F'n Georgia... We have a looooong way to go

You know what's funny about idiots like you?

You spout off these long, long rants and you have NO CLUE what you're talking about.

To hear you tell it, 63 young, law abiding, fine, upstanding little children were innocently standing around doing absolutely nothing wrong when a SWAT team dropped on their heads from a helicopter and arrested them all over a single joint laying on the ground a mile away that wasn't theirs.

That is NOT what happened.

What happened was ONCE AGAIN a party of young, black youth completely over ran a house with a block party. The party got COMPLETELY out of hand with loud music, screaming, yelling, fights...

and then the gun shots went off.

Yes, you read that right. Gun shots.

Now, to clue you in, that is fucking illegal - firing a gun in a residential neighborhood AND marijuana.

So the cops showed up because they were CALLED THERE BY THE NEIGHBORS.

Now, what the cops really, REALLY wanted to know was: who fired the gun shots?

Nobody would talk. The place reeked of pot. All over. And as idiots go, these kids were top drawer. They actually just threw it right there on the fucking lawn at the officers feet essentially.

So the cops then start asking, 'whose dope is this' and 'where are the guns'?

Nobody talks.

So they bust all of them, take them down to the detention center, process them, get a warrant, go back to the house and what do they find?

MORE drugs, the guns, and lots of other shit as well.

All of it ILLEGAL.

Now, this wouldn't really be all that big a deal if:
  1. A party exactly like this turned into a shooting that killed 6 youths about 4 miles away from that location last year.
  2. Somebody had simply owned up to the pot and taken it like a man.
  3. Somebody had turned over the guns, claimed one was accidentally discharged and take whatever citation they had coming.
But you know why none of them would do that?

Because, surprise surprise, MOST of them have criminal records, are under age and not even eligible to own a hand gun and are not old enough to qualify for any sort of medicinal marijuana license.

In other words, they all, being the criminal minded people they are, didn't want to get busted AGAIN because they knew they'd be in a world of shit for 2nd, 3rd, 4th or however many other offenses they may have had.

But keep on defending idiots like this. It's what sets marijuana legislation for everybody else back 100 years.

Who cares if they were black? Who cares if some people got shot last year? What does that have to do with arresting 70 people for a bag of weed? And why are you assuming 70 people were all trying to avoid their 2nd 3rd and 4th criminal offense, is it because they're black? I'm not trying to put words in your mouth but it sure seems that way.
Have you ever partied with 70 people that have a combined total of 140 strikes on their criminal record?

I've never partied with more than a dozen or so at a time much less 70.
It's a B/S hassle that I hope doesn't hold up in court & maybe they can push for some false arrest retribution.
The cops were pissed off plain and simple & tried to hold everyone responsible.

Once again, Pure Bull Shit.
I've never partied with more than a dozen or so at a time much less 70.
It's a B/S hassle that I hope doesn't hold up in court & maybe they can push for some false arrest retribution.
The cops were pissed off plain and simple & tried to hold everyone responsible.

Once again, Pure Bull Shit.

I remember frat rush parties in school with that many people or more.

You didn't even know most of them, just the small crew you went in with to check it out.

How the fuck would I knew whose weed they were passing me? I just hit it and passed it to the next guy.