What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Taking the boys to the wife's side for a few hours .....then back to my house for papa Inda and his wife to spoil the kids .....then tomorrow is the Portugue cook out .....busy busy starting now ....I just wrapped so many fucking presents for my shitheads it was crazy ......

Merry Christmas Eve everyone


Well-Known Member
Fucking gross I'd rather a blue waffel. Those scaley bastards are frozen sucking on dead shitplants now.. I've never seen anything like that I thought he was rubbing his genitals on them or something.

So after that I mocked up the new ratrod with a powerstroke 20171218_174603_Burst01.jpg
Check out the dope air ride

I've never done a turbo or deasel or bags or a 4 link or a chop so I'm guessing this is how I die but ill enjoy the ride


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Fucking gross I'd rather a blue waffel. Those scaley bastards are frozen sucking on dead shitplants now.. I've never seen anything like that I thought he was rubbing his genitals on them or something.

So after that I mocked up the new ratrod with a powerstroke View attachment 4062843
Check out the dope air ride
View attachment 4062845

I've never done a turbo or deasel or bags or a 4 link or a chop so I'm guessing this is how I die but ill enjoy the ride
Remember to get us video! I would hate to miss out on that ride.
Merry Christmas


Well-Known Member
Today, I played War Thunder, acquired the P51 D30 Mustang, and drank beer.

You may all bow in my general direction.

On tap for tomorrow: Assembling God knows how many toys for my son...and then playing with them with him.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Wtf is going on over here?! Did this turn into the avoiding your family getaway thread?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im in...

@Gary Goodson wheres a mafuckn food thread
I’m smoking a pork shoulder and we’re gonna make pulled pork sammiches! I’m also making beef stock so I can reduce it into a demi glace. Because tomorrow I’m gonna make prime rib. Like I do errrrr Christmas.
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Well-Known Member
Ever cut yourself and not realize it unto until you see blood everywhere? I started noticing red streaks all over the counter and dishes. Somehow sliced the inside of my index finger making breakfasts. Weird thing is i didn't touch a knife, scissors, razor...nothing that could have cut me, so I have no idea how it happened. I'm so fucking accident prone I get random unexplainable injuries...:roll:.
Yea. I've done that. When I was a teenager I was a dishwasher. After a few hours in almost boiling water grabbing a simple pan would cut me because my skin would get so soft.


Well-Known Member
It all depends on how bad something is wanted.

For many years I would drive for hours across multiple states just to be with my girlfriend on the weekends.

I once drove from Toledo Ohio to Daytona Beach Fla in 24 hours on a Friday and then back again on the next Monday. After we married things did not change much. For several years I frequently drove round trip from Detroit Mi to Southern Va nearly every weekend. 10 hrs home on Friday and 10 hrs back on Sunday.

Complicated or not, things won't change until a line is drawn and a decision is made.

I did the same as well. Stay up all weekend with no sleep.


Well-Known Member
Fucking gross I'd rather a blue waffel. Those scaley bastards are frozen sucking on dead shitplants now.. I've never seen anything like that I thought he was rubbing his genitals on them or something.

So after that I mocked up the new ratrod with a powerstroke View attachment 4062843
Check out the dope air ride
View attachment 4062845

I've never done a turbo or deasel or bags or a 4 link or a chop so I'm guessing this is how I die but ill enjoy the ride
Powerstroke..o_O, I think you're missing a few cylinders, lol. What bodies going on it?