Trump's "shithole" gaff.

Oh that's how the White House spelled it on the agenda of the day. So on my end its a dig at an administration that can't even spell the name of our guests right, repeatedly, like Teresa May three times when she visited, what a way to show honer and respect to our guests. But Predisent Trump only hires the best for his consenual predisency. There lack of professionalism is unpresidented. But all that aside I'm still inspired by his inaugural poster quote, " No dream is too big, no challenge is to great"
Oh. Ok. It won't bother me now. Carry on.

It was my ocd acting up. Now I know the reason it won't bother me.
Oh that's how the White House spelled it on the agenda of the day. So on my end its a dig at an administration that can't even spell the name of our guests right, repeatedly, like Teresa May three times when she visited, what a way to show honer and respect to our guests. But Predisent Trump only hires the best for his consenual predisency. There lack of professionalism is unpresidented. But all that aside I'm still inspired by his inaugural poster quote, " No dream is too big, no challenge is to great"
Well in the land of Nambia, they read Second Corinthians whilst the covfefe flows freely and use only the best words.
Most business owners would tell you what their business is. All the hard work we put into getting it started and keeping it profitable. Never met one yet who would not proudly say what he/she does. What age range you fall ? have you hit 21 yet ?
Actually i would however there seems to a stalker here named unclebuck he already thinks i am someone else and i get a weird vibe about him narc maybe? last thing i need is weirdo's having the ability to screw with my real life. Furthermore when you business it not federally legal you would have to be an idiot to post info about it on the web..
Actually i would however there seems to a stalker here named unclebuck he already thinks i am someone else and i get a weird vibe about him narc maybe? last thing i need is weirdo's having the ability to screw with my real life. Furthermore when you business it not federally legal you would have to be an idiot to post info about it on the web..
I'm sorry but I get the smell of bullshit when ever I read your post
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Just because your broke joke trailer park ass don't know how to take advantage of things in a wonderful city , don't expect others to be the same way. So much history in that city. I could name several cities and states that gets much hotter than Mobile Alabama, Hell its a port city so it gets a cool off by the water. Your dumbness is on par with your idiocy . I guess you would hate Florida and Hawaii it gets hot there as well, but I understand coming from your point of view. Being dirt poor, uneducated, living in a trailer ( I image that box would get hot ), you would hate just about any city you lived in. is not the city.

I spend most of my free time outside, so your argument is stupid. tell me more about my city dude, cuz your take on it is soooo fucking interesting!

how's the fishing down there in and around mobile, pretty good? or are you just rancid trailer trash that's so dirt ass* poor you can't afford air conditioning while you're fishing mobile? any good mx tracks? gators pretty big? frog legs good? el oh fucking el.

Jesus you're dumb.
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Actually i would however there seems to a stalker here named unclebuck he already thinks i am someone else and i get a weird vibe about him narc maybe? last thing i need is weirdo's having the ability to screw with my real life. Furthermore when you business it not federally legal you would have to be an idiot to post info about it on the web..

  1. There is no way you're American.
  2. There is no way English is your native language.
  3. If you are either of the above, given your complete lack of grammar in every sense of the word, there is no way you're older than 12.
I spend most of my free time outside, so your argument is stupid. tell me more about my city dude, cuz your take on it is soooo fucking interesting!

how's the fishing down there in and around mobile, pretty good? or are you just rancid trailer trash that's so dirt ass* poor you can't afford air conditioning while you're fishing mobile? any good mx tracks? gators pretty big? frog legs good? el oh fucking el.

Jesus you're dumb.
triggered to confusion ^^^^^^^
My argument was you thinking Mobile is a shithole just because at times it can be hot. I still blame the trailer life. Hey how many children do you have ? How many by you ?