Hello! So I recently went to the Cannabis Cup here in Southern California and I cam walking out with two gorgeous clones from Space queen x qwerkle from TGA genetics and grown by the guys at THC design. They were looking great. They were transplanted into 4" coco at the Cup in a tutorial class. I'm trying to understand why they look so sickly. I haven't been giving them heavy run of nutes. I have them under t8 grow/ aqaurium lights + take them outside for the daylight(to keep 18/6). I get my Growant 800 on Tuesday YEW! I want to keep just these two in the 4x4 tent I have in my garage and pop all my more mature ladies outside and let them flower in our not so wintery winter in orange county. I went on a rampage around my garden that included killing PM, aphids, mites and everything under the sun. Which leads me to think this is due to bugs. My nutrient schedule has been very light. They have always been given ph'd water and just the other day I decided to give them their first fedding with Fox farm nutes. Grow big/bigbloom/kanagaroots/microbrew. Everything was supppppper light maybe 1/4 of what is recommended. They are still showing some growth but definitely stunted slightly. Possibly heat stress? THANKS SO MUCH!