The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

dems need to win both houses of congress, impeach and remove the motherfucker from office. i tend to feel repubs won't answer the call either, which will make all of those fuckers complicit.

when trump is removed from office, as we have discussed here, there will be an armed "million moron march" and it will be the perfect time for the National Guard to open fire on those stupid fucks as soon as one of them shots their gun, which will happen. lol, its the morons word against the govt.

Darwinism at its finest. imagine the nice cleansing feeling.
dems need to win both houses of congress, impeach and remove the motherfucker from office. i tend to feel repubs won't answer the call either, which will make all of those fuckers complicit.

when trump is removed from office, as we have discussed here, there will be an armed "million moron march" and it will be the perfect time for the National Guard to open fire on those stupid fucks as soon as one of them shots their gun, which will happen. lol, its the morons word against the govt.

Darwinism at its finest. imagine the nice cleansing feeling.

I agree, but we still need 67 votes in the senate. I don't see them yet.....
I agree, but we still need 67 votes in the senate. I don't see them yet.....

i think there will be enough repub senators that are pressured to respect the constitution by then that 67 is possible.

now, the only thing that would be better would be if trump refused to leave the whitehouse and had to be be physically removed.

the icing would be if he was convicted of money laundering and obstruction and goes to prison.

jared and junior too....
I agree, but we still need 67 votes in the senate. I don't see them yet.....
There are GOP senators from more "normal" parts of the country that would vote to convict. After the election the democrats will have a majority in the senate and getting 14 to 16 votes won't be hard, lot's of evidence will be presented. I figure he is gonna go down this spring, everything is pointing to that, mueller is not wasting his time. The GOP gotta look good for the base, put on a show, they want rid of Trump too, the sooner the better. I doubt they can brazen their way through to november when Mueller puts Frado on the stand he's gonna "crack like an egg". That's just one example of many, they want Trump impeached before they go for the juicy stuff however. Anyway. the trials are gonna happen this summer, it will be a lot easier on the GOP if they don't have to carry Trump water.

They are doing a smash and grab until they get rid of him, Mitch and Paul must be planing on retirement. I figure Mitch would rather nut himself than spend another year in bed with Trump. He's been getting an epic screwing by Trump, looks good too.
The GOP might try to delay things so that trump is impeached later, in hopes of delaying the treasonous stuff coming out in the trials until after the election. I figure impeachment is inevitable at this point, it's just a question of timing to do the minimum amount of damage to the GOP. The republicans can't just roll over, even if they know they are wrong, the base wouldn't stand for it, they expect them to protect Trump, treason and all.
There are GOP senators from more "normal" parts of the country that would vote to convict. After the election the democrats will have a majority in the senate and getting 14 to 16 votes won't be hard, lot's of evidence will be presented. I figure he is gonna go down this spring, everything is pointing to that, mueller is not wasting his time. The GOP gotta look good for the base, put on a show, they want rid of Trump too, the sooner the better. I doubt they can brazen their way through to november when Mueller puts Frado on the stand he's gonna "crack like an egg". That's just one example of many, they want Trump impeached before they go for the juicy stuff however. Anyway. the trials are gonna happen this summer, it will be a lot easier on the GOP if they don't have to carry Trump water.

They are doing a smash and grab until they get rid of him, Mitch and Paul must be planing on retirement. I figure Mitch would rather nut himself than spend another year in bed with Trump. He's been getting an epic screwing by Trump, looks good too.

do provide your list........ We need 18 gop senators. And don't include mccain. he won't be voting again....
do provide your list........ We need 18 gop senators.
Almost everyone from the northern states, those up for reelection might be concerned. I'd start with those who aren't running again, Corker and Flake. The evidence will give the GOP senators cover, more than convince them, because they are already convinced, they just need an excuse and some political cover. The GOP won't vote as a block, only the safest senators will do Donald, Mitch might even perform for the base and call them mean names.

My guess is that Mueller has a few bombshells that should shake loose some guilty votes, I figure the GOP leadership suspects this.
do provide your list........ We need 18 gop senators. And don't include mccain. he won't be voting again....

if we have literally reached the point in this democracy where republicans are going to openly commit treason, i support civil disobedience on the highest order.
do provide your list........ We need 18 gop senators. And don't include mccain. he won't be voting again....
Remember everyone of Trump's current supporters is a pre qualified sucker, the GOP knows how to con such suckers, they've been doing it for years. Trust me, they want rid of Donald, wouldn't you?:lol:
Remember everyone of Trump's current supporters is a pre qualified sucker, the GOP knows how to con such suckers, they've been doing it for years. Trust me, they want rid of Donald, wouldn't you?:lol:

There is virtually no position the gop has taken on trump I would support. I want him gone, but I am not them. To them, he is a useful idiot. He will get 100% of the blame for destroying the government and the country and they will just be astounded that trump would have done it.

They love him there to hate.

Oh, and then they will blame it all on hillary, obama, and the dems. ;)
if we have literally reached the point in this democracy where republicans are going to openly commit treason, i support civil disobedience on the highest order.
Watch the show for a bit and keep the faith. Mueller didn't take the job if he figured it was gonna be a waste of time, I'd take my cue from him.
There is virtually no position the gop has taken on trump I would support. I want him gone, but I am not them. To them, he is a useful idiot. He will get 100% of the blame for destroying the government and the country and they will just be astounded that trump would have done it.

They love him there to hate.

Oh, and then they will blame it all on hillary, obama, and the dems. ;)
They also have him around their neck like a fucking millstone
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Watching law professor Lawrence Tribe and other legal eagles on MSNBC, Trump is fucked. Trying to fire Mueller was the straw that broke the camel's back. The lawyers seem to be reaching a professional consensus about obstruction of justice, Mueller is gonna end up dragging Trump before a grand jury. Mueller knows more than these guys too.
Watching law professor Lawrence Tribe and other legal eagles on MSNBC, Trump is fucked. Trying to fire Mueller was the straw that broke the camel's back. The lawyers seem to be reaching a professional consensus about obstruction of justice, Mueller is gonna end up dragging Trump before a grand jury. Mueller knows more than these guys too.
Impeachment is not going to happen with today's republicon control of government. Maybe a complete and total drubbing in 2018 will convince the remaining Republicons to dump Trump but that's what it would take.
Impeachment is not going to happen with today's republicon control of government. Maybe a complete and total drubbing in 2018 will convince the remaining Republicons to dump Trump but that's what it would take.

Don't under estimate the stupidity of the American public.
I know, sometimes it seems they don't learn, but I figure Trump is such an utter asshole and a real and present danger that I figure they are getting sick of the bastard. He really fucked himself, in spite of massive GOP help, they went not above and beyond, but under and extinct. Think for a second, he fired Comey, tried to pressure Wray to fire McCabe and ordered the firing of Mueller, that's 3 for 3 FBI directors, the whole leadership of the FBI as witnesses for the prosecution. Trump will have to lie or plead the 5th, let's see Mitch and Paul carry that water to election day!

It must be one Helluva feeling knowing that every FBI guy in the country, is drooling for your ass. Trump is an impulsive, undisciplined, indolent, moron, and Mueller is, well Mueller, the issue is not in doubt, just the timing.
I know, sometimes it seems they don't learn, but I figure Trump is such an utter asshole and a real and present danger that I figure they are getting sick of the bastard. He really fucked himself, in spite of massive GOP help, they went not above and beyond, but under and extinct. Think for a second, he fired Comey, tried to pressure Wray to fire McCabe and ordered the firing of Mueller, that's 3 for 3 FBI directors, the whole leadership of the FBI as witnesses for the prosecution. Trump will have to lie or plead the 5th, let's see Mitch and Paul carry that water to election day!

It must be one Helluva feeling knowing that every FBI guy in the country, is drooling for your ass. Trump is an impulsive, undisciplined, indolent, moron, and Mueller is, well Mueller, the issue is not in doubt, just the timing.

trump started shit talking the FBI before the election. truth be known, most of the FBI wanna nail his fucking ass !!!!! i said election night, the times, the post and intelligence communities were gonna get him.
This gives ya insight to what is going on with the Mueller firing. It's about 16 minutes long, but I figure gives a good idea of what is taking place behind the scenes and gives you an idea of what it's like in the Trump nuthouse. Worth a watch, I figure this guy nails it. They are scared and you should be happy.
Sour Wreck read the book, what do ya think.

“Fire & Fury” Author Michael Wolff: Mueller Became An “Obsession” For Trump
I'm counting on a quick death for this thread and I don't see it being around past spring. The GOP is fighting tooth and nail for Trump only because it must, they have to con the base because Trump has such high support among them. That's what you get when you fill your party with racist morons and drive out the moderates (RINOs). Trump scooped the GOP leadership, all those years and millions of dollars cultivating these idiots and Trump came in and swept them off their feet. When Barack Obama became president the GOP became a full fledged racist organisation and filled it's ranks with the most extreme loonies in America. During the presidential primary they were not looking for a candidate, but the most extreme loonie they could find to channel their fear and rage, thus you were given Donald as a choice.

The republican leadership helped to create this tiger of a base that they must try to ride. Trump is in the saddle right now and any attempt to displace (impeach) him would cause the beast to consume them. They must be very careful and appear to the public that they have his back, but the tiger is careening towards a looming tiger trap at high speed. The GOP is eager to jump off, but must time things just right, it might help with the base, but not the election. The orange tiger is headed for the pit and a bed of shit covered spikes, they didn't even need to cover up the pit, cause this tiger is stupid.

Go tiger go...