EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

you're full of shit, therefore your mouth reeks of it..btw nice sig:wink:

Care to explain how I'm "full of shit"?

Or feel free to continue your meltdown/mental breakdown.
This is great- listen to how Jones responds when a traveler confronts for harassing Sanders.

Also someone needs to tell Jones to stop shopping in the boys department and get some clothes that fit.

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Jimmy Dore's show fits the definition of propaganda. Too bad you listen to him. You should go in for a head exam and deprogramming.
You use the same excuse for any evidence that contradicts your opinion

You dismiss it outright, on arbitrary basis, because you don't like it, and it disproves the claims you make, rather than addressing the substance of the argument being made...

...just like conservatives