Ive had similar weird growth like that before, Plant seems to grow thru it no problems. Your new growth is very dark, id lay off the N for awhile. New growth is normally a lighter green isn't it?
I do mix power feed and seasol together and I think the directions say you can. Powerfeed is the fert and has the NPK and a small amount of trace and seasol just has the trace. You don't mix the two together at the high recommended dosages thou.
Ruby and I would use it differently to each other as he also uses that fert he gets from the states (maxi crop is it?) and is in the ground. I'm in pots so I'm much more susseptical to salt build ups. I use them both at 1/2 recommended strengths approx. once a fortnight thru veg. Rubys plants are also allot bigger and maybe older than mine so can take a higher dosage.
Yep different strokes for different folks at luke.
I had the max sea from the states' last yr but only one seasons supply so I'm back to old school this year powerfeed,eco seaweed and gogo juice.
I have a couple bloom options to choose from when the time is right.
I swear by maxsea after last years harvest so if by chance Amazon stock it ill be using it in the future again.
I think the maxsea last yr was worth a half pound minimum more on overall total harvest so well worth it.
In my grow experience I'm just not a grower that mixes liquid ferts I'd rather feed solo than mix.
It works for me but may not work in other situations.
Plants have grown 10cm in height in 4 days ...i need all I can get the next 6 weeks I'm so far behind last yr in terms of size its not funny...