What did you accomplish today?

Day 2 no booze. Doesnt sound like much but its a pretty good start for a boozer like myself. Been in a pretty shitty place mentally lately and its time for me to stop hiding behind alcohol and face some demons. I've caused a lot of pain to the ones I love most and im just not the guy I used to be. I need to find that guy that's fun and loving and cares about others. I'm none of those things these days. Ok I'm done. Thanks for listening.
It gets easier. I was a very heavy drinker for a number of years. 18-24 pack on work days and even more on weekends.

I drank heavy to forget some things. I had to face them.
I still drink a drink or two every now and then. On rare occasion ill drink a six pack.

I think back on some of the stupid things I did while drinking and feel ashamed of it.
I'm pretty ashamed at the moment. I fucked up pretty bad and may have ruined everything I've worked so hard for. Kind of at a loss right now. Like I don't know if i can fix this.
Day 2 no booze. Doesnt sound like much but its a pretty good start for a boozer like myself. Been in a pretty shitty place mentally lately and its time for me to stop hiding behind alcohol and face some demons. I've caused a lot of pain to the ones I love most and im just not the guy I used to be. I need to find that guy that's fun and loving and cares about others. I'm none of those things these days. Ok I'm done. Thanks for listening.
My turning point was getting tired of hearing "I'm not talking to you because you're drunk"
even at times I was not. So I cast my crutch aside just to deprive them of one.

I still have a few from time to time but now when I have something on my mind there is
one less excuse to avoid the inevitable.

A win win for everyone depending on how you look at it.
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@Jimmyjonestoo i recently had to take an inventory on myself. I was drinking at least 6 beers a day (heavy ipa'a a lot of times).

Booze has gotten me in so much trouble over the years. Legal, family etc etc.

The 6 pack a day was a major tone down from what I used to drink daily. But it wasn't working either. It was like I needed 6 beers to be happy. I just wasn't myself anymore.

October 1 I went to Oktoberfest and drank 4 32oz steins of IPA. Someone yelled at our car on the way home and I followed them home and shit got ugly and policey.

After that day I didn't drink for all of October. November I had some glasses of wine (1-2) and I drank 2 beers with bear and one on tc when I got home.

I had a "boys night" on Monday and drank 2 bottles of wine and 10 beers. I had a 2 day hangover. That's when I decided I can't get drunk anymore. It's simply not worth the price of admission.

3 beers is like my limit now. And nothing on weekdays.

"You are a 100% better person" - my wife.

The only shitty thing is I haven't gone on tc much because those fuckers make me wanna DRINK!

Sorry if that was too long, too much info etc. but you're post struck a chord.

I think a lot of us are there or have been there.

we're here if you need to talk brotha.

Ps. I've lost 11 pounds. Lol.
@Jimmyjonestoo i recently had to take an inventory on myself. I was drinking at least 6 beers a day (heavy ipa'a a lot of times).

Booze has gotten me in so much trouble over the years. Legal, family etc etc.

The 6 pack a day was a major tone down from what I used to drink daily. But it wasn't working either. It was like I needed 6 beers to be happy. I just wasn't myself anymore.

October 1 I went to Oktoberfest and drank 4 32oz steins of IPA. Someone yelled at our car on the way home and I followed them home and shit got ugly and policey.

After that day I didn't drink for all of October. November I had some glasses of wine (1-2) and I drank 2 beers with bear and one on tc when I got home.

I had a "boys night" on Monday and drank 2 bottles of wine and 10 beers. I had a 2 day hangover. That's when I decided I can't get drunk anymore. It's simply not worth the price of admission.

3 beers is like my limit now. And nothing on weekdays.

"You are a 100% better person" - my wife.

The only shitty thing is I haven't gone on tc much because those fuckers make me wanna DRINK!

Sorry if that was too long, too much info etc. but you're post struck a chord.

I think a lot of us are there or have been there.

we're here if you need to talk brotha.
Thank you and definitely not too long. At this point in my life if i had a day i only drank 6 beers I'd probably consider it a day off. I have a temper when i over do it, which is a lot these days, and Saturday night i really over did it. I put someone i love in danger by acting like an asshole over some shit that wouldn't bother me sober. A serious eye opening experience. I appreciate your sharing and your words of encouragement.

I told you please no pictures from Fuck Farms .....but since it's you il let it slide.
Day 2 no booze. Doesnt sound like much but its a pretty good start for a boozer like myself. Been in a pretty shitty place mentally lately and its time for me to stop hiding behind alcohol and face some demons. I've caused a lot of pain to the ones I love most and im just not the guy I used to be. I need to find that guy that's fun and loving and cares about others. I'm none of those things these days. Ok I'm done. Thanks for listening.
Ok pass the chip. I'm in the same boat, day 4 in a long time of no alcohol. Drink a case/ bottle just to fall asleep some nights, wake up crack a beer or anything really. Start getting the shakes in front of everyone by lunch. Yeah that's cool.
Last two days were weird though as far as withdrawals go, auditory/visual hallucinations, and almost felt like I flipped into a seizure today.
Might as well be shooting speedballs into the main vein under my cock the way I've been treating it. (miss you pinworm)
I'm going to give it a good break back to normalcy.
@Jimmyjonestoo i feel for you brother. As everyone has said, we’ve all been there. Honestly I’m still there. I’ve tried quitting before but always end up drinking again. Funny, I quit smoking cigs cold turkey and haven’t smoked any weed in at least a month or more.

I do feel like I’m about ready to give beer up too... it does take its toll and just doesn’t seem worth it anymore.

But yet, I type this with a beer in my hand:wall:
Everytime I've been in handcuffs I've been blackout drunk. Argue with my sober wife for no reason etc. I will never begin to fathom how alcohol is legal and weed isn't. I don't think I'll ever stop drinking completely. I love beer and wine. But I'm honestly scared of getting drunk now.

That's how bad the hangovers have become. I'm 36 and they just keep getting worse. If it wasn't for the hangovers I would not be at this point. I'm starting to not like the feeling of losing control too though.

OH!!! and the other biggest reason ever is my daughter. No, not some cheesy shit like, "I realized I need to be better for her"... LOL... it's Because she doesn't give a FUCK how hungover I am. 6AM on the button she's awake and ready to party. I simply can't handle a baby while hungover. It's my version of Hell.

@Gary Goodson and I have talked about all this shit before. The struggle is real!
Started my GSD in personal protection training ( bite suit ). Today was his first day things went well he picked it up pretty fast. 6 months to go then I'll start him on scent detection training

Edit: by age two he'll be better than most police K9's around here

We have a registered S.A. Boerboel & one of the rules of the SABBS is if they are ever "Bite trained" they are disqualified from the register (pretty much black balled).

He's 160 with a bucket full of big pretty ivory - I would really hate for him to be comfortable using them on people (or anything for that matter).