Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Out of curiosity, what is the diameter of this disc and if I were on a ship off of Cuba how far away would the western edge be?
Out of curiosity, what is the diameter of this disc and if I were on a ship off of Cuba how far away would the western edge be?
The Antarctic ice wall circles the outer edges of flat earth. This ice wall contains the oceans. It is under strict guard by the military. There is a international Antarctic treaty that puts the circle of ice off limits. Captain Cook sailed some 50,000 miles trying to find a inward passage but could not.
So what is the disc diameter? A guesstimate will work.
And please address the second question in my last post - kindly excuse my ignorance, this is my first foray into this subject.
Maintain a heading due south you will reach it eventually. Call it 50,000 miles. Did you read about the filipina lady who went into labor on a flight from Hong Kong to Los Angeles? Yeah they made a emergency landing in Alaska. Only possible on a flat earth map. Look it up. Talaga !
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Maintain a heading due south you will reach it eventually. Call it 50,000 miles. Did you read about the filipina lady who went into labor on a flight from Hong Kong to Los Angeles? Yeah they made a emergency landing in Alaska. Only possible on a flat earth map. Look it up. Talaga !

Play with a globe and some string sometime.

Their emergency diversion made perfect sense considering intercontinental flights all follow 'great circle' routes.

Have you ever heard of Occam's Razor? Look it up. It's the one cutting your throat right now.
GPS doesn't work on the high seas you never were in the navy. Pathetic liar
LMFAO! GPS is being used by thousands of ships even as you write your bullshit. It's been a revolution in navigation.

Any sea dog will tell you the same thing.

Now stop calling people names or I'll start, idiot.
Be honest you were never a midshipmen. GPS is terrestrial based. Ground based Satellite dish signals are bounced off the sky or dome. Satellite tv has been around since the 70,s they don't link up to a satellite in orbit. There are vast areas of the open ocean in the Southern Hemisphere where GPS does not work. That's how I knew you weren't a middie. Oh yeah and all satellite dishes have to point south away from the magnetic center of the North Pole. Much love and peace.
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