What the heck is going on with pot prices?

What's all legal mean? Rec? Medical? Im in so cal as well.
I'm seeing ins right now from 14 to 18.
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No brown on the leaves either. Pic 4 of yours has some leaves that look in bad shape in the background.

Rec, “Cultivator”, established “collective”, only providing to Pre-ICO’s that I have a long standing rapport with. Several Facilities in the process of licensing.

My buddy said he was getting “bomb OG’s” for his shop @16. I know that his “bomb” is good, but usually has that butchered Cali trim. Numbers at the high end and others on the low. A lot of it depends on the demographics of the dispensaries you deal with. There are shops that do not acquire high end product because they do not have “connoisseur patients”, their patients want as much as possible for the least amount out of pocket. Again, Walmart VS Whole Foods.

Anything not being “raced to grace the shelves” is hitting the street, where there are a lot of people looking to unload.

@24-28, this isn’t being “brokered” around, for a “point” here, a “couple points there” per bow, until it leaves the state. It goes from scissors to shelf.

Believe the numbers, call me a liar, whatever.
Well... youre wrong. As proven by the legalization of alcohol. It took a few years to Stamp Out all the illegal producers but it was done. There is no black market for alcohol really anymore. And we will follow suit... simply because all those corporations that have to follow rules and regulations and pay taxes and Licensing fees and all of that shit will complain to the government that their efforts are being undermined by black marketeers. So just like with booze laws will be written to severely punish those weed black marketeers... because the whole point of legalization was to get rid of the black market....

Make no mistake... we are living the last days of the weed Black Market.
You can still get as much moon shine as you want and it is still very profitable for the distiller . And you can get it cheaper than store bought liquor.
You think just because the government helped you out by fucking everyone else think again .
How much moon shine and white lightning do you want me to bring you from Tennessee or Kentucky?
I will get you as much as you want , cheap too.
I am sure they are still making shine because there is no profit or market for it.
Get real
That’s crazy I can see why they’re the bane of your existence. If it were me going through what you have I’d prob have the same feeling about them. But I’m an engineer by trade and super inquisitive so I’m always looking at tech regardless if it’s farming tech or whatever. I simply like knowing and learning something new. My wife hates it at times because I’m full of just as much useless knowledge as I am useful. Lol
Some times engineers have a tendency to over think things
You can still get as much moon shine as you want and it is still very profitable for the distiller . And you can get it cheaper than store bought liquor.
You think just because the government helped you out by fucking everyone else think again .
How much moon shine and white lightning do you want me to bring you from Tennessee or Kentucky?
I will get you as much as you want , cheap too.
I am sure they are still making shine because there is no profit or market for it.
Get real
You cant get em all...
But you can most of them.
Which is what happened to moonshiners. The ones that are left are so small time they dont matter. And how many left of those?

Same thing with those knock-off producers of brand name items...like sunglasses, shoes and so on.

The same will happen with weed...

And what gets me about the weed guys is that theyre all sour about "their" market being taken away from them....hahahaha
Dude, why you breaking this guys balls, yea you can make alot of money growing g tomato's

How much do you think a five ton compressor and a evaporator costs to change ? How much does a condenser coil cost? I just quoted you a price from about twenty years ago on a water furnace, it may be cheaper now I do not know, I avoid them like the ague because of past experiences , just saying a normal T stat at lowes is 40 bucks ,
What's a new geo system cost these days? I do not know I haven't fucked qith them in some time.
I won't either if I can help it,
I was involved with putting in hundreds of geothermal heat pump systems in a commercial building once, closed loop sunk in a deep pond, some fool let the loop get sand and gravel in it, shit that normally goes wrong , nothing but hundreds of fucked up systems ,
I just do not like them , for a lot of reasons , I don't mind that you do or others I've just seen to much shot fuck up with them and when it does wow
Show me the stats of big money on closet tomatoes grows. Greenhouse grows of tomatoes cover hundreds of acres in central cali, they arent banking like that. Usda website has value of crops per acre, check it out..
I am a libertarian cock sucker and everyone knlw we are the worst,
You get paid what your worth no one owes you shit, yoir really not that special.
Your old Republican boss probably fired your ass for doing nothing and thinking your worth a million a hour.
I notice how you like calling Republicans names but you know what? It's the cock suckong liberals only issuing growing g licenses to their rich buddies in many states, Nevada cones to mind and other states I could me too locking all the small guys out.
What is fascism? It's the merger between corporate and government interests.
Just like when you cock sucking liberals let the insurance industry write the healthcare bill so they could profit from it. Or handing out liceences to their friends ONLY and regulating and taxing everyone of their competitors out of business.
There is plenty of bull shit in both political party's , you only recognize the idiots in the Republican party and you should not be such a hypocrite when it comes to liberals .
Of you applied a equal standard to yourselves .
You act like it's only Republican that grope women and get a piece of ass then ignore liberals doing worse .
Jesus knock it off already you have already lost any cred you ever had.
All I was talking about was pot prices.
So, you're proud of being a Libertarian cocksucker?
So I've " already lost any cred you ever had"
How about also being proud of being a fucking idiot?
How about this thread was supposed to be about the price of pot, and not some fucked up dialogue about the benefits of geothermal vs HVAC.
How about you go back to school, and learn how fucking type
Your annoying, or has anyone never told you that before?
Show me the stats of big money on closet tomatoes grows. Greenhouse grows of tomatoes cover hundreds of acres in central cali, they arent banking like that. Usda website has value of crops per acre, check it out..
Don't even waste your time explaining common sense to this guy, it's hopeless
And they were just selling the plants. A big greenhouse with indeterminate tomatoe plants can break 6 figures if you really dial it in.

I'm really curious about strawberries. They're a photoperiod plant just like cannabis. Imagine the looks when people ask how you made your fortune and the answer starts with "I built a bunch of big light dep greenhouses" and ends with "to grow strawberries year round".

I've looked into it a bit. It's already a thing. Gotta poke around the local market a bit.
Its a thing down here. Muliti huge greenhouses full of strawberrys.
All I was talking about was pot prices.
So, you're proud of being a Libertarian cocksucker?
So I've " already lost any cred you ever had"
How about also being proud of being a fucking idiot?
How about this thread was supposed to be about the price of pot, and not some fucked up dialogue about the benefits of geothermal vs HVAC.
How about you go back to school, and learn how fucking type
Your annoying, or has anyone never told you that before?
I do my best, especially when bawl babys cry about how life ain't fair, of you do not like the general conversation of the room there is a bawl baby room with crying towels in the politics section, if I member right you were the one bawl babying about Republicans, and how much you think you re worth.
If you are worth it you would be earning it wouldn't you?
I will be around long after your gone dude
Every time , no exception when ever government t gets involved you have to pay for those leach ass cock sucking do nothing steal from everyone they run across ass holes. This adds to the bottom line .
This will make the cost of the product more expensive making it much easier for the black market to kick their ass.
You should see some of the crazy ass shit being proposed in Michigan , such as growing EVERYTHING from seeds .
This is what happens when government gets involved .
How are you going to control quality and production by seed? How you going to compete with low production and shit quality?
All weed will be transported by licensed armours car vehicles to and from testing and other places,
Do you know what a armoured car costs just to transport weed?
Crazy mother fuckers fuck up a wet dream .

Lol. As soon as everyone complies they will change it again. And when we get rec. all new bigger players will come in and it will change again.

I don’t even want my medical card renewed in the fuckhole of criminal politics called Michigan.
You're right about that but one dying leaf on a plant that looks like it's on the day of harvest is a pretty weak ass and petty thing to attack if you're trying to discredit someone else to make yourself look better.

That's all you've done in your few posts since you showed up in this thread. I'll be ignoring your account now. I don't waste my time with bullies

I agree. I was trying to be respectful and got beat up as if the weed would just impress the hell out of me. But the quality of at least those plants was typical cash cropper.
Well... youre wrong. As proven by the legalization of alcohol. It took a few years to Stamp Out all the illegal producers but it was done. There is no black market for alcohol really anymore. And we will follow suit... simply because all those corporations that have to follow rules and regulations and pay taxes and Licensing fees and all of that shit will complain to the government that their efforts are being undermined by black marketeers. So just like with booze laws will be written to severely punish those weed black marketeers... because the whole point of legalization was to get rid of the black market....

Make no mistake... we are living the last days of the weed Black Market.

I disagree. Knowledgeable smokers, Growers and their friends and families and generally connisours and real Med patients rarely go to dispensaries or stores.

They also bounce caregivers who can’t meet their needs.

And they are exceedingly vocal about it.

When you need the quality you need it.
I do my best, especially when bawl babys cry about how life ain't fair, of you do not like the general conversation of the room there is a bawl baby room with crying towels in the politics section, if I member right you were the one bawl babying about Republicans, and how much you think you re worth.
If you are worth it you would be earning it wouldn't you?
I will be around long after your gone dude
come to Politics, and we can discuss this further