The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


Well-Known Member
I think he will make it to 2020 personally. But hes gone after that. Hes a doucher and extremely unpopular with a majority of the voting public. He might not even run. Despite what he says. I dont even think he wants to be in the White House and was never deeply committed. But hes pissed so many people off....lets hope they get out and vote it in 2020. Lets hope the dems dont nominate a corporate dem that was hated as much as Hillary. But yeah. I think the Orange Clown will make it to 2020. And if he runs...he wont grip the White House for 4 more years.
Hope yer wrong and I figure you do too!;)

Gone by the end of spring, that would be Mar 21st for me, I figured at one point it might be as soon as feb 15th, but it will need more time, unless Trump causes a constitutional crises, ya never know with him. Watch the professional oddsmakers, yer gonna see the odds go up over time, they are already offering better than even odds he's gonna get impeached. The exact date will make a great office pool subject, cause it's gonna be as hard to figure out the downfall date of Cheeto Jesus, as it is to guess the date of the second coming of the mythical one.


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DoJ Warns Devin Nunes Against Political Stunts With Classified Material
Rachel Maddow reports on a letter from Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd to Rep. Devin Nunes, cautioning him that whatever political stunt he is trying to pull with classified material, he risks endangering national security in doing so.


Well-Known Member
Mueller to Sessions, protect the FBI or you'll spend your remaining years as the bitch of a large black man, DO IT NOW! Perjury means jail time and quality time can be arranged, Donald can only fire you, I can fuck you.

They are talking about the Mueller/Comey FBI here folks, that's who ran the place since 2001. Figure Mueller likes this shit, he shouldn't have to say a word to Sessions about it, if Jeff had half a brain he'll go to bat for the FBI, fuck Trump.
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Well-Known Member
I've been hearing the same thing since he was elected, but here we are over a year later... I'll bet accounts against anyone that he finishes his term.
Go to a booky they are giving better than even odds, ya can't do it here, there ain't no way to pull it off, yer blowing smoke...

Are ya a fan of Donald, or just a pessimist?
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Well-Known Member
So you decline? No, bookies are not giving better odds, nice try though.
Read your response again, it makes no sense. How can I accept or decline? And bookies are giving good odds to those who think Donald will be around for a year, the long term odds are always better with guys like him.

and for fun

By the time Trump is finished dragging the GOP through shit, the next elected republican president will be a transgender african American.

Are you a fan of Donald, or just a pessimist?
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Well-Known Member
I have no interest in waiting around until 2021, he's gone in March, just delete your account then, no need to wait until 2021. Pot is gonna be legal where I live soon and I figure I might change platforms before then, might not be here much by then. Like I said, read the links, the odds are getting better for you by the day, remember yer betting on Trump here. By all means go to a bookie, if yer right you'll make a fortune the odds are getting better by the day.


Well-Known Member
You should also know that you can't delete an account, the mods can ban ya for being a pain in the arse though.

PS message a mod and ask about deleting your account and see what happens...
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Well-Known Member
Maybe, but I wouldn't wanna miss the fun this summer, ya seem a might horny to bet on something, but a bet requires trust. Here's a question to assess your honesty and integrity: Now that we've had a year of Trump.

Do you think Obama was a better president than Trump?
Do you think Hillary would have made a better president?
Do you think Howdy Doody would have made a better president?

I mention Howdy because he had someone with their hand up his ass working his mouth, just like Trump does with Putin.
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Well-Known Member
Does Robert Mueller have the goods on Donald Trump?
Jill Wine-Banks, a former Watergate prosecutor, speaks to the CBC’s Wendy Mesley about special counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing investigation of the Trump administration’s possible involvement with Russia after sources say Mueller is close to interviewing Trump.

This is from CBC, Canada, so it's not "fake news".

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
20 WH staffers have been interviewed by Mueller, all of them. Hope that little weasel Stephen Miller lied his head off to the FBI!:lol:
Miller needs a little prison time. that little bitch will get his mouth shut daily in prison. he'll be lucky to come out with teeth. he will have to join the aryan nation gang and kill to get in, then tat up...

fucking moron racist pig.


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