F'n Georgia... We have a looooong way to go

i agree GA is fucked up, so is FL, AL, MS, LA and TX.

its in the water !!!!!!!

At least Georgia is slowly coming around.

We've already expanded medicinal use. The City of Atlanta has already decriminalized marijuana possession under an ounce. It is now, literally, a parking ticket citation.

Other jurisdictions are also going the same way one by one.

The problem though is that many jurisdictions are not, and rather than playing by the rules and learning what is overlooked vs what isn't, the typical village idiots look at sheer stupidity like having a fucking block party loud enough to have people call the police on you while smoking dope and then have the mitigated gall to blame the police for it.

It's stupid shit like that that sets the movement back a hundred years.

If people would stop being fucking idiots, we'd be a lot further along than we are right now.
How old am i Taco?

You sound like some of the youth egged your house and now ya got sand in ya pussy.

70 people knew exactly who owned 1 sack of weed???

Please keep posting.....you are crackin me up.
So there wasn't one single man with any balls at all?

And you blame the State of Georgia for that?

That ain't Georgia's fault, pal. That's a bunch of pussies with NO balls and NO honor. Rather than man up and take a misdemeanor, they all pussied out hoping to get away with it.

People that break the law like I do have two ways to do it: the honorable way or the criminal way.

I do it the honorable way. I've never had a problem.

They did it the criminal way as usual. That's why they have the problem.

Relying on that pesky Constitution means somebody has no balls or honor?
It's "narc", dumbass. It's short for narcotics.

And no, I'm not.

You on the other hand, are a complete dumbass.

Yes, you are. ;) Established on countless threads.

So how do you know so much about this case? It was a party. Isn't it possible someone who was there earlier left them and they didn't belong to any of the remaining guests?

This is a total and complete misapplication of constructive possession. There is no presumption under the law that anybody has to accept responsibility for a crime they didn't commit. None. Nada. Zipp.

In fact, for constructive possession to even be a possible charge, the people arrested had to both that the drugs existed, been a party to their use, and that it was a crime to possess them. So 70 people knew there was less than an ounce of weed in a crowded party? And be complicit in it being there?

And somehow, magically, somebody was supposed to claim ownership of something they didn't know was there?

Think about it. 70 people and one baggie of weed. They didn't find any other drugs anywhere, on anyone. It wasn't exactly a 420 bash.

You live in a strange, misguided world of law enforcement.

What's next, arrest everyone at a football game because some loose joints were found in a restroom and nobody would take the charge?

Really? For weed?

You are a twister person. Just saying.
You are a twister person. Just saying.


I want to play with these ladies...

Yes, you are. ;) Established on countless threads.

So how do you know so much about this case? It was a party. Isn't it possible someone who was there earlier left them and they didn't belong to any of the remaining guests?

This is a total and complete misapplication of constructive possession. There is no presumption under the law that anybody has to accept responsibility for a crime they didn't commit. None. Nada. Zipp.

In fact, for constructive possession to even be a possible charge, the people arrested had to both that the drugs existed, been a party to their use, and that it was a crime to possess them. So 70 people knew there was less than an ounce of weed in a crowded party? And be complicit in it being there?

And somehow, magically, somebody was supposed to claim ownership of something they didn't know was there?

Think about it. 70 people and one baggie of weed. They didn't find any other drugs anywhere, on anyone. It wasn't exactly a 420 bash.

You live in a strange, misguided world of law enforcement.

What's next, arrest everyone at a football game because some loose joints were found in a restroom and nobody would take the charge?

Really? For weed?

You are a twister person. Just saying.
Good point.
I was once stopped in the out skirts of Atlanta and I had two pounds in the car. The officer said he was going to impound my car and that I had to take a ride with him. I asked if I could put some things in the trunk because the car wouldn't lock , he said ok, so I throw some clothes on the sack of weed, grab the whole pile and toss it in the trunk. And he placed cuffs on me and as soon as it clicked that MF went from Mr nice guy to instant dickhead . He drove me way out in the country and put me out, WTF, he gives me a ticket and said have a nice day. I had to walk like 10 miles to get home. And the court date was on a Saturday, I showed up and the clerk laughed at me saying" we don't have court on Saturday" ...... WTF.
Wrong. Again. As usual.

See? Criminals with no sense of justice all think the same way.

They all knew whose weed it was. They all got high and mighty, figured they'd stonewall the cops because, you know, fuck the cops, and they'd get away with it.

They literally left the police with NO CHOICE in the matter. The law, for better or worse, IS THE FUCKING LAW.

But they're too arrogant, too stupid, and too spoiled to know any better.

Just like you people are. You think NOBODY ever has to answer for ANYTHING.

You are wrong. SOMEBODY does. And when an entire group of people who were:
  1. Stupid enough to have a block party so fucking loud the police were called.
  2. Have dope at that party that was so fucking loud the police were called.
  3. Knew who brought the dope to the party that was so fucking loud the police were called.
Suddenly act like they're all innocent, pure as the driven snow kiddies that never did anything wrong go to jail over it you all come out in DEFENSE of that stupid bullshit.

Again, you're part of the problem. When you defend stupidity, arrogance, irresponsibility, lunacy, and everything else of that ilk, you make yourself part of the problem, not part of the solution.

And THAT is why it is so very hard to get any pro-marijuana legislation passed: what politician can go to his constituency and say, "Yeah...I'd like to advocate for completely irresponsible morons!" ?

What makes it all even worse is that people like you can't see it. That is why it will never, ever be legal in this state in your lifetime.
I get the feeling you might not be, exactly, pro cannabis??
So there wasn't one single man with any balls at all?

And you blame the State of Georgia for that?

That ain't Georgia's fault, pal. That's a bunch of pussies with NO balls and NO honor. Rather than man up and take a misdemeanor, they all pussied out hoping to get away with it.

People that break the law like I do have two ways to do it: the honorable way or the criminal way.

I do it the honorable way. I've never had a problem.

They did it the criminal way as usual. That's why they have the problem.
It's "narc", dumbass. It's short for narcotics.

And no, I'm not.

You on the other hand, are a complete dumbass.

So you went full retard eh? Never go full retard. Let's explain some things you fail to fucking grasp with your tiny and angry brain. You are a criminal. You have ingested marijuana and it is currently illegal under federal law. So I advise you find your local federal building, bring your weed, and turn yourself in. No? Then please shut the fuck up. You expect 70 people to take the fail for one person and that is your idea of justice? With that mentality, anytime a crime is committed within 50 feet of you, you are assumed guilty. What you seem to miss, and here's where is gets good...THIS IS A FUCKING MARIJUANA FORUM FOR PEOPLE THAT SMOKE MARIJUANA IN ALL 50 STATES AND ALL OF US ARE VIOLATING FEDERAL LAW AND ARE TECHNICALLY CRIMINALS! Ok, you got that?

Now, dumbass, here's where you should pay attention, not a SINGLE ONE of those charges will be held up in court. Which would mean what....they aren't CRIMINALS AND YOU STILL ARE BY A TECHNICALITY! HOLY SHIT MINDS EXPLODING EVERYWHERE!

Also you arrogant subhuman this is where the word NARK comes from:

Surprisingly, the word nark did not get its start as a clipped form of narcotics officer. The term, in the sense of a police informer, dates to the mid-19th century. With the advent of police narcotics divisions, officers, and agents in the 1960s, the influence of the word narcotics gave rise to the narc spelling and narrowed the sense to mean a police officer who investigates drug offenses.

The word nark first appears in the 1846 edition of Swell’s Night Guide, meaning an unpleasant person:

They are the rankest narks vot ever God put guts into, or ever farted in a kickses case.
So you went full retard eh? Never go full retard. Let's explain some things you fail to fucking grasp with your tiny and angry brain. You are a criminal. You have ingested marijuana and it is currently illegal under federal law. So I advise you find your local federal building, bring your weed, and turn yourself in. No? Then please shut the fuck up. You expect 70 people to take the fail for one person and that is your idea of justice? With that mentality, anytime a crime is committed within 50 feet of you, you are assumed guilty. What you seem to miss, and here's where is gets good...THIS IS A FUCKING MARIJUANA FORUM FOR PEOPLE THAT SMOKE MARIJUANA IN ALL 50 STATES AND ALL OF US ARE VIOLATING FEDERAL LAW AND ARE TECHNICALLY CRIMINALS! Ok, you got that?

Now, dumbass, here's where you should pay attention, not a SINGLE ONE of those charges will be held up in court. Which would mean what....they aren't CRIMINALS AND YOU STILL ARE BY A TECHNICALITY! HOLY SHIT MINDS EXPLODING EVERYWHERE!

Also you arrogant subhuman this is where the word NARK comes from:

Surprisingly, the word nark did not get its start as a clipped form of narcotics officer. The term, in the sense of a police informer, dates to the mid-19th century. With the advent of police narcotics divisions, officers, and agents in the 1960s, the influence of the word narcotics gave rise to the narc spelling and narrowed the sense to mean a police officer who investigates drug offenses.

The word nark first appears in the 1846 edition of Swell’s Night Guide, meaning an unpleasant person:

They are the rankest narks vot ever God put guts into, or ever farted in a kickses case.
Technically I'm a florist.:eyesmoke:
An epic amount of pure bullshit.

You know what's funny about idiots like you?

You spout off these long, long rants and you have NO CLUE what you're talking about.

To hear you tell it, 63 young, law abiding, fine, upstanding little children were innocently standing around doing absolutely nothing wrong when a SWAT team dropped on their heads from a helicopter and arrested them all over a single joint laying on the ground a mile away that wasn't theirs.

That is NOT what happened.

What happened was ONCE AGAIN a party of young, black youth completely over ran a house with a block party. The party got COMPLETELY out of hand with loud music, screaming, yelling, fights...

and then the gun shots went off.

Yes, you read that right. Gun shots.

Now, to clue you in, that is fucking illegal - firing a gun in a residential neighborhood AND marijuana.

So the cops showed up because they were CALLED THERE BY THE NEIGHBORS.

Now, what the cops really, REALLY wanted to know was: who fired the gun shots?

Nobody would talk. The place reeked of pot. All over. And as idiots go, these kids were top drawer. They actually just threw it right there on the fucking lawn at the officers feet essentially.

So the cops then start asking, 'whose dope is this' and 'where are the guns'?

Nobody talks.

So they bust all of them, take them down to the detention center, process them, get a warrant, go back to the house and what do they find?

MORE drugs, the guns, and lots of other shit as well.

All of it ILLEGAL.

Now, this wouldn't really be all that big a deal if:
  1. A party exactly like this turned into a shooting that killed 6 youths about 4 miles away from that location last year.
  2. Somebody had simply owned up to the pot and taken it like a man.
  3. Somebody had turned over the guns, claimed one was accidentally discharged and take whatever citation they had coming.
But you know why none of them would do that?

Because, surprise surprise, MOST of them have criminal records, are under age and not even eligible to own a hand gun and are not old enough to qualify for any sort of medicinal marijuana license.

In other words, they all, being the criminal minded people they are, didn't want to get busted AGAIN because they knew they'd be in a world of shit for 2nd, 3rd, 4th or however many other offenses they may have had.

But keep on defending idiots like this. It's what sets marijuana legislation for everybody else back 100 years.
