2 dead in school shooting in KY


Well-Known Member
You are just silly to think guns are only used to kill people

Plenty depend on them for hunting to feed their families

Its no ones fault you didnt grow up in a gun friendly environment


Well-Known Member
And to rephrase
I said Statistically speaking if what you said is true

Based on the number of guns sold in the last 20 years every white male would be dead


Well-Known Member
If youve never been shooting

try it its very fun and requires skill

Its very addictive though
Just remember the 4 rules and all will be well


Well-Known Member
That doesnt answer my question
People rarely hunt with a hand gun. Hand guns far and away are the most purchased firearm in the US. Death by suicide is the most common way that a gun owner puts his hand gun to its primary purpose.

Sounds good to me.

Regarding your question about statistics, about half of all the guns in the US are owned by 3% of the gun owners. The statistic of gun ownership in the US (one gun per person) is skewed and doesn't really reflect actual gun ownership in the US. A minority of US households own a gun -- only 36%. That number is on the decline.

I have no problem with most gun ownership, I just wish gun owners would practice their own lobby group's (NRA) published safety guidelines. If they did, accidents in the home and theft of guns would go down.

That said, I'm perfectly fine with gun owners using their guns on themselves.


Well-Known Member
So you don't listen to the news and go through original sources for information? How then can one find answers? What exactly is wrong with being intellectual? Do you know how stupid headed your post was?

I called a person who uses racist and false talking points a racist. I used original source material to prove them wrong. Considering how much damage racism is doing to people in this country, calling them racist is kind by comparison.

I didn’t say that at all and the person you called a racist didn’t make racist comments. You just say he did.

And then babble on and on to try to get out of it without admitting you are wrong.


Well-Known Member
Ive hunted with a handgun plenty of times

As a non gun person you really havent much fact to base your assumptions on

I hunted tons with everything from a 22 pistol to a 44 mag

Sorry wrong again

I personally own around 15 pistols
And close to the same amount of rifles

A pistol is always out in the woods here
As a moose will stomp you pretty bad

Not to metion black and brown bear depending on where you are.

None of my guns have killed any people though



Well-Known Member
Ive hunted with a handgun plenty of times

As a non gun person you really havent much fact to base your assumptions on

I hunted tons with everything from a 22 pistol to a 44 mag

Sorry wrong again

I personally own around 15 pistols
And close to the same amount of rifles

A pistol is always out in the woods here
As a moose will stomp you pretty bad

Not to metion black and brown bear depending on where you are.

None of my guns have killed any people though

You deserve an award


Well-Known Member
If youve never shot a steel plate type targets i highly suggest it

Very satisfying to hear that bell ring

Do any of you anti gunners play first person shooter games?
Real shooting is twice as fun :)


Well-Known Member
But shooting requires skill to be good enough to have fun with it.

I have some guns that have never been cleaned lol
Another non gun person myth lol

I guess i should edit to add cleaning your gun is a good thing

But if you just run a oil brush through the barrel youll be just fine

My ak hasnt been cleaned in i dont know how long
Still does what its told


Well-Known Member
I’m pretty sure range time/ target practice is at the top of the list, not suicide.
guns were invented to kill people. that is their purpose.

the most common use of a gun for its intended purpose is suicide. killing white males, specifically.