What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
I was in a wreck at around 30 mph. I had a car battery in the back of my truck and when I hit the embankment and came to a sudden stop the battery kept moving and slammed into the back of the cab on the passenger side. If someone was sitting on that side it may have killed them. Not really relevant. Just was thinking about.

Its no biggie as long as its not structural.
I worry about that kind of stuff alot.
I heard about a guy hauling an engine block in his van and when he wrecked it killed his daughter. Not sure if it really happened but it disturbed me enough to make me paranoid of hauling bowling balls in my back window. Lol


Well-Known Member
I worry about that kind of stuff alot.
I heard about a guy hauling an engine block in his van and when he wrecked it killed his daughter. Not sure if it really happened but it disturbed me enough to make me paranoid of hauling bowling balls in my back window. Lol
It happens. I saw a couple different freak accidents. One was a guy hauling poles in a little truck and hit a box truck head on. The pole decapitated the driver of the box truck. Lose items in vehicles are no joke.


Global Moderator
Staff member
It happens. I saw a couple different freak accidents. One was a guy hauling poles in a little truck and hit a box truck head on. The pole decapitated the driver of the box truck. Lose items in vehicles are no joke.
I've done a lot of first responder action & have seen almost exactly that.

The shit you can't unsee that you really wish you could.


Well-Known Member
I do quite a bit of machining every day & the slivers can drive me nuts!
Instead of tweezers I typically use nail clippers & just remove a hunk of skin with the offending sliver.

It's pretty much fool proof in heavily calloused areas.

I do the same thing for metal slivers, and have a small pair hemostats for the wood planks. It's the fiberglass shards that suck the most.


Well-Known Member
I do quite a bit of machining every day & the slivers can drive me nuts!
Instead of tweezers I typically use nail clippers & just remove a hunk of skin with the offending sliver.

It's pretty much fool proof in heavily calloused areas.
Gross but true story.
I was grinding and a sliver made its way past the sheild.
I waited to go to the Dr until the next day. By then they had to dig cause the eye regenerates super fast.
After that I have removed them immediately with a magnet.
Freaks people out but it works on the eye at least


Global Moderator
Staff member
Gross but true story.
I was grinding and a sliver made its way past the sheild.
I waited to go to the Dr until the next day. By then they had to dig cause the eye regenerates super fast.
After that I have removed them immediately with a magnet.
Freaks people out but it works on the eye at least
A buddy was working with 1/4" aluminum plate - cutting it on a table saw as it was a big piece. While making a narrow pie shaped cut the metal caught on the saw & drove that slice through is abdomen. He had to stand in a pickup holding on to the roll bar on the way to the hospital as he couldn't sit with 2 ish feet of metal sticking out of both sides of his belly.
That story gives me the Hebe-jeebies every time I think of it.


Well-Known Member
A buddy was working with 1/4" aluminum plate - cutting it on a table saw as it was a big piece. While making a narrow pie shaped cut the metal caught on the saw & drove that slice through is abdomen. He had to stand in a pickup holding on to the roll bar on the way to the hospital as he couldn't sit with 2 ish feet of metal sticking out of both sides of his belly.
That story gives me the Hebe-jeebies every time I think of it.
Holy shit!!!


Well-Known Member
Does it help?
I'm sure you at least smell nice afterwords. : )
Yeah it helps, I mean glass ain't no fun, but it really helps around my neck and in the folds of my arms . Of course I cover up as much as possible but summer time can make you choose the lesser of two evils and most of the time I don't have long sleeves with me unless it's 40° or lower.

The smell.... well let's just say anything helps lol.


Well-Known Member
I worry about that kind of stuff alot.
I heard about a guy hauling an engine block in his van and when he wrecked it killed his daughter. Not sure if it really happened but it disturbed me enough to make me paranoid of hauling bowling balls in my back window. Lol
I was about 100 yds behind some guy on the road, he was hauling a Jeep on a trailer and an ATV in his pickup bed. It's around a 55 MPH road and there is a wide sweeping curve. He enters the curve around 65+. The trailer begins to fishfish, each juke is getting wider and wider, the hitch comes undone but the chains hold, the jeep flies off as the trailer whips around and slams his truck side. Truck stops and ATV continues forward, squashes the cab. Miraculously the dude is perfectly fine, all his shit is totaled; myself and other drivers stopped to lend a hand, he is raging and covered in beer. We all got back into our vehicles and disappeared.