EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

reported. citation.
Literally everyone has seen your shit, hagtard, I can't be bothered reposting it.

Also, as I've told you many times...they don't read your reports because you're so severely mentally unhinged.

I was referring to the one you were speaking to.
Can't be bothered = baseless character assassination.

Because you can't debate honestly.

You're such a pathetic clown in your desperate need for approval, Stinkydigit.
how in Gods name do we get them to do that,,, i have several in my family alone, and they will vote replubliTARD until the day they die,, its confusing, half of them are on social security and 2 of them on are on disability?,,, it warps my brain,

That's the nut I've been trying to crack for years, without success.

It's the reason I fear this country must have another Great Crash and Republican led Great Depression before we pull our heads out of the propaganda perpetuated by the current corporatocracy.

Big words, I know- but the long and short is that such people are dooming us to an ugly future, one in which they will suffer more than most.
how in Gods name do we get them to do that,,, i have several in my family alone, and they will vote replubliTARD until the day they die,, its confusing, half of them are on social security and 2 of them on are on disability?,,, it warps my brain,
My grandparents (my mom's folks) came from Nebraska, lived through the Great Depression, went to church, had a big garden until they either died or were literally too old to tend it anymore, held college degrees, worked conservative jobs in education and real estate...


They saw what the Republicans did to our country. The only difference between 1930 and 2017 is that now both parties represent the rich at the expense of the rest of us.

I wish I knew the answer. Maybe it's to let the current administration run its course and let those who are smart enough to think for themselves make their own decisions.

Sadly, there may not be enough of them left.
Can't be bothered = baseless character assassination.

Because you can't debate honestly.

You're such a pathetic clown in your desperate need for approval, Stinkydigit.
You've seen the posts with your own eyes, you even said you didn't approve but would keep your criticism private.