Happy Thanksgiving my Friends

and an extra special Thanksgiving for those who can't be home


No one was forked in the melee. :clap:

After dinner all was good untill the lights went out.

I fainted without any notice. Hit the floor like a sack of potatoes. And stayed there.
Barley had enough energy to talk with the EMT.

Waiting now for test results and formal diagnosis.

Hope to be released sometime today. o_O
No one was forked in the melee. :clap:

After dinner all was good untill the lights went out.
View attachment 4047496

I fainted without any notice. Hit the floor like a sack of potatoes. And stayed there.
Barley had enough energy to talk with the EMT.

Waiting now for test results and formal diagnosis.

Hope to be released sometime today. o_O

I'm guessing you caught a glimpse of your reflection, j/k
What did the Dr. say?
No one was forked in the melee. :clap:

After dinner all was good untill the lights went out.
View attachment 4047496

I fainted without any notice. Hit the floor like a sack of potatoes. And stayed there.
Barley had enough energy to talk with the EMT.

Waiting now for test results and formal diagnosis.

Hope to be released sometime today. o_O
Let us know what they tell you ... good thoughts your way
No one was forked in the melee. :clap:

After dinner all was good untill the lights went out.
View attachment 4047496

I fainted without any notice. Hit the floor like a sack of potatoes. And stayed there.
Barley had enough energy to talk with the EMT.

Waiting now for test results and formal diagnosis.

Hope to be released sometime today. o_O
Damn! I can't like that. Update us as you find out.
Thanksgiving is over. Fuck you people. I'm going to trample you to death for a kitchen TV.

Lol! That’s my favorite BF meme. Some of the BF videos of fights grabbing and jumping on boxes are hysterical. Driving around the malls yesterday , we saw some long lines outside of Cabellas ( a PNW hunting store) and Best Buy. It was raining furiously yesterday, but that did not stop em from pitching there tents . I was interested in the 50 in smart 4h 2160 p flatscreen tv for $178 but not enough to camp out in flood like conditions for . Lol
I got so fucked up last night i slept in til 5:45. I haven’t slept in this late for at least a year.
Cool. I got so fucked up last night I went to sleep at 7:45 pm. Slept to 7:45 am. Did a few bong hits of GG4 and drank 3 of the most discusting beers I ever had. This is a local brewery, Hopvalley. High 6.8 alcohol content but so bitter so poorly brewed with a startling inconsistent taste . I think the label is cool with the skier going through the leaf. It would look even better if it was a marijuana leaf with a skier going down through piles and mountains of frosty trichomes!!
Y’all have a joyfully relaxing Black Friday and I hope you score all the bargains you are after! bongsmilie
No one was forked in the melee. :clap:

After dinner all was good untill the lights went out.
View attachment 4047496

I fainted without any notice. Hit the floor like a sack of potatoes. And stayed there.
Barley had enough energy to talk with the EMT.

Waiting now for test results and formal diagnosis.

Hope to be released sometime today. o_O

Hope you’re okay.

Hope they give you dope meds.
No one was forked in the melee. :clap:

After dinner all was good untill the lights went out.
View attachment 4047496

I fainted without any notice. Hit the floor like a sack of potatoes. And stayed there.
Barley had enough energy to talk with the EMT.

Waiting now for test results and formal diagnosis.

Hope to be released sometime today. o_O

Released after lunch today.

Blood tests and CAT scan come back as normal.

Best educated Dr.'s guess is dehydration.

Several EMT's and more than a few nurses tried to start an IV and failed.
I feel like a used pincushion now.

No meds were prescribed.

Best advice given was "rest and if it happens again call a Dr.":roll:
I wonder how much that professional opinion will cost me?:???:

Thanks for the well wishes.:hug:
that's exactly why i put a like on it
I understand that Buck, but I separate stupid shit people say about politics from racial discrimination. I've heard decent people say really dumb things they don't mean because of politics. Many people I like are not 'immune from hoof in mouth' disease, myself included.

Most of us on this site grow pretty good pot, and imbibe it, along with a drink or three which lowers our natural inhibitions so biases we would otherwise never act on or utter can come out during that perfect storm of high emotion and lowered inhibition.

I went after Abe because it was not limited to political speech and there were acts in furtherance, ie cultural appropriation. That's why I don't currently see either GWN or Lokie as racist, even though I see their glaring social gaffe(s) you pointed out.
I understand that Buck, but I separate stupid shit people say about politics from racial discrimination. I've heard decent people say really dumb things they don't mean because of politics. Many people I like are not 'immune from hoof in mouth' disease, myself included.

Most of us on this site grow pretty good pot, and imbibe it, along with a drink or three which lowers our natural inhibitions so biases we would otherwise never act on or utter can come out during that perfect storm of high emotion and lowered inhibition.

I went after Abe because it was not limited to political speech and there were acts in furtherance, ie cultural appropriation. That's why I don't currently see either GWN or Lokie as racist, even though I see their glaring social gaffe(s) you pointed out.
i just think that if lokie votes for the guy who called for the execution of 5 innocent black men who were exonerated completely via DNA evidence and faces no social consequences for it then i should definitely be able to laugh my ass off at his old withered ass nearly dying because he was too fucking stupid to drink some water.

hey @lokie did you look like this as you were falling to the ground old man?

Released after lunch today.

Blood tests and CAT scan come back as normal.

Best educated Dr.'s guess is dehydration.

Several EMT's and more than a few nurses tried to start an IV and failed.
I feel like a used pincushion now.

No meds were prescribed.

Best advice given was "rest and if it happens again call a Dr.":roll:
I wonder how much that professional opinion will cost me?:???:

Thanks for the well wishes.:hug:
Glad you're OK. :smile:
i just think that if lokie votes for the guy who called for the execution of 5 innocent black men who were exonerated completely via DNA evidence and faces no social consequences for it then i should definitely be able to laugh my ass off at his old withered ass nearly dying because he was too fucking stupid to drink some water.

hey @lokie did you look like this as you were falling to the ground old man?

Yes thank you; I've noticed
I understand that Buck, but I separate stupid shit people say about politics from racial discrimination. I've heard decent people say really dumb things they don't mean because of politics. Many people I like are not 'immune from hoof in mouth' disease, myself included.

Most of us on this site grow pretty good pot, and imbibe it, along with a drink or three which lowers our natural inhibitions so biases we would otherwise never act on or utter can come out during that perfect storm of high emotion and lowered inhibition.

I went after Abe because it was not limited to political speech and there were acts in furtherance, ie cultural appropriation. That's why I don't currently see either GWN or Lokie as racist, even though I see their glaring social gaffe(s) you pointed out.

Wow, you sure got nice werdz.
I can't root for someone's illness because they said something stupid 5 years ago. If they say stupid things here constantly, they would be challenged pretty quick. We tend to police ourselves.

I have friends that are Republicans, my sister is a Republican.

I believe their politictal thinking is somewhat flawed, but I won't root for their demise.

None of my more conservative friends, and definitely not my sister would ever be anywhere near a racist neonazi march (like Charlottesville) and they don't hate others. My sister now has black people in her family after her daughter married a black man and had children. She has never said a negative word about it, we all sit together around the holidays and it makes for interesting diverse conversations.

Not every Republican is a racist. Most of my Republican friends hate Trump and find him embarrassing as most normal people do.

That said, I have no doubt that racism played a role getting him elected, especially in the south.

I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. The content of their character always rises to the surface. Always.