To recommend a new user to drive a CXB3590 with 150w is not only wrong but also unfair. Running COBs above the maximum shortens their lifetime and makes them inefficient. You testify to have a buddhist attitude, but now you show how hostile you really are. You could have recommended keeping all the COB's and running them at half current ... but no, you recommend the bad thing and shovel bad things to your own karma.
BTW, I had a Vero29gen6, which I could run without problems with 5,2A. But just because it's not burned out, I recommend that to no one else.
@Elijah Ferman
If you have already bought everything, use the built-in dimmers or operate the COB's in a parallel circuit to lower the current. CXB3590 perform best when running at 36-75w (50-55% effiency), at 150w we talk about 35% effiency, not better than HPS.
Do youself a favor and and listen to what cobkits has recommended.