Been battling a strong russet mite infestation. Chopped everything in the flower tent, kept my 1 GG#4 that ive only flowered 2 times and 1 emdogg that seemed nice although im not a fan of its effects. Been using
- Doktor Doom
- Safer
- liquid lady bug
- green clean
Spraying every 3rd day for the past 3 weeks rotating sprays every time and i seem to be winning th battle.
My plants have turned strong green again and very little mite sign but definitely some.
I have read some about pyrithrins not bring a good thing. Doktor doom has some and so does safer. Any thoughts from anyone are appreciated.
- Doktor Doom
- Safer
- liquid lady bug
- green clean
Spraying every 3rd day for the past 3 weeks rotating sprays every time and i seem to be winning th battle.
My plants have turned strong green again and very little mite sign but definitely some.
I have read some about pyrithrins not bring a good thing. Doktor doom has some and so does safer. Any thoughts from anyone are appreciated.