What did you accomplish today?

It can naturally decarb, if I'm not mistaken.


It can, but my experience has been that the rate at which it does is variable. So your potency could be all over the map.

Looking at the Magical Butter Machine, the 190F/88C setting will be marginal (decarbs after 48 hours) and the 220F/104C should do the job within about an hour.

I wouldn't omit the oven-decarb step.
btw my daughter seen someone come from the back of our yard when she was walking home from work .

I just went a took a look FRESH PISS .

Well then
oh am I gonna push a button next time we speak .

Get this....lol
A friend of mine ( a drunk) his friends with my neighbor via wifes .
Well I come to find out a long time friend/classmate from another place moved here and started fucking my neighbors wife .
My neighbor hit him in the head with bat sending him to emerge room .

So if you have never seen monkey paws before ,,,,HE MAY

If he says anything to say tomorrow I will have this to say . .
Before you think about coming at me with a BAT ...REMEMBER this I wont be drunk like Daryl but I can be just as SEXY :)

Watch for the paws .

Monkey paws are like ( bolo balls ?) Not anal beads ....heheheh

10 x 2 pennies wrapped In thick cord (1 long cord when applied to wrist gives me 18 inch extra reach and leverage .
show ya pic soon if ya ask nicely .

This sounds like the Amish dude
This sounds like the Amish dude
Naw just the ignorant drunk mentality

And I did push his buttons ..
saga continues.
1 hr ago he came out to shovel the snow back at my cave over the fence ...
I climbed back on roof too and ....REALLY ...he repied well it came from your roof .
I pointed at the urne area and so we agreement NOT TO PISS on my fence ,
He replied with your lucky you didn't get your ass kicked last night .


I said listen asshole my name is NOT DARYL if your thinking about crushing my skull with a bat Im ready . BUTTON 1
Then I said there are three reasons why wife fuck around on husband .
1 Abuse
2 ugly man
3 Small Penis BUTTON 2

Oh but I hear all three BUTTON 3
I then replied Oh BTW I CAN JUST AS SEXY AS DARYL ............"""TRUST ME ON THAT ONE "" .BUTTON 5
My oldest daughter watch her come onto me one night ...he don't know this nor would I tell him as she would get abused more .

I then said we if this goes any futher like court ...the judge with look at you and wonder what type of human are u ...BUTTON 5

I do believe there is law on exposing ones self in public ...PEE WEE found out the hard way :wall:
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Naw just the ignorant drunk mentality

And I did push his buttons ..
saga continues.
1 hr ago he came out to shovel the show back at my cave over the fence ...
I climbed back on roof too and ....REALLY ...he repied well it came from your roof .
I pointed at the urne area and so we agreement NOT TO PISS on my fence ,
He replied with your lucky you didn't get your ass kicked last night .


I said listen asshole my name is NOT DARYL if your thinking about crushing my skull with a bat Im ready . BUTTON 1
Then I said there are three reasons why wife fuck around on husband .
1 Abuse
2 ugly man
3 Small Penis BUTTON 2

I then replied Oh BTW I CAN JUST AS SEXY AS DARYL ............"""TRUST ME ON THAT ONE "" .BUTTON 3
My oldest daughter watch her come onto me one night ...he don't know this nor would I tell him as she would get abused more .

I then said we if this goes any futher like court ...the judge with look at you and wonder what type of human are u ...BUTTON 4

I do believe there is law on exposing ones self in public ...PEE WEE found out the hard way :wall:
You never answered my question.
Former cannabineer :spew:
^^^^^^^ What did you mean by that?
oh sorry I was taking as u referring me to a cabaner ( member of TCC ) .
Which I got banned from just recently .puked out
Please be patient with me this is a new format still trying to understand it .
We've been under attack from socks for quite sometime so some of us are pretty touchy about seeing our friends getting razzed by a member who joined in March of 2017 made three posts and is suddenly back here flooding the place with posts and acting like he knows us.

TCC is another cannabis site
Link please?
We've been under attack from socks for quite sometime so some of us are pretty touchy about seeing our friends getting razzed by a member who joined in March of 2017 made three posts and is suddenly back here flooding the place with posts and acting like he knows us.

Link please?
search goggle/bing TCC ....it is private but a couple of the admin there are members here ...1 know of for sure .

The site is invite only I was given permission once my ban was up to bring friends in from where ever .