Aussie Growers Thread

What did you think of it ? I’ve seen some good buds of it and I’ve seen some pretty average stuff too.
I thought it was only veg it looked a beast but end product wasnt have as gd to smoke as the smell which was nice n fruity...
Granted I dealt with white flies that year and one pheno cant tell a story
Smelt like lollies/fruit but prob my worst tasting stuff from the last 8 plants i have grown
You won’t get Bubblegum flavour from it no matter what pheno you get,the strain that the seeds he worked was called chewing gum but he thought no one would buy seeds of a strain called chewing gum so it became Bubblegum (true story he was interviewed on the last episode of the Potcast ) there’s your bit of useless information for the day :)
You won’t get Bubblegum flavour from it no matter what pheno you get,the strain that the seeds he worked was called chewing gum but he thought no one would buy seeds of a strain called chewing gum so it became Bubblegum (true story he was interviewed on the last episode of the Potcast ) there’s your bit of useless information for the day :)
Yep agreed...i do think how ever breeder description should be pretty close for smell when growing how ever to many variables in different mediums can steer the taste side of it well away from breeder descriptions
so i i had a pile of cow shit kept it moist enough and put a spore print itd grow shrooms lol
Not really. The spores are already in the cow shit and the spores have to actually be in your local area. Not all cow shit grows mushys .and on top of that it depends on humidity,temp,sun exposure. I usually walk the paddocks after lots of overcast/rainy weather. The mushys you want grow in small clusters they have long thin stems and small round tops and when you pinch the stem it should turn blue or purple and that's the poison that gets you wacked. I would not recommend having a go untill you are with people to show you. One wrong mushy and your dead. Also you may get the right mushys and have a bad trip thinking you've eaten the wrong one I have seen that happen. And if you do get on them make sure you have a strong stomach because they do make some people very nauseous.