Sch 1 marijuana and DEA


Well-Known Member
After all these years , 35 years say, and countless opportunities during different political administrations the only reason marijuana is schedule 1 drug classification is that a federal government bureaucracy can never be dismantled. DEA budget has increased every year since its inception. changing marijuana classification would require termination of federal employees, that will never happen.
marijuana is the DEA's cash cow. they admit it. i hope they all stand in an umemployment line soon.
Mine as well. Sorry but its the truth. Just being honest. I dont want to go to jail..i dont want anyone else to go to jail. In my heart of hearts i know its wrong to keep this plant illegal...I like things just the way they are now. This grey area quasi legal certain med/rec states thing we have now. Us little guys can still pay the bills and enjoy this expensive hobby. Just being honest. And no..iam not banking like a fat cat all. Them days are long gone. But my bills are paid. I know its gonna change. And i need to start making some moves soon. I imagine there are many on these forums who think alot like me.
Legal weed will put a lot of growers out of business. Machine trimmed units of Cali outdoors are going for $700 a unit in lots of 100 and bigger. Who can make a living with those kind of prices.
Legal weed will put a lot of growers out of business. Machine trimmed units of Cali outdoors are going for $700 a unit in lots of 100 and bigger. Who can make a living with those kind of prices.
You cant. And before the whole med state thing..when your ass could get thrown in a cage for years...the risk/reward was pretty wild. Back in those days we were literally growing money trees. With legalization...95% of us will shut her down. Will be easier and cheaper to buy it than turn a light on to grow it. Maybe a couple back yard plants if that. Alot like tomatos. Alot of people fool themselves and head in the sand by saying "they" cant grow fire like us good growers can. Cmon. With the money at bet yer ass "they" will. Weed of all qualities. The. big ag world has been pretty profit stagnant for some time...this is big news for them. Your already seeing them prepping for it like Scotts/Miracle Grow buying out "our" companys. Ironically..the indoor "hobby" hydroponics equipment industry will be hit really hard. One of the reasons alot of industry insiders are cashing out now. They see where its going. Then you got tue growers (and they are good growers dont get me wrong) that delude themselves with this whole "craft grown" small batch quality horse shit. Cmon.
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This is also about business.........prisons, lawyers, warrants and sheriffs, etc. Canada is already starting to buckle down in certain areas of the country, as it got out of control. More and reports of issues with people driving under the influence, product being sent out of legal states to illegal states,crime related to growing and selling, health issues and emergency room upticks from ingestion, etc.

And I've never seen mass produced weed as good as anything I've just doesn't happen. So, just live in an illegal state and prices will remain high for many years to come.
Legal weed will put a lot of growers out of business. Machine trimmed units of Cali outdoors are going for $700 a unit in lots of 100 and bigger. Who can make a living with those kind of prices.
And 700 dollar "units" ??? Try 100. And thats HUGE PROFIT margins for the ag business world. Moreso than any other crop in the history of agriculture. They will farm the hell out of it. And they will grow top shelf FIRE!!! Watch. High tech greenhouses are very indoor like if set up right. Growers are just deluding themselves by saying it will all be shit weed laced with pesticides and what not. Maybe so but that wknt be the only out there. They will lock the whole shabang in. Its gonna be a minute..but its coming. Its inevitable. Profit in relation to legality dictates it.
This is also about business.........prisons, lawyers, warrants and sheriffs, etc. Canada is already starting to buckle down in certain areas of the country, as it got out of control. More and reports of issues with people driving under the influence, product being sent out of legal states to illegal states,crime related to growing and selling, health issues and emergency room upticks from ingestion, etc.

And I've never seen mass produced weed as good as anything I've just doesn't happen. So, just live in an illegal state and prices will remain high for many years to come.
I can see a band of grower hold outs traveling from the last of the illegal states..being chased like falling dominos. Lol. This is too funny. Good skit for a movie.
You cant. And before the whole med state thing..when your ass could get thrown in a cage for years...the risk/reward was pretty wild. With legalization...95% of us will shut her down. Will be easier and cheaper to buy it than turn a light on to grow it. Maybe a couple back yard plants if that. Alot like tomatos. Alot of people fool themselves and head in the sand by saying "they" cant grow fire like us good growers can. Cmon. With the money at bet yer ass "they" will. Weed of all qualities. The. big ag world has been pretty profit stagnant for some time...this is big news for them. Your already seeing them prepping for it like Scotts/Miracle Grow buying out "our" companys. Ironically..the indoor "hobby" hydroponics equipment industry will be hit really hard. One of the reasons alot of industry insiders are cashing out now. They see where its going. Then you got tue growers (and they are good growers dont get me wrong) that delude themselves with this whole "craft grown" small batch quality horse shit. Cmon.
I have friends in the PNW who jumped in the rec growing business with both feet. The cost of permits and taxes are crazy high. And there is so much red tape it isn't funny. Then when you get all that worked out, there can still be a hermie in the back of your greenhouse, causing a whole season to be chopped for oil. Most new rec growers owe the bank for their "farm", so with one big fuck up, many of them are going to lose their home and all they have invested in it.

Where I live tomatoes {and peppers} are big business. Farms are hundreds of acres each, and we have several nearby. They mound up the soil, use the black plastic cover over it with irrigation underneath. The plants are popped into the holes cut in the plastic by highly trained workers riding on a sort of tractor designed for that work. Food is mixed with the water. The plants are sprayed on a schedule, and tied up as they get bigger. When it's time to harvest, the workers fill tubs and carry to a wagon. They can fill those wagons up really fast. No reason pot can't be grown the same way. The farmers will just have to spend lots of money on fencing.
I can see a band of grower hold outs traveling from the last of the illegal states..being chased like falling dominos. Lol. This is too funny. Good skit for a movie.
Many of the growers in the legal states sell in the illegal states. As they say, "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds"
You cant. And before the whole med state thing..when your ass could get thrown in a cage for years...the risk/reward was pretty wild. Back in those days we were literally growing money trees. With legalization...95% of us will shut her down. Will be easier and cheaper to buy it than turn a light on to grow it. Maybe a couple back yard plants if that. Alot like tomatos. Alot of people fool themselves and head in the sand by saying "they" cant grow fire like us good growers can. Cmon. With the money at bet yer ass "they" will. Weed of all qualities. The. big ag world has been pretty profit stagnant for some time...this is big news for them. Your already seeing them prepping for it like Scotts/Miracle Grow buying out "our" companys. Ironically..the indoor "hobby" hydroponics equipment industry will be hit really hard. One of the reasons alot of industry insiders are cashing out now. They see where its going. Then you got tue growers (and they are good growers dont get me wrong) that delude themselves with this whole "craft grown" small batch quality horse shit. Cmon.

My legal four in Oregon, grown out doors cost me about 50 dollars to grow, most of that was in seeds. Out the back end popped 7 pounds of pretty good weed perhaps not top shelf but good. At my current rate of consumption seven pounds is about 63 years-worth. I like growing, so another four will go in my garden next year. Oregon allows gifting so, friends, family and friends of friends are all happy. Why buy it when you can get good weed for free or nearly so. Also, no pesticides, no mold, nothing to worry about. People gift me, I gift them and so, plenty of variety too.

Boutique tippy-top top shelf weed will probably always be pricey. Everybody else will grow fire at fire-sale prices or else they won't even be able to sell it. The growers that make it will know how to efficiently produce large quantity of fire. As you say, not going to happen tomorrow but see it coming soon.

My legal four in Oregon, grown out doors cost me about 50 dollars to grow, most of that was in seeds. Out the back end popped 7 pounds of pretty good weed perhaps not top shelf but good. At my current rate of consumption seven pounds is about 63 years-worth. I like growing, so another four will go in my garden next year. Oregon allows gifting so, friends, family and friends of friends are all happy. Why buy it when you can get good weed for free or nearly so. Also, no pesticides, no mold, nothing to worry about. People gift me, I gift them and so, plenty of variety too.

Boutique tippy-top top shelf weed will probably always be pricey. Everybody else will grow fire at fire-sale prices or else they won't even be able to sell it. The growers that make it will know how to efficiently produce large quantity of fire. As you say, not going to happen tomorrow but see it coming soon.
My long term goal is for the rolling paper to be the most expensive part of rolling a joint. I think you have achieved that. Well done.
My long term goal is for the rolling paper to be the most expensive part of rolling a joint. I think you have achieved that. Well done.
LOL, here's to rolling paper exceeding the cost of the weed.

Of course, the fifty bucks I quoted didn't factor in time spent trimming. Also the garden is 20 year old no till organic Willamette Valley bottom land. Everything does well in that soil.

But yeah, my cost is mostly in the rolling paper if I use it. I'm such a lightweight that one hit from a pipe does me in for the evening, so not even that. With my excess, I was also able to lay in a good stock of canna-coconut oil too.

Legal is wonderful. I wish the same for everybody everywhere.
Sorry, but times are changing for the better. We all know it's fucked up so many people's lives are ruined.
Work to legalize. Vote. This shit is ridiculous for keeping your own profit margin.
Public opinion is key to change and it has shifted dramatically. Legalize.
LOL, here's to rolling paper exceeding the cost of the weed.

Of course, the fifty bucks I quoted didn't factor in time spent trimming. Also the garden is 20 year old no till organic Willamette Valley bottom land. Everything does well in that soil.

But yeah, my cost is mostly in the rolling paper if I use it. I'm such a lightweight that one hit from a pipe does me in for the evening, so not even that. With my excess, I was also able to lay in a good stock of canna-coconut oil too.

Legal is wonderful. I wish the same for everybody everywhere.
You can't count your time. It would be much cheaper for me to buy weed if that were the case. I'm not a big smoker either. Not real sure, as I don't weigh anything, but I would guess less than half an ounce a month. I still have bud from my 2016 full season crop, as well as last year's spring crop. And I'm low profile, so I can't even give it away. All the folks who know I grow, grow too, so all we are doing is swapping.

One of your Willamette Valley neighbors legally made the seeds for my Ass Cheese {Donkey Kong X Cindy's Blue Cheese} and Gorille de Raisin {Donkey Kong X Grapish BS} strains. He was nice enough to send them wrapped in bud too. Fool proof shipping method as far as seed safety is concerned.

I would love to be able to grow in the yard. I would worry about theft though. There is always a knucklehead. . . . . .