Stone_Free's Samsung Strip Build & Grow

I have no idea what jacks compost is. Run off ph reading in soil means little, slurry is better. I don't measure anything in los. You should find out what your tap,s ph/ppm is? if that's what your using. Adding cal/mag to hard water is asking for a lock. Mega crop is a new product? Are seasoned dirt growers having great success with it?

Leaves don't tell the whole story, wouldn't add anything unless it gets worse, still a shot in the dark though..... best course is a soil test+nitrogen from the local uni.

Temps and rh seem fine...... elevate your pots off the floor and run lights at night during flower....... obvious shit

Good luck
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Plants still not looking good at all. Not sure what to do to help them out....except put them out of their misery.......

You should find out what your tap,s ph/ppm is?
I measured this with some paper strips and it looks like 6ish.
Are seasoned dirt growers having great success with it?
Yeah they are all praising it. No issues at all that I've read about....

The problems started after 17/18 days in the compost. Until then they were absolutely fine. I fed them with the recommended dose of Mega Crop but the plants haven't responded much at all. I also gave them a bit of Epsom Salts which in hindsight was probably not the right thing to do but they didn't react badly to that or the feed, they just aren't improving much. I did notice a little improvement with a few leaves perking up. Some have rust spots.

Also the tap water is quite hard where I live but that hasn't caused any problems before....

Thanks in advance for any assistance offered.....
Plants still not looking good at all. Not sure what to do to help them out....except put them out of their misery.......

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I measured this with some paper strips and it looks like 6ish.

Yeah they are all praising it. No issues at all that I've read about....

The problems started after 17/18 days in the compost. Until then they were absolutely fine. I fed them with the recommended dose of Mega Crop but the plants haven't responded much at all. I also gave them a bit of Epsom Salts which in hindsight was probably not the right thing to do but they didn't react badly to that or the feed, they just aren't improving much. I did notice a little improvement with a few leaves perking up. Some have rust spots.

Also the tap water is quite hard where I live but that hasn't caused any problems before....

Thanks in advance for any assistance offered.....

Ok, so you said that you've had multiple runs before using your hard tap water with no problems correct? then disregard ph/tds(ppm). The only NEW variables are the mega crop fert ,epsom salt, and strip led lighting right?

soil mix probably has dolo lime(cal/mag)+hard water+ Epsom salt+ mega crop has cal /mag too!?damn ............I would flush with store RO water, it's just a GUESS from your pics though(lockout). See if it improves.....

hate to say but starting over might be a good idea too unless you want to veg it out for weeks(time)

good luck
@Stone_Free Im no soil guy (obviously :-P), but so far seems all signs are pointing to & over watering. How often are you feeding? How heavy is your pot before you feed? What was the amount you used per gallon when you fed with Mega Crop? I know some folks have mentioned that the Mega Crop runs hot from what it suggests on their feed chart on the website. I have mine full strength from initial res makeup, but I top off in between changes with fresh water only so my ppm steadily declines until the next 2 wk res change. Because of this I cant say I've noticed it being too hot of a nute mix.
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Ok, so you said that you've had multiple runs before using your hard tap water with no problems correct? then disregard ph/tds(ppm). The only NEW variables are the mega crop fert ,epsom salt, and strip led lighting right?

soil mix probably has dolo lime(cal/mag)+hard water+ Epsom salt+ mega crop has cal /mag too!?damn ............I would flush with store RO water, it's just a GUESS from your pics though(lockout). See if it improves.....

hate to say but starting over might be a good idea too unless you want to veg it out for weeks(time)

good luck
Is that Westlands Jack soil? Is there any perlite in it or did you add any?
Could be waterlogged.....
Maybe poke a lotta small holes through the soil with the likes of a tent peg to get more air through.
Let them get dry before flushing through with 1/2 strength nutes to wash your problem out.
They'e a tough plant to kill .
Could be a case of getting used to a new soil. When I used B@Q soil I found although it had some nutes I had to use tomato feed a lot sooner than if I'd used Biobizz light mix.
I must investigate this " Mega Crap " feed, see wats in it.
I've used lots of feeds over the years and in my experience I've found as long as my ec is 0.9 - 1.2 ec it all does the same thing
Is that Westlands Jack soil? Is there any perlite in it or did you add any?
Yes mate it is Westlands. There's no Perlite in it and I didn't add any. I'm going to next time though. I don't think it's waterlogged. I didn't use that much water and got a fair bit of runoff. Probably gave them ~2.5 - 3.0 litres of water in the 16 litre root pouches.
Next time I'll probably use BB LightMix or similar......anything you recommend?
Mega Crap
LOL New it wouldn't be long before someone called it that :)
I've never used an ec pen, thought there was no need to in soil?

Plants look to be a bit happier today. Quite a few leaves are no longer drooping so hopefully they'll be much better in a week or so. I've got 3 beans in damp tissue paper in a flying saucer in my airing cupboard just in case.....
Hahahaha nice hat tty!

Air/perlite young Col, does wonders!

thinking my issues were/are partly down to overwatering...

Mega Crap
it smells weird! it made me cough but i did inhale it as i opened it! contains loadsa goodness that i wasnt giving my plants before.

i just put all my plants on it - mid grow...debated if switching foods mid grow was a bad idea or not? Anyways, they didnt seem to care! 1 gram per litre is about 0.9 to 1 ec in RO water so would be way over with unfiltered tap water, which as psuagro says is mostly cal and mag

think i might have fixed my issues...they look happier and have maintained happiness for at least 24hr! not holding by breath mid life grow crisis is still in full swing.

@ganjamystic is another megacrop user...might be in soil ? (:
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Hahahaha nice hat tty!

Air/perlite young Col, does wonders!

thinking my issues were/are partly down to overwatering...

it smells weird! it made me cough but i did inhale it as i opened it! contains loadsa goodness that i wasnt giving my plants before.

i just put all my plants on it - mid grow...debated if switching foods mid grow was a bad idea or not? Anyways, they didnt seem to care! 1 gram per litre is about 0.9 to 1 ec in RO water so would be way over with unfiltered tap water, which as psuagro says is mostly cal and mag

think i might have fixed my issues...they look happier and have maintained happiness for at least 24hr! not holding by breath mid life grow crisis is still in full swing.

@ganjamystic is another megacrop user...might be in soil ? (:
My tap water ec is 0.3/0.4.
Is megacrop a 1 part feed?
@Stone_Free , no real need for the PH pen for soil the pH strips will be fine.
Some feeds will drop PH of your water but usually not by much.
Test that.
Get yourself an ec meter at some stage or borrow one if you can as it's a great tool to have in your arsenal. Easy to use .
I see the NPK of mega crop is 10 6 14
My tomato feed NPK is 6 3 10 or roughly half the strength of Mega.
Seems like a lttle goes a long way.
The problems started after 17/18 days in the compost. Until then they were absolutely fine. I fed them with the recommended dose of Mega Crop but the plants haven't responded much at all. I also gave them a bit of Epsom Salts which in hindsight was probably not the right thing to do but they didn't react badly to that or the feed

The problem started when you fed them by the sounds of it.

Ive grown more killer kushs in a variety of different soils then any other strain and they all require very little food even in shit soil ,so strong soil + nutes + light feeders is whats happened imo, just keep a solid wet/dry cycle with plain 20C plus tap water and they will be fine.

Have you checked the roots see if they have rooted out the pot evenly? Potting up from seed pots every 2 weeks is the best way in soil as you never need nutes till stretch and the pots root out evenly allowing proper saturation/drying through out the entire pot.

Give em a week and they will be fine :)
@Stone_Free , no real need for the PH pen for soil the pH strips will be fine.
Some feeds will drop PH of your water but usually not by much.
Test that.
Get yourself an ec meter at some stage or borrow one if you can as it's a great tool to have in your arsenal. Easy to use .
I see the NPK of mega crop is 10 6 14
My tomato feed NPK is 6 3 10 or roughly half the strength of Mega.
Seems like a lttle goes a long way.
Yeah I'll get an ec meter....I know they're cheap and it'll last for years probably.
I followed the directions for the qty of MC I gave the plants...can't remember what it was in grams but roughly speaking was a quarter teaspoon, so they didn't get much. I'll see how the gals look over the next few days...gonna wait for the ones in the saucer to pop and put them in small pots in the veg cab. If the sick gals pull through great, if not then I have replacements on standby.
Yeah I'll get an ec meter....I know they're cheap and it'll last for years probably.
I followed the directions for the qty of MC I gave the plants...can't remember what it was in grams but roughly speaking was a quarter teaspoon, so they didn't get much. I'll see how the gals look over the next few days...gonna wait for the ones in the saucer to pop and put them in small pots in the veg cab. If the sick gals pull through great, if not then I have replacements on standby.
Don't worry, they'l be fine shortly.