Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Nothing better than old school Molly that looks like brown sugar. And on the comedown have a few Billy's and an oxy. total euphoria


Well-Known Member
1/2 ya luck.

I haven't done an e in over a decade. I do miss them. I don't miss the come down though.
I hadn't either until about a month ago. A friend got some from the uk on the dark web and it was was/is amazing!!! I mean full "I love u" jaw chattering, eye shuttering complete 20 yrs ago stuff. Like a good 6-7 hours and bang it's over no come down!! No exaggeration. I've just managed to get 5 hours sleep and I feel like nothing ever happened lol. Was a pretty wild nite actually;)


Well-Known Member
I had some great MDMA from Israel that came in a big rock. Had that at a 3 day rave party and was the cleanest gear I’d ever had,a lot cleaner than we were after it pissed down rain for 12 hours and turned the whole place into a giant mud pit.


Well-Known Member
It’s the cut that usually bangs you up,I used to get vials from a vet and pour it onto a glass table top and heat the glass up with a torch to dry the liquid into a powder and rack it straight up
Oh wow that full on! But probably the way to go! But no my days of getting completely messed up are over since having a baby. I don't even drink anymore at all. And I have to say I don't miss those hangovers one bit.


Well-Known Member
lol no one called it Molly back in 95 ;)
Haha no they didn't did they. Although I think my first time was in 99. My first of ever doing anything I had 3e's a G and a T. I tried to run out in front of bus after the T which was a microdot(little beige rock) I just wanted it all to end. My mouth was that torn up I couldn't eat for about three days and I was literally sick and bed ridden for about two weeks. I just remember everyone thinking how lucky it was I didn't end up in hospital. Haha memories


Well-Known Member
Posted on another thread, kelp as a foiler spray is mentioned


The 5/2 ratio is vey interesting it’s good to get info like that that’s actually been tested by professionals and not just a fertiliser company or a guy like me that “thinks” something works but can’t provide the data to show that it actually does.


Well-Known Member
I seem to be the only grower on here that doesn't do drugs.haha
lol i only smoke weed i tried mdma once or twice i wanna grow some shrooms but fuck all the grow guids for shrooms seem 2 have a 1000 steeps im really considering buying some spore prints but being from over seas thayed probenpy find it not worth it