Aussie Growers Thread

Just so u fit in at the pub...Its a rattle gun (every shed should have one- I have two- air and a battery. And there wheel nuts. ;)
lol, have to see if the missus will get me a rattle gun and some wheel nuts for xmas. not in a rush to fit in at many of the pubs around here. most of the people in them are hobos and rapists. i feed my alcoholism at home, the beach or at BBQs pretty well exclusively
Ive had "one of those days' to. Earn't a nice quid and second last job I fkd a $400 piece of equipment.
I put in a quote a couple of weeks ago and after I’d sent it off I noticed I’d doubled up on a couple of bits of gear about 6 grands worth so I’d already written off any chance of getting the job just got a call from them today to see when I could start lol Don’t know if anyone else put in a price but I didn’t go easy on it so fuck knows how I got it but it’s a nice one to get.
lol, have to see if the missus will get me a rattle gun and some wheel nuts for xmas. not in a rush to fit in at many of the pubs around here. most of the people in them are hobos and rapists. i feed my alcoholism at home, the beach or at BBQs pretty well exclusively
I'm always playin in the shed and I'm a lazy fkr so anything that saves time and effort I like. Battery rattle guns (impact drivers) are fkn unreal.
lol, have to see if the missus will get me a rattle gun and some wheel nuts for xmas. not in a rush to fit in at many of the pubs around here. most of the people in them are hobos and rapists. i feed my alcoholism at home, the beach or at BBQs pretty well exclusively
I find the best way to fit into pubs is to sit around talking shit about someone to one of the other regulars than when they get up to leave start talking shit about them to another regular.
I put in a quote a couple of weeks ago and after I’d sent it off I noticed I’d doubled up on a couple of bits of gear about 6 grands worth so I’d already written off any chance of getting the job just got a call from them today to see when I could start lol Don’t know if anyone else put in a price but I didn’t go easy on it so fuck knows how I got it but it’s a nice one to get.
It amazes me how mnay times you can put in a stupid quote because either your to busy or the jobs just to much work/nightmare. And bang ya get it.
The ones that are tight quotes, client wants to haggle...fks me
It amazes me how mnay times you can put in a stupid quote because either your to busy or the jobs just to much work/nightmare. And bang ya get it.
The ones that are tight quotes, client wants to haggle...fks me
Pisses me off when people want a quote and then try to bust your balls over the price when they were the ones that insisted on a firm quote in the first place,I tell them straight up if I quote it it’ll cost you more than doing charge some people just can’t except the fact that all trades aren’t just trying to rip people off
The Jehovas witnesses are fuckin annoying around here. They keep coming around cos me mum doesn't go to church anymore. Then when they can't get her or info on how to get ahold of her. They try to get me to go to their church instead.

One of the old biddies was like Jehova Doesn't care if you have been an atheist. You can still repent and be saved. And the other was like- "did you know the bible looks over a thousand years into the future, it doesn't get more up to date than that"
my main bread and butter jobs are awesome. time and materials all the way. If I have to quote it for new jobs I smash them with the estimation and hope they say no. whenever I quote a job fuckers always try and shoehorn more into the job anyway so id rather steer clear
I prefer quoting and by far the majority of my work is by quote.. Its nearly always a better hrly rate than workin by the hr. I don't do estimates though.
The Jehovas witnesses are fuckin annoying around here. They keep coming around cos me mum doesn't go to church anymore. Then when they can't get her or info on how to get ahold of her. They try to get me to go to their church instead.

One of the old biddies was like Jehova Doesn't care if you have been an atheist. You can still repent and be saved. And the other was like- "did you know the bible looks over a thousand years into the future, it doesn't get more up to date than that"
naser the dure naked im sure thay wont come around any more lol