Millionaire Donor Threatens Democratic Party: “If They Go Far Left, I’m Out”

Rather than parse a disaffected billionaire's complaint about how the Democratic Party isn't doing his bidding as proof that the Democratic Party is doing his bidding
Cloobeck is threatening Democratic party leaders that "If they move left" he will stop funding them. Meaning the Democratic party is still doing his bidding. But if they go with the popular wave of progressivism and stop doing his bidding, he will quit the party and stop funding them.
Cloobeck is threatening Democratic party leaders that "If they move left" he will stop funding them. Meaning the Democratic party is still doing his bidding. But if they go with the popular wave of progressivism and stop doing his bidding, he will quit the party and stop funding them.
More of your low value thoughts and projecting what you want to hear. People, especially billionaires don't threaten in an interview with a 3rd party reporter if they are getting their way.

I can pull up the exact words where he says they are not doing his bidding:

“So much so it drives me nuts!” Cloobeck said with passion.
^^^What kind of twisted pretzel logic is that?

He's complaining about the direction the Democratic party is taking and you claim that means he's getting what he's paid for? WTF?
Right. Cloobeck recognizes the party will inevitably have to move left to be viable. He recognizes Bernie Sanders message is what's popular among the base and among progressives. His threat is towards the Democratic leadership; namely Wyden, Schumer, and Pelosi (the Dem leadership). That if they follow down that road, he will stop funding their campaigns.

"I'm getting what I want from you now, but if you try to raise my taxes, you should look for other donors to fund your campaign because I pay you to ensure my taxes are low. That's your job."

It probably has much more to do with kickbacks Cloobeck and his ilk enjoy outside of lowering taxes the Democratic establishment provides him, as well.

The problem today isn't Democrats, it's Republicans who are about to cut taxes for the very rich and make everybody else pay for them.
The problem is that very wealthy people have the legal ability to purchase American politicians in order to represent their interests over constituents. Another problem is that smart people like you become so partisan because the opposition is so abhorrent you forget to hold your own team accountable for the exact same shitty political practices you condemn them for. The result is poor people, people of color, women and other minorities feel the consequences the worst.
Right. Cloobeck recognizes the party will inevitably have to move left to be viable. He recognizes Bernie Sanders message is what's popular among the base and among progressives. His threat is towards the Democratic leadership; namely Wyden, Schumer, and Pelosi (the Dem leadership). That if they follow down that road, he will stop funding their campaigns.

"I'm getting what I want from you now, but if you try to raise my taxes, you should look for other donors to fund your campaign because I pay you to ensure my taxes are low. That's your job."

It probably has much more to do with kickbacks Cloobeck and his ilk enjoy outside of lowering taxes the Democratic establishment provides him, as well.

The problem is that very wealthy people have the legal ability to purchase American politicians in order to represent their interests over constituents. Another problem is that smart people like you become so partisan because the opposition is so abhorrent you forget to hold your own team accountable for the exact same shitty political practices you condemn them for. The result is poor people, people of color, women and other minorities feel the consequences the worst.
What is this with you and your reading people's minds?

Cloobeck recognizes the party will inevitably have to move left to be viable.

How in heaven's name do you know what Cloobeck "recognizes" unless he says so?

He recognizes Bernie Sanders message is what's popular among the base and among progressives

He says nothing of the sort. He is expressing frustration that the Democratic party is using the term "billionaire" as a pejorative. He is "driven nuts" by the party's movement to the left. He's threatening to stop donating funds. That's all we know from the interview.

Everything else you've posted on this subject is your own wishful thinking and pretty much worthless.
More of your low value thoughts and projecting what you want to hear. People, especially billionaires don't threaten in an interview with a 3rd party reporter if they are getting their way.

I can pull up the exact words where he says they are not doing his bidding:

“So much so it drives me nuts!” Cloobeck said with passion.
You're confusing him because there's no-one to tell him what to think/say so he's just spinning his wheels.
What is this with you and your reading people's minds?
It isn't "reading people's minds"

Cloobeck is telling you in extremely specific terms what he plans to do if the Democratic party moves left on economic issues that will affect his bottom line. He will "cut them off". It does not get more clear than that.

Cloobeck recognizes the party will inevitably have to move left to be viable.

How in heaven's name do you know what Cloobeck "recognizes" unless he says so?
He IS saying so; "IF DEMOCRATS MOVE LEFT" What do you think he's saying there, dummy? If they go left, he's out. How else can you possibly interpret that?
He recognizes Bernie Sanders message is what's popular among the base and among progressives

He says nothing of the sort.
He doesn't have to explicitly say it, it's apparent in his rant
You're confusing him because there's no-one to tell him what to think/say so he's just spinning his wheels.
I finally went back to the vid he posted at the beginning. It was just another long winded thought guide from some shithead nobody. There was a little actual content but more than 15 minutes of the 20 minute-long video was propaganda from a nobody. I didn't listen to the talking head, just the interview of Cloobeck. One thing Cloobeck didn't say was, as padaraper put it:

"I'm getting what I want from you now, but if you try to raise my taxes, you should look for other donors to fund your campaign because I pay you to ensure my taxes are low. That's your job."

This is entirely padaraper's worthless projection of the whole interview, maybe it was what the talking head said, I don't know. I just know that Cloobeck did not say that.
"If you don't stop demonizing billionaires, I'll cut you off"

How is Sanders "demonizing billionaires"?

By claiming they should pay their fair share in taxes instead of buying politicians who enact political policies that shift that burden onto the poor and middle class.

This is what Cloobeck is threatening. If you keep saying that, I'll cut off your funding! If you keep saying I need to pay my fair share, I won't pay for your reelection campaigns.
"If you don't stop demonizing billionaires, I'll cut you off"

How is Sanders "demonizing billionaires"?

By claiming they should pay their fair share in taxes instead of buying politicians who enact political policies that shift that burden onto the poor and middle class.

This is what Cloobeck is threatening. If you keep saying that, I'll cut off your funding! If you keep saying I need to pay my fair share, I won't pay for your reelection campaigns.
I'm just gonna throw this out there.

That smile you do in your pictures?

Totally look like a pedo...and do you wear eye liner?
It isn't "reading people's minds"

Cloobeck is telling you in extremely specific terms what he plans to do if the Democratic party moves left on economic issues that will affect his bottom line. He will "cut them off". It does not get more clear than that.

He IS saying so, dumbass; "IF DEMOCRATS MOVE LEFT" The fuck do you think he's saying there, dummy? If they go left, he's out. How else can you possibly interpret that?

He doesn't have to explicitly say it, it's apparent in his rant
"it's apparent in his rant"

LOL you are projecting again. The only thing that is apparent is that Cloobeck has not had his way with Democrats even though he's given good sized checks to them.

Your most recent post isn't coherent with your other ones. Now you say, Cloobeck is threatening to stop giving donations to the party if it continues to move left. I agree, he does explicitly say that.

You just refuted everything you've said previously about how his statements prove he's in control. Nobody would threaten in an interview to cut off funds if they felt they were having their way.

"If you don't stop demonizing billionaires, I'll cut you off"

How is Sanders "demonizing billionaires"?

By claiming they should pay their fair share in taxes instead of buying politicians who enact political policies that shift that burden onto the poor and middle class.

This is what Cloobeck is threatening. If you keep saying that, I'll cut off your funding! If you keep saying I need to pay my fair share, I won't pay for your reelection campaigns.
Cloobeck didn't say that.

Nobody said Sanders demonizes billionaires

I think claiming something is a "strawman argument" is overused but in this case, where you make up two statements, one from Cloobeck and one about Sanders that nobody if importance said, I can reasonably say:

Cloobeck didn't say that.

Nobody said Sanders demonizes billionaires

I think claiming something is a "strawman argument" is overused but in this case, where you make up two statements, one from Cloobeck and one about Sanders that nobody if importance said, I can reasonably say:

He hasn't got anything, he has a handful of talking points he can't deviate from.
"it's apparent in his rant"

LOL you are projecting again. The only thing that is apparent is that Cloobeck has not had his way with Democrats even though he's given good sized checks to them.

Your most recent post isn't coherent with your other ones. Now you say, Cloobeck is threatening to stop giving donations to the party if it continues to move left. I agree, he does explicitly say that.

You just refuted everything you've said previously about how his statements prove he's in control. Nobody would threaten in an interview to cut off funds if they felt they were having their way.

You're claiming Cloobeck gave and continues to give "good sized checks" to the Democratic party, even though they don't represent his interests..

So why would Cloobeck continue to give money to the Democratic party if he didn't get what he wants? Why would he donate if he didn't expect something in return?

Talk about naive..
You're claiming Cloobeck gave and continues to give "good sized checks" to the Democratic party, even though they don't represent his interests..

So why would Cloobeck continue to give money to the Democratic party if he didn't get what he wants? Why would he donate if he didn't expect something in return?

Talk about naive..

You've just started to go back to your fall back of asking questions rather than making a point or even debating. No, I'm not going to debate myself.

What you said that is completely unfounded was:
People like Cloobeck and his wealthy friends are going to leave the Democratic party if they don't give him what he paid for; lower taxes

Cloobeck is upset about the party moving farther left than he wants. You can make up whatever you like but it's your belief and not founded on anything else. There is nothing less interesting than listening to a four year old who is not my own prattle on. Except maybe when you prattle on.
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You've just started to go back to your fall back of asking questions rather than making a point or even debating. No, I'm not going to debate myself.

What you said that is completely unfounded was:

Cloobeck is upset about the party moving farther left than he wants. You can make up whatever you like but it's your belief and not founded on anything else. There is nothing less interesting than listening to a four year old who is my own prattle on. Except maybe when you prattle on.
In what way(s) has Democratic party leadership moved to the left?
In what way(s) has Democratic party leadership moved to the left?

Did you hit your fucking head or something?




You are irresponsibly stupid.

this is fun edit:


Obama’s DOJ Got Aggressive On Civil Rights And Police Abuse. Now Trump Could Roll It All Back.

“A lot of the issues that folks believe are most vulnerable are the very issues where this Justice Department has been out in front.”

Obama’s Capital Gains Tax Hike Unlikely to Increase Revenues

The Democratic Party, then, has moved steadily to the left since the Clinton presidency.

Talking about Hillary here:
She has called to “end the era of mass incarceration” and spoken about the importance of “toppling” the wealthiest 1percent.

Obama to Give Legal Status to Almost 5 Million Undocumented Immigrants

Obama vetoes Keystone XL bill


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