DIY with Quantum Boards

How hard are you gonna drive them?

From what I've been reading, my best bet is to run in series, 2 boards per... and run them with hlg-185-1050a or hlg-240-xxxa - But I still can be convinced otherwise. I haven't bought the drivers yet. -- Might run it at 700mA, but I can go up to 1200mA.

Do you have any suggestions?
Oh dang. Just found some HLG-240H-C1050A drivers that I will use on the 2 board panels. That should be about 250W per panel, running at about 90%.
I was asking, not lying in wait for an answer I didn't approve of lol

People run their boards anywhere between 50 and 150W. I was just curious about your plans.

150W per board? So 125W should be the sweet spot I would hope.
It depends. Some want more efficiency, some want more light. Anywhere within those boundaries is someone's sweet spot.

That's why I was asking you...

Ah. Well this is my first time using these LEDs, so I don't know what to expect.

So I think in the end, I will run with HLG-240H-C1050A in series. Should get around 125W per board at 1050mA and can dim down if I need.

Probably run them high at first then tone it down as I get used to the lights.

I'm pretty happy to get away from HID.
Sup man, congrats! was that dopefiend cup?

i chat to a few of those guys

Hey lukio, thanks man and yes it was the Dopefiend Cup

Bit embarrassing but I didn't know any of that crowd. Initially they approached my amigo Limonene (on here, limonene420 on insta) but he wasn't ready . He mentioned me, guess they checked me out and I got an invite and went down.

I had a blast, met some great people, smoked some high quality bud and gave out as much bud and canna caps as I could. Ended up stinking the train carriage out on the way home :-D