Veterans...Get the hell in here now!

And you as well dear.
But I will wager yours was more traumatic than mine should I venture to guess.
But seriously, thank you.
Thank you, that is very kind but I never served I just shared my hubby with them for awhile and provided a few support services via a contractor. All in all it wasn't the wearing, all consuming, 24 hour a day commitment that you guys made with each enlistment and backed completely with your body and soul and for people like you I am very grateful.

Happy Veterans Day
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"Staff Sgt. Richard Hunter, a combat controller with the 23rd Special Tactics Squadron, will receive the Air Force Cross for his actions during a 2016 battle in Kunduz Province, Afghanistan, the commander of Air Force Special Operations Command said Tuesday.


During the battle, Hunter called in 31 danger-close air strikes in support of his 12-man Army Special Forces team, said Lt. Gen. Brad Webb. Some of those air strikes were as close as 13 meters from friendly forces, Webb added.

The team had been ambushed by insurgents in elevated positions along the northern village of Boz Kandahari. Hunter controlled AC-130 Gunships and AH-64 Apaches as the team moved through the village and was ultimately evacuated by helicopter under fire.

Over the course of the engagement, Hunter was “firing his own weapon, protecting others, providing first aid to others, and calling in air strikes,” Webb said. “It was an extremely heroic mission. I‘m very, very proud of him. 09.20.2017&utm_term=Editorial - Military - Early Bird Brief
I'm surprised the Politically Correct assholes aren't complaining about the use of a cross for a medal.
Yes a spitfire, a P-51, a F4-U, a C-47, a B-52 though that's quasi current LOL and a couple others. Oh and I drove by the Warthog on the way out there. I'll get some pics for you, she still has her cannon ha ha!
Ah yes the B-52. Affectionally referred to by the maintenance crew as a BFU. <big fucking ugly>
Ok, don't quite know what this thread devolved into, but i'm a vet. Army, 1984-2009. Iraq 2003-2004. I missed out on Desert Storm, I was part of the Opfor at the National Training Center for that dance, lol! I had a slice element from my team in the Bosnia deal, and had a forward team in Kuwait in 2002 in prep for the invasion. Started of a 13B, Cannon Crewmember, reclassified in 89 to a 63H, Track Vehicle repairer.
Ok, don't quite know what this thread devolved into, but i'm a vet. Army, 1984-2009. Iraq 2003-2004. I missed out on Desert Storm, I was part of the Opfor at the National Training Center for that dance, lol! I had a slice element from my team in the Bosnia deal, and had a forward team in Kuwait in 2002 in prep for the invasion. Started of a 13B, Cannon Crewmember, reclassified in 89 to a 63H, Track Vehicle repairer.
A rule of physics in TnT is every thread devolves from the topic. It's a corollary of entropy.

PS Welcome to RIU.
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Have you been following the sad story of the Argentinian sub lost at sea?

"About 12:30 a.m. on Nov. 15, San Juan’s captain used a satellite phone to alert his Argentine Navy superiors the sub had taken on salt water through the snorkel – used to replenish air to the submerged sub. The water intrusion short-circuited the batteries in the submarine’s forward compartments, sparking either a fire or smoke, according to an Argentine Navy statement first reported by Argentina’s news station A24.

A CNN English translation of the message A24 broadcast is: “Seawater leaked in through the ventilation system into battery system No. 3, causing a short circuit and the early stages of a fire where the batteries were. The batteries on the external bow are out of service. We are currently submerging with a divided circuit. Nothing new to report regarding personnel. Will keep you informed.”

I mean come on now, this can hardly have been a T/S mission :(
Have you been following the sad story of the Argentinian sub lost at sea?

"About 12:30 a.m. on Nov. 15, San Juan’s captain used a satellite phone to alert his Argentine Navy superiors the sub had taken on salt water through the snorkel – used to replenish air to the submerged sub. The water intrusion short-circuited the batteries in the submarine’s forward compartments, sparking either a fire or smoke, according to an Argentine Navy statement first reported by Argentina’s news station A24.

A CNN English translation of the message A24 broadcast is: “Seawater leaked in through the ventilation system into battery system No. 3, causing a short circuit and the early stages of a fire where the batteries were. The batteries on the external bow are out of service. We are currently submerging with a divided circuit. Nothing new to report regarding personnel. Will keep you informed.”

I mean come on now, this can hardly have been a T/S mission :(
So the question becomes what was the nature of the 'explosion' heard by sending equipment reported earlier? Either the gas from the batteries blew up or the sub sank deep enough to get crushed.

Doesn't change the outcome, the loss of all souls aboard is still a terrible tragedy.
I thought there would have been unique acoustic differences, explosion/implosion, but apparently not. Also reasoning about submerging..

"The evidence of a short explosion record by the CTBTO points to one of two causes. Either San Juan suffered some kind of flooding incident and went into an uncontrolled dive, passing through crush depth and the hull imploded due to water pressure. Alternatively an internal explosion, either a torpedo malfunction or batteries, which could have quickly disabled and sunk her. During her last communication which has now been made public, San Juan reported water had entered the vessel through its snorkel, causing “the beginning of a fire” and short circuit in the forward battery which had been dealt with. The submarine was encountering big seas at the time, making it difficult to snorkel or proceed on the surface and she was ordered to make for Mar del Plata submerged, transiting slowly drawing power from the aft battery. This would tend to suggest a sea-water induced battery explosion as a likely cause"
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I would much rather go through this than ride a Sub.

BTW, this is the hollywood version of the training film we watched religiously to learn what and what not to do when fighting a fire aboard ship.
