Aussie Growers Thread

im considering maybe just ditching organics with it im thinking of using the an ph perfect sensi iv got it may as well use is it possable 2 make a nute tea or will it kill alll the mycrobes imthinking being what it is it might add the n a bit quicker or can i mix up a really weak batch of it and foliyer feed it cant kill the crobes in the soil if its not in the soil shit i think im to far into flower to foliyer i think challenge accepted tho gotta see if i can stop that fade
I highly doubt you have real good biology if any I’m your soil anyway a bit of the sensi isn’t going to worry you
It is if it's for medical reasons. But yes not recreation. Huge investment at the moment for cannabis farms. The stock market dudes love it
Those places are going to come out with stuff like Sativex which is about as far from weed as you can get,it’s like comparing a poppy to a vial of morphine, it’s the politicians way of smoke screening us legal weed means it’s legal to grow your own weed for medicine or recreation
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That's fucked man. People are starting to want natural medicine. Not a fucking pill.
Cbd is just one small part of the picture C.B.D by itself is good but it’s not what makes great medicine,it doesn’t help with a lot of ailments that full spectrum whole plant extracts do,it’s just another example of how backwards pharmaceutical companies understanding of this plant are
well shit im defenetly not going 2 buy it again fuck it ikl re use it tho ill just go to bunnings im pretty sure iv naled my soil i want 1 part compost and 20 percent vermicastings and one part coco and 1 part airation like mybe rice hulls
It’s good stuff you just have to understand the media you are using Canna Terra is designed as an inert soil like media but that’s not soil so don’t treat it like soil
Yeah I'll post pics throughout the outdoor season to compare plants matey (:
I really hope you 2 have good results with the double black I’m considering buying 25 of those or some Black Lights from Coastal Seed co. I’m going to start hunting for the old 90s heavy hitters I’ve decided