Aussie Growers Thread

nice i cant find mine so im gunna wait till i can crank out castings to ad to the soil in the tumbler im currently looking at compost activatours my worms seem to be happy with the half water mellon i put in there im hoping within a few weeks ill start seing coccoons but ye im hoping to be able 2 do a tea soon but im really hoping to get tjere numbers up so mutch so tjat i can start anotjer bin i kinda wanna make one of those separaters things ittl be good to be able 2 end ip with a shit ton of castings my pg kinda needs 2 be topdressed
nice i cant find mine so im gunna wait till i can crank out castings to ad to the soil in the tumbler im currently looking at compost activatours my worms seem to be happy with the half water mellon i put in there im hoping within a few weeks ill start seing coccoons but ye im hoping to be able 2 do a tea soon but im really hoping to get tjere numbers up so mutch so tjat i can start anotjer bin i kinda wanna make one of those separaters things ittl be good to be able 2 end ip with a shit ton of castings my pg kinda needs 2 be topdressed
Cocoons... or cooked coons? Joke- relax gigz. Im joshing ya.
lol hay u rekon u can ad creamed corn 2 a worm bin
You can add just about anything that's organic matter gigz.

I add my kitchen scraps, weeds, comfrey leaves, coffee grounds, teabags (without the top half). Even half eaten veggies or things gone over ripe.

And you meant worm eggs right? Cos I wouldn't think there'd be any cocoons in your pile. Unless something else has made its home in there.
ye cocoons is what worm eggs ar called arnt thay its good to no i can add just about any thing thats organinc matter tho im probebly pushing it tho iv got a root ball and half a watermelon so id say theres plentie of organic matter in there atm
im hoping tho i can end up with enough worms to start a whole new farm like with 5o liter totes i wanna be able 2 use the castings for every thing lol
im aming to ad 15 percent castings to my tumbker with is 28 so im gunna need my worms to step up there game lol plus i wanna top up my raised bed and make a seed raising mix to
So I may have access to a she'd on a property and have been contemplating on taking up the offer to do perpetual grow. But in the Queensland sun in an uninsulated she'd I'll need airconditioning. Any of you guys done a grow in a standard tin shed. It's 15x10
yes..but I'm in

The temp swings thru the year is crazy.

Go AC on an auto seting and have it running 24/7. Id also look at tents rather than building a room. This has a few advantages.
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yes..but I'm in

The temp swings thru the year is crazy.

Go AC on an auto seting and have it running 24/7. Id also look at tents rather than building a room. This has a few advantages.
What would you say the advantages of a tent over a room ? Time of construction/deconstruction is the only thing I can come up with. If he’s looking at doing a 10 lighter.
yes..but I'm in

The temp swings thru the year is crazy.

Go AC on an auto seting and have it running 24/7. Id also look at tents rather than building a room. This has a few advantages.
I spose lot of debate would come down to wat light system you want to run...for example when I done a 10k 10 plant system early 90s it was chinamen hats and old school hps so no way could we have used a tent.
We insulated the room gyprocked it and built ceiling fans etc into it.
Then the drums with the nuets n water etc were outside of the room