I’m very new to the site. I joined because of this thread. I just sent in my application today. My doctor said she would do it in the beginning if the week, but I ended up in the hospital. Luckily I was able to luckily keep my appointment today right after I got out and they helped me with my application as well as did fingerprints and pictures for me and my mom who will be my caregiver. I feel like I’m the odd wo(men) out kind of because I’m very excited for the chance to try marijuana and hopefully get off a lot of medications but my experiences with it in the past have not been so great. I’ve gotten paranoid and uncomfortable and didn’t find any pain relief but I was told that there’s some many strains and they would be able to find the right one for me. I also have a 7 year old so I want to be aware enough to care for her. Also I haven’t seen anyone with the condition I have and I’m hoping this post will help me find someone as well as maybe qualm my fears about how I will do on pot. I have MS which has caused trigeminal neuralgia (yes the “suicide disease”.) Due to MS I have atypical so constant pain as well as what I call shooting pain. Opiates do nothing for it. The only thing that does is tegretol and it keeps lowering my sodium level so much they send me to the hospital. I’m having my second nerve block soon. Basically I’m desperate. I know marijuana helps MS but do any of you have TN and find relief? I’m also looking for relief from MS spascity, back pain, anxiety, and PTSD. Can I get relief from the bladder spasms or the numbness and tingling in my extremities? I am also anxiously waiting and have been trying to find out why they deny people’s cards so I can be prepared but I can’t find it online. Well that was a very long post and a lot of questions but I will be very thankful for anyone’s who answers.
Thanks so much!!!