Aussie Growers Thread

bro fuck fox farm years bacm when i dicaovered organic i spent 300 hundred tryna import some happy frog its not wortj it bro dident even get to use it cuse fedex or some shit start a compost pile or somthing shit but a couple bags of decent soil add some amendments and let it braek down fror a monthr or two honestly bro any tnig graered towerds weed groweres ir way over priced i can get a a soil from bunnings like 6 dollers 4 doller bag of compost and get saesol and have a graet grow
@ruby fruit used a soil that had added seasol and only fed it seasol and grew so e fucking tasty looming plants man that fox farms shit half of there shit aint even organic any way iv only used gogo juice and eco seaweed on mine or if u wanna buy nutes biocannas notbad
i use ff ocean forest pro mix peat moss and perlite with some worm castings and love it
apif u can get it for the price its wortn awsome but out of desparation and not nowong fuck all off ebay i lost 3 hundred and tbh fuck vuying soil like if its got blood and bone and shit in it thay give the cows all those anibiotics n shit if u want the best u gotta do it yourself iv seen grown on here where this dudde nerds out more tjan anyy one if seen with soil and even the stems where frosty as fuck
apif u can get it for the price its wortn awsome but out of desparation and not nowong fuck all off ebay i lost 3 hundred and tbh fuck vuying soil like if its got blood and bone and shit in it thay give the cows all those anibiotics n shit if u want the best u gotta do it yourself iv seen grown on here where this dudde nerds out more tjan anyy one if seen with soil and even the stems where frosty as fuck
The real gigz is back hahaha frosty stems hahaha
takes big breath im gunna go make another dring n go habe a smoko side note the bloke at the servo last night asked hhim how mutch it was for rollies tjese days he scaned the ox 40 dollers for the small pack fuck me daed man
bro fuck fox farm years bacm when i dicaovered organic i spent 300 hundred tryna import some happy frog its not wortj it bro dident even get to use it cuse fedex or some shit start a compost pile or somthing shit but a couple bags of decent soil add some amendments and let it braek down fror a monthr or two honestly bro any tnig graered towerds weed groweres ir way over priced i can get a a soil from bunnings like 6 dollers 4 doller bag of compost and get saesol and have a graet grow
@ruby fruit used a soil that had added seasol and only fed it seasol and grew so e fucking tasty looming plants man that fox farms shit half of there shit aint even organic any way iv only used gogo juice and eco seaweed on mine or if u wanna buy nutes biocannas notbad
Lol thanks bro u just saved me wasting a heep of cash lol the soil I got was from bunnings lol just must be the 1 I got I'll look for some and might try them foods for them 2 lol just don't want the cost of all to out do my bud I get lol
Only asking because I hadn’t seen Pro-Mix or fox farms stuff over here
ya its pretty easy to get here, and i think its worth buying. it has guanos and good fertilizers in it i dont even use nutes on it besides mammoth p for the first 30 days from seedling or clone and its mainly microbes not really food. i add very little fertilizer for my plants period honestly unless then need something i dont give them anything besides molasses or microbes for the soil. the pro mix has that mycorrhiza in it which really helps out
ya its pretty easy to get here, and i think its worth buying. it has guanos and good fertilizers in it i dont even use nutes on it besides mammoth p for the first 30 days from seedling or clone and its mainly microbes not really food. i add very little fertilizer for my plants period honestly unless then need something i dont give them anything besides molasses or microbes for the soil. the pro mix has that mycorrhiza in it which really helps out
Where did u get that from I ant seen it here either
Lol thanks bro u just saved me wasting a heep of cash lol the soil I got was from bunnings lol just must be the 1 I got I'll look for some and might try them foods for them 2 lol just don't want the cost of all to out do my bud I get lol
That Brunnings brand you've got is pretty horrible shit for soil. I've bought the little bags of brunnings perlite from Bunnings before but that's about as far as I'd go.
Also, don't buy those little bags either - get a big fuck off bag from the hydro shop it's way cheaper in the long run
Where did u get that from I ant seen it here either
idk outside the us, but you can try they sell it n there. i pay 24.99 a bag for the fox farm ocean forest. the pro mix i pay 20 a bag and i get twice as much. peat moss and perlite i buy in smaller bags for like 6 bucks piece. walmart lowe menards all carry peat moss and perlite but not the fox farm. walmart has promix sometimes. just depends which state youre from