No it's not. 200mA gives you a much "higher output". Or if you intended to say "most efficient" then driving at less then 88mA gives you higher efficiency still.
It doesn't just "look" brighter. It's more light which the plants use just as much as your eyes will see it's brighter.
Either way, 88mA is by no means some sort of optimum (or even optimal) value that people should aim for.
For each person there will be an optimal value, but it's based on other parameters. For instance the cost of electricity where you weigh the cost of the initial investment to run more efficiently versus savings in electricity. That equation works out differently if you pay 0.08 per kWh or when you pay 0.32 per kWh. In the first case running the SMDs harder is more economical and in the second case it makes sense to run softer and invest a bit more in the fixture to be more efficient. Still even then it ends at some point.