. ill find a good vid
so, I know a lot of people said get a float valve. Which you absolutely need if you want to make water unattended.

but I didnt see anyone tell you to get

which will shut off the feed water after the float closes, not sure if yours has one already or not but this is necessary.

don't forget to flush your membrane every couple weeks, depending on how much water/how often you make water, this extends the service life but it also reduces the life of the prefilters (they're cheap tho)

just put some bleach in your storage container every now and then, because you introduce contaminates in there when you scoop out water for use

Instead of a couple 5 gallon buckets, get a rubbermaid brute 20 gal black or grey trash can and lid.
Just looked at the 15 dollar float valve at the shop I go to.

I’d like to get a 15 gallon drum for a resovoir.
Because that little cotton swab filters out carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, benzine, methane, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide and other contaminates.

Just that sentence alone shows how little you know about this subject and almost every other subject you rant about. Always a rant with little or no useful info.

A cotton filter will stop dust and other small particles but not even slow down any of those gases you list.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than by opening your yap remove all traces of doubt.