These three families want to control your future

The Koch brothers

The Mercers

The Adelsons

Between their billions and Citizens United they have more power in Washington than anyone else- including the majority of the American People.

These are the names of the enemies of our democracy. No matter what your political views might be, they don't matter. To them, American politics is for sale and they have the deepest pockets.

How much money? Between them, several hundred billion dollars.

hundreds of billions of fiat paper notes?
aka "elastic currency" or "bills of credit"?

you finally ready?
These are just leading exemplars of a donor class who would rule our nation without consulting us.

Our nation was founded upon the idea of government by, for and about the People, not the money.

Call me a crybaby, but I'm quite sure free others here will appreciate what's being done to us by the buyers of our government.

clearly it was founded on sound money markets that would allow the people to vote with their dollars and have that vote opposed to voting with their "dollars" and have those votes negated with bailouts, side deals and printing presses!
clearly it was founded on sound money markets that would allow the people to vote with their dollars and have that vote opposed to voting with their "dollars" and have those votes negated with bailouts, side deals and printing presses!

what are "sound money markets"?


it's authorized by the "money" in your wallet. the constitution protects your right to contract outside the constitution. our currency notes are a three party signatory contract and your fiduciary agents signature is right on the front of each and every one.

I'm curious by this statement. More specifically, I'm curious to know your thoughts on the sweet sweet LED deals that some advertisers are claiming...

I posted plenty of university info in the led vs hps thread showing reasons for my opinion about the diy looking “white” lights sold around here.
what is sound money? what is just money?

what is currency? what is legal tender? why is it not called lawful tender? why must the fed retain lawful money reserves to cover outstanding legal tender notes?
no one fucking cares except your fishing buddy with the hitler tats.
It’s terrible and I only see it getting worse. The homeless problem , the high cost of housing and low wages. I think about these things daily and it is upsetting!. I am very thankful that myself and my husband have jobs, even though the wages aren’t great, we do have health insurance and reasonable rental payment . I feel like I am so fuckin lucky A job and an affordable apartment. How do you propose we level out the playing field? How can I help to take the power away from these evil rich motherfuckers? Our votes don’t even count anymore.
why did you edit out the part about your fishing buddy with the heil hiler tattoo?

and why don't you want to talk about that creepy video you took of some other man's child sucking on a popsicle?

View attachment 4054809

I think I will put you in time out for a while and try to have some adult conversations for a change...but thanks for being my biggest fan andy=)
I think I will put you in time out for a while and try to have some adult conversations for a change...but thanks for being my biggest fan andy=)

Would have loved to reply to your comment on the Orly Taitz thread, but truthforall blocked me from it. Seems he is too much of a coward to handle a reasonable debate.

Lot of that going around these days.......
It’s terrible and I only see it getting worse. The homeless problem , the high cost of housing and low wages. I think about these things daily and it is upsetting!. I am very thankful that myself and my husband have jobs, even though the wages aren’t great, we do have health insurance and reasonable rental payment . I feel like I am so fuckin lucky A job and an affordable apartment. How do you propose we level out the playing field? How can I help to take the power away from these evil rich motherfuckers? Our votes don’t even count anymore.
I'm in rare agreement with Buck that our votes DO count- with some caveats, like being sure to vote in all applicable elections, not just the general; making certain your vote indeed is allowed to count; making sure no vote count manipulation is going on, etc.

The Republican Party has dropped its mask of trying to represent religious and other conservatives and is more blatantly pandering to the above families in terms of tax and economic policy. So they're an enemy of the least wealthy 95% of Americans.

Where I disagree with Buck and his followers is that the Democratic Party is all that different; after all, they depend on the same donor class, passed Draconian crime bills, NAFTA, supported the TPP, and much more policy that again did nothing to benefit the economic situation of the least wealthy 90% of Americans.

That's why I'm involved with local Progressive Movement groups to effect change on economic issues to further a level playing field, as opposed to the 'give all the money to the rich' mess we've had since Reagan was in office.

Eliminating Citizens United is a big step in the right direction.

Taxing corporations, the wealthy and all income classes at higher rates than labor is another.

Universal health care is a human right, not a gift to the poor from the rich.

Free University to those who maintain good grades is an investment in our future as powerful as building roads.

Putting a stop to America's endless wars around the world would save money and improve our standing in the world, making us safer- in spite of what the war mongers would have us believe.

Political and corporate corruption in America must be stopped with a firm pivot to individual accountability.

This is a tip of the iceberg list.

I'll work with any group that will work for these goals and other specific issues of mutual agreement. Even establishment Democrats.
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wages are an even exchange for labor and therefore do not fall under "income". an even trade is not a taxable event.