These three families want to control your future

Be part of the problem or part of the solution. The choice is yours, I'm just trying to make it an informed decision.

Your position requires a redistribution of wealth and paid professionals to be paid less and even work for free. Ain’t gonna happen.

And if you made any money you would not “re distribute” either.
Your position requires a redistribution of wealth and paid professionals to be paid less and even work for free. Ain’t gonna happen.

And if you made any money you would not “re distribute” either.
yep. if democrats implement policies like tty is proposing and which have been implemented in countless other nations then the white doctors will be forced by government at gunpoint to work as slaves tending to the black. or hispanic.
yep. if democrats implement policies like tty is proposing and which have been implemented in countless other nations then the white doctors will be forced by government at gunpoint to work as slaves tending to the black. or hispanic.

Had to put your fucked up racist spin on it didn’t you?

What about doctors of countless other backgrounds? They just will agree? They don’t matter? You just hate everyone?
Had to put your fucked up racist spin on it didn’t you?

What about doctors of countless other backgrounds? They just will agree? They don’t matter? You just hate everyone?
if you didn't notice i was literally just parroting your words about how you poor persecuted whites can't even buy drugs in the city anymore.

those poor slave doctors in norway.
that "ignorant dribble" was just me rephrasing you. you may want to stop self owning any time now

Until you stop inventing your own context for excerpts of paragraphs I have written you just drip ignorance.

What you should do instead is stop hating as a message and take some of your own advice.

You will have to read between your racist remarks to see it.
Your position requires a redistribution of wealth and paid professionals to be paid less and even work for free. Ain’t gonna happen.

And if you made any money you would not “re distribute” either.
Absolutely not! I'm advocating for progressive tax rates and for taxing all income equally, regardless of source.

Maybe you can explain why rich people deserve to pay less tax? Is it because they're somehow more responsible with the money? Lol

We turning into a nation of an 'as long as I get mine, you can fuck off' mindset. There is no future in that.

When we all feel like we contribute fairly to a country that's looking out for all of us, there is nothing we can't do, including putting men on the moon.
Absolutely not! I'm advocating for progressive tax rates and for taxing all income equally, regardless of source.

Maybe you can explain why rich people deserve to pay less tax? Is it because they're somehow more responsible with the money? Lol

We turning into a nation of an 'as long as I get mine, you can fuck off' mindset. There is no future in that.

When we all feel like we contribute fairly to a country that's looking out for all of us, there is nothing we can't do, including putting men on the moon.

None of your arguments are new. You are alerting us of the obvious. It has always been this way.

IIRC I was taxed 45% of my income in the late 80’s and so was anyone over 50k of income at the time. But I wasn’t a homeowner then. I only had reasonable business expenses as a salesman to write off. So not much.

Plenty of criminal accountants wanted me to lie and pay them instead to save me money.

Rich businessmen had much more to write off and pay less. Just like now.

Sure the problem lies where you think it does?

People are not being held down by the rich like you say. They hold themselves down. They won’t just all become goal oriented winners because the tax rates are even.

And the poor pay little taxes. And make little money. How does this help the low to no tax paying poor people?

Your views are narrow and immature.

Are private employers going to all of the sudden pay higher salaries in failing markets?

We’re you sleeping before the recent election?

Why do you hate rich people? Some of them worked hard and are very successful.

You want a re distribution of wealth but not work for yours.
None of your arguments are new. You are alerting us of the obvious. It has always been this way.

IIRC I was taxed 45% of my income in the late 80’s and so was anyone over 50k of income at the time. But I wasn’t a homeowner then. I only had reasonable business expenses as a salesman to write off. So not much.

Plenty of criminal accountants wanted me to lie and pay them instead to save me money.

Rich businessmen had much more to write off and pay less. Just like now.

Sure the problem lies where you think it does?

People are not being held down by the rich like you say. They hold themselves down. They won’t just all become goal oriented winners because the tax rates are even.

And the poor pay little taxes. And make little money. How does this help the low to no tax paying poor people?

Your views are narrow and immature.

Are private employers going to all of the sudden pay higher salaries in failing markets?

We’re you sleeping before the recent election?

Why do you hate rich people? Some of them worked hard and are very successful.

You want a re distribution of wealth but not work for yours.
Not everyone is as 'enlightened' as you.

I don't hate rich people. I hate how they use their money to run our country by decree instead of mutual consent.

Poor people get a lot of help being held down by inequitable taxes, second rate schools, unfair subsidies, and other subtle and not so subtle tilts of the playing field. You spout a rather tired right wing line that the poor are at fault for their own financial predicaments, and without evidence, as usual.

Just like your assertions that it was always this way; it most certainly was not and even the fact that it's changing rapidly for the worse right before our eyes apparently escapes you.
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It's a transfer and is therefore taxable.

Wages, investment income, net profits, all should be taxed at the same rates.
it's taxable because you volunteer it as income. if it were income it would say income on your w2, instead of wage or tip.

if we trade cars, that's not taxable either.
it's taxable because you volunteer it as income. if it were income it would say income on your w2, instead of wage or tip.

if we trade cars, that's not taxable either.
Funny, the DMV always charges for that registration based on the value of the car, not what it traded for
Yet another example of their influence over our country's affairs;

The truth came out; one of the Chump's main donors is the above mentioned Sheldon Adelson, the multi billionaire casino magnate.

Ol' Shel has been asking Chump to move the US embassy to Jerusalem since before he was inaugurated and in fact has been calling the White House regularly to ask what's been taking so long.

So there ya have it; foreign policy by donor class.

Is this a great country or what?
