Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Polaris does "move" in a small irregular circle, but it always occupies the same small area in the sky. if you set a camera up at the right angle and the right place, it might seems pretty much motionless, but there is a small course it runs just like everything else, due to the Earths wobble as it spins

The article I linked and all the others when I searched said it's because it is not exactly centered over our North Pole.

Also some stars are so far away we don’t live long enough to see the whole path because of the time the light has to travel for us to see.
All this spinning and rotating as our solar system speeds through space yet there is the North Star in same spot century after century after century yeah makes a lot of sense. Ignore the fact that ships navigate the open ocean using plane trig not spherical trig. Ignore the fact that Naval weapon systems use beams of light to track targets on the open ocean. I am to believe a beam of light curves? SMH
All this spinning and rotating as our solar system speeds through space yet there is the North Star in same spot century after century after century yeah makes a lot of sense. Ignore the fact that ships navigate the open ocean using plane trig not spherical trig. Ignore the fact that Naval weapon systems use beams of light to track targets on the open ocean. I am to believe a beam of light curves? SMH

I didn’t think you were actually arguing about this.

My mother is a computer design PhD. She was contracted by the Air Force to program the new medical/ fbi satellites we launched a number of years back.

You think my mom the scientist was duped by the Air Force and paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to actually program them to fly around in circles? Not orbit?
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i just can't take anyone seriously who actually believes we live on a defies science and common sense, its like trying to have a conversation with someone who believes two and two make three....they may seem rational on the surface, but it never takes long for it to become apparent that there's some fundamental truth that doesn't apply to their reality....
just the ability for EVERY government in the world to agree to this is practically unimaginable....they can't agree on a single other thing, but they all got together for this?
then the question WHY? arises. Why does EVERY government in the world want not only their citizens but ALL citizens EVERYWHERE to believe this? whats the profit for them?
all you conspiracy theorist have all these questions, how about answering a few of mine?
why do all the other planets in the solar system, that can be seen with good telescopes, show a rotating sphere if you observe them? and the moons of those planets, same thing, spheres, some rotating, some not. why is Earth different than those other planets we can see from here?
LOL @ satellites ! Go to youtube and take a gander at the live feeds from the international space station. You will not see a single satellite of the reported 1,000's nor will you see any space junk or dead Russian cosmonauts. You will not see a single star for that matter. NASA means to deceive in Hebrew and boy have they to the tune of 100's of billions of dollars. It's just another way to screw the taxpayers like the Pentagon has done which can't account for 2.3 trillion dollars. Cell towers are the basis of information for GPS not satellites by the way. You have come to accept the reality you have been presented with. You have taken a leap of faith and don't even know it. Take a telescope to a port city and watch ships and see for yourself if they disappear over the horizon. Beams of light don't curve nor does the surface of the ocean. People generally hate to admit when they been conned no matter how much evidence you present to them.
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I heard a really good science story on the BBC the other night, and I was going to post a link. But I was high at the time, and can't remember what it was about.
LOL @ satellites ! Go to youtube and take a gander at the live feeds from the international space station. You will not see a single satellite of the reported 1,000's nor will you see any space junk or dead Russian cosmonauts. You will not see a single star for that matter. NASA means to deceive in Hebrew and boy have they to the tune of 100's of billions of dollars. It's just another way to screw the taxpayers like the Pentagon has done which can't account for 2.3 trillion dollars. Cell towers are the basis of information for GPS not satellites by the way. You have come to accept the reality you have been presented with. You have taken a leap of faith and don't even know it. Take a telescope to a port city and watch ships and see for yourself if they disappear over the horizon. Beams of light don't curve nor does the surface of the ocean. People generally hate to admit when they been conned no matter how much evidence you present to them.
decieve in hebrew is nasha, which is pronounced nawshaw....try again....
and now you know how i feel....trying to talk sense to nonsensical people, it gets frustrating, doesn't it? telling them the obvious truth again and again, and they just keep not hearing it.....
LOL @ satellites ! Go to youtube and take a gander at the live feeds from the international space station. You will not see a single satellite of the reported 1,000's nor will you see any space junk or dead Russian cosmonauts. You will not see a single star for that matter. NASA means to deceive in Hebrew and boy have they to the tune of 100's of billions of dollars. It's just another way to screw the taxpayers like the Pentagon has done which can't account for 2.3 trillion dollars. Cell towers are the basis of information for GPS not satellites by the way. You have come to accept the reality you have been presented with. You have taken a leap of faith and don't even know it. Take a telescope to a port city and watch ships and see for yourself if they disappear over the horizon. Beams of light don't curve nor does the surface of the ocean. People generally hate to admit when they been conned no matter how much evidence you present to them.

I guess my mom was lying. She was just playing video games with the Air Force colonel who had been to space.

Pretty expensive simulation to hire a team just to fake them out about what they will be working on.

A team of computer geniuses.

Seriously LOL!
Don’t you know the government has a huge convex mirror out at the edge of our disk planet to make it look like that.

They don’t talk about it much but 90% of the world deficit is from funding the globe myth.
Hahaha ....good times.

That is actually the thing that is responsible for the greenhouse effect and global warming due to the reflection!
Still waiting for that infrared beam of light to curve....crickets..Show me a photo of the globe that isn't fake. You can't

Any spectrum of light will bend next to a strong enough gravitational force like the mass of a large star or a black hole. That's how we discover distant galaxies and planets we can't see with our telescopes. We are able to infer they must exist.
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