Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

Sent an online app 11/3. Nothing yet. No response to my email either.
Yours was sent about a week after mine and I got mine last Tuesday. I'm gonna guess yjou will have your letter in your hot little hands within 10 days! Good luck, but I found the 4 strains I ended up buying don't help me at all. On to other strains!
Has anyone recived a personal response from the IDPH recently? I’m only getting robo replies. From the look of other people’s dates, mine should be coming up sooner rather than later (Submitted 11/20) But knowing that it was actually recived doesn't seem like too much to ask.
@Chicago420 - I did receive a reply to an email confirmation request I sent a little after day 45. They said it was received 11/27 and Dr certification 11/29. Still waiting.
Has anyone recived a personal response from the IDPH recently? I’m only getting robo replies. From the look of other people’s dates, mine should be coming up sooner rather than later (Submitted 11/20) But knowing that it was actually recived doesn't seem like too much to ask.

I'm on day 82. No reply from multiple emails sent.
I'm on day 82. No reply from multiple emails sent.

Terrible. It seems it’s just random now. Some emails they answer, others they don’t.

The only silver lining is I have yet to see a application denial post, so let’s just keep hoping our relief shows up sooner rather then later.
Yours was sent about a week after mine and I got mine last Tuesday. I'm gonna guess yjou will have your letter in your hot little hands within 10 days! Good luck, but I found the 4 strains I ended up buying don't help me at all. On to other strains!

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you find tge right one soon!
I'm on day 82. No reply from multiple emails sent.

A little update to help.

I sent an email asking specifically for the status of my application in terms of whether it’s been received or not. I put in the subject line: Application Received Confirmation.

Within 5 minutes, I got an auto reply back, but this time it confirmed that my application had indeed been received!

It’s better than nothing. And that means things are moving.

Hope this helps a little.
Day 68 and no updates. Application sent 11/19
Hang in there... you're getting close. It's been running about 85 days start to finish for most people and even calling the state doesn't help. I actually got to speak with a person on two occasions and they told me I could be looking at potentially another month and I had my letter in a week so they either really have no idea, or are just giving out dates way out so people stop calling. I'm guessing you're probably about 2 weeks out and then it's off to the dispensary! The one in my area is super helpful and definitely make you feel welcome and answer any questions you have. If you aren't hugely experienced with weed, they will spend as much time as necessary to educate you and then it's just a matter of trying a few things and seeing what helps. The only limitation is you are capped at 2.5 ounces in a 14 day period but I doubt many people hit that limit due to cost and holy shit, smoking w and half ounces in two weeks would be challenging for most. They have software that auto-tracks your totals so you can always check if you are concerned about getting close.. trust me, it's worth the wait! I've actually slept better in the last week than I have in probably 15 years!
Timeline update

Sent electronically 11/6

Recieved letter for missing doctors reccomendation 1/19

Electronically submitted doctors reccomendation again 1/22

Recieved approval 1/26

Waiting on card printing. Called the state and was informed that they are back to printing cards no more of the interim letters.

I’m very new to the site. I joined because of this thread. I just sent in my application today. My doctor said she would do it in the beginning if the week, but I ended up in the hospital. Luckily I was able to luckily keep my appointment today right after I got out and they helped me with my application as well as did fingerprints and pictures for me and my mom who will be my caregiver. I feel like I’m the odd wo(men) out kind of because I’m very excited for the chance to try marijuana and hopefully get off a lot of medications but my experiences with it in the past have not been so great. I’ve gotten paranoid and uncomfortable and didn’t find any pain relief but I was told that there’s some many strains and they would be able to find the right one for me. I also have a 7 year old so I want to be aware enough to care for her. Also I haven’t seen anyone with the condition I have and I’m hoping this post will help me find someone as well as maybe qualm my fears about how I will do on pot. I have MS which has caused trigeminal neuralgia (yes the “suicide disease”.) Due to MS I have atypical so constant pain as well as what I call shooting pain. Opiates do nothing for it. The only thing that does is tegretol and it keeps lowering my sodium level so much they send me to the hospital. I’m having my second nerve block soon. Basically I’m desperate. I know marijuana helps MS but do any of you have TN and find relief? I’m also looking for relief from MS spascity, back pain, anxiety, and PTSD. Can I get relief from the bladder spasms or the numbness and tingling in my extremities? I am also anxiously waiting and have been trying to find out why they deny people’s cards so I can be prepared but I can’t find it online. Well that was a very long post and a lot of questions but I will be very thankful for anyone’s who answers.

Thanks so much!!!

Aeq.. I have similar problems tolerating most strains out there. The beauty of this mmj situation is you can get a known type with stated thc/cbd ratios. I did an experiment in Colorado about 3 years ago with interesting results. I was first administered a high thc/low cbd strain and the result was my usual.. paranoia, anxiety, nervousness etc. I felt myself panicking. Immediately after that, even though it was the last thing I wanted, I was administered a strain that was high in cbd and low in thc. Within a short time I relaxed and felt completely the opposite of how the high thc strain made me feel. It was one of those moments that few strains had produced in my younger life. The only difference was that I never knew why this occurred or what strain I was even smoking in the wild. It was a very eye opening experience in that I not only learned what would work best for me, but also that if someone like me did get ahold of something high in thc, using a high cbd product directly afterwards would counteract it. I believe that I need *some* thc. I have used cbd only oils and literally there is no effect on my mood/personality. I also could not confirm any physical effects, but my goal in it's use was cancer treatment. If the strain you try is say a 2:1 cbd to thc ratio, I'll bet it will make all the difference for you. I recently spied this one on my (future) dispensary website called Euphoria that is cultivated by Shelby County Community Services. Its 12.45% cbd and 6.11% thc. I was told by the state that my app was approved when I called this past monday, so I'm assuming some card or letter should arrive any day now. I'm looking forward to trying Euphoria or some similarly situated strain to see if it relieves my pain, stress and anxiety. I really believe something like what I'm suggesting would work for you because our reactions are so similar. One thing to add is that even though I do feel what I guess you would call "high" when using a strain like this, I don't feel impaired in the sense that I'm fully aware and in control of myself and surroundings which is a MUST for me. This is also a big reason that I live in extreme pain daily and reject narcotics to try to relieve it, not to mention a host of other side effects that narcotics cause such as nausea, constipation and a very odd whooshing sound in my head! Come on card, get here already!

Applied electronically 11/9/2017. Called state 01/22/2018 and was told I was approved and a letter was being sent. Have not received it as of today 01/27/2018, but hopeful for this upcoming week. I did not have any issues with unsubmitted doctor verifications or photo problems, etc. I say this based on the call with the state and assuming the woman I spoke with is correct and I am actually approved. I'll update when something is received.

Peace ✌
Well just in case anyone here isn't convinced that this state is broke because of their own insanity...I got my approval letter on 1/19. The letter states in great big bold highlighted words that you will not be issued a second copy of the letter if it gets lost so don't lose it. Over the next week I received two more copies of the letter with my same QP number so I know they were just duplicates for some reason and then yesterday I received my actual card. I'm no genius but spending the postage for 3 letters and a card in 8 days seems a bit wasteful, especially if they are doing this with everyone...thats a lot of wasted tax dollars.

I have had pretty good luck with getting better sleep and since my first visit to the dispensary but I'm still working on finding the right stuff to help with pain....but I'm sure I'll get it figured out!

To everyone still waiting, hang in's worth the wait when you finally get the card!

Applied by mail 10/27
Approval letter 01/19
Received card 01/27
So i filled out my application on 11/19 through earthmed and received an email on Jan 27 stating my applcation was just receved on 1/22. Kinda frustrating that it has taken over 70 days for my applcation to be received. Now I'm wondering if it will take another 70 days for an update
I applied 2 weeks ago. My physician had mailed in the physicians statement a month or 2 earlier. My non refundable payment was cashed within 2 days. Good sign? I didn't know that they held up the payment options until you were approved. Why make it non refundable and then people wait for the check to be cashed.
I applied online and didn't have to pay the$250 because I have a Social Security disability. I paid just over $125 and I opted for the 2 year card. I wonder if I checked 1 year, or 3 years.
It seems that if you mail a check it doesnt get cashed until they start to process your application. If you apply online with a credit card they take the payment right away. Either way most everyone has been waiting at least 80 days.

I would reccomend that at some point you call them to make sure the doctors reccomendation has been associated with your paperwork. They managed to misplace mine and it cost an extra 2 weeks. They are easiest to reach early in the day.
It seems that if you mail a check it doesnt get cashed until they start to process your application. If you apply online with a credit card they take the payment right away. Either way most everyone has been waiting at least 80 days.

I would reccomend that at some point you call them to make sure the doctors reccomendation has been associated with your paperwork. They managed to misplace mine and it cost an extra 2 weeks. They are easiest to reach early in the day.
Thanks for the reply. Makes sense to me. Applying online isn't too hard to do. I have been waiting for years so a couple or so weeks makes no difference. I just need relief.