Aussie Growers Thread

Curious. If all you lot had was 3ft by 2ft. What do you think you could get out of it?

I think I could aim for at least 2 zips per foot.
Rough guide I’d say a pound per m2 so you should be able to pull half in that area,I like to estimate on the low side but there’s so many variables that you could say anywhere from a pound to a quarter of a pound
a lot of the people fighting for it are doing it with less than pure motives. think big pharma mate. they couldnt give a fuck about the good it does when theres a buck to be made. Hell look at how they hang onto patents to make coin for shareholders rather than open up production of life saving medications by other companies that cant pay the millions for the right to do so.
Hit the nail right on the head
i dissagre but here ittl be like sativex or that shot weed that college in usa has been growing for the last 30 years but fuck them any way soon enough i think thay will have no choice but to go after real crimanals
You can legally grow weed in oz already and if it's legalised it will be the same. You need to have a license to grow now you need a research or horticulture degree ,a property out of residential area,a secure grow site, full time security and medical grade permits similar to food production. So if your serious it's possible now
You can legally grow weed in oz already and if it's legalised it will be the same. You need to have a license to grow now you need a research or horticulture degree ,a property out of residential area,a secure grow site, full time security and medical grade permits similar to food production. So if your serious it's possible now
That’s not legal weed.
Rough guide I’d say a pound per m2 so you should be able to pull half in that area,I like to estimate on the low side but there’s so many variables that you could say anywhere from a pound to a quarter of a pound

That's kind of what I was wondering. Because I got 2oz from the plant just taken. And that was with a short veg time. And slightly shorter flower time.

I was estimating an average of 4 oz. Up to say 7-8 with the necessary time added.
You can legally grow weed in oz already and if it's legalised it will be the same. You need to have a license to grow now you need a research or horticulture degree ,a property out of residential area,a secure grow site, full time security and medical grade permits similar to food production. So if your serious it's possible now
well as an exemple subcoll live streams and i some time watch he was saying how ges spent all this mony fkr thr lawyer making sure its above bourd and spent all this mony on other shit making sure thay had all this shit that the gov said thay need all this shit boom more mony then guess what happend there fucking house and gro op barned down fuck all that shit id rather just keep doing what im doing any way if fuck em may as well keep fighting its kinda about more then the plant tho ots the procaple of the matter fuck them all i the ass with no reacharound
think for summer im gunna 12 12 from seed a plant or two in my pc grow case i can keep that in my room considering upgrading the lighting might go cfls and glue the powerbourd to the roof totel piece of shit thos fucken rip off the white reflective metirial is all loose and the magnets that where glued on the back came of but shit nugs ur making me exited 2 break it out lol
That's kind of what I was wondering. Because I got 2oz from the plant just taken. And that was with a short veg time. And slightly shorter flower time.

I was estimating an average of 4 oz. Up to say 7-8 with the necessary time added.
Yeah with the right training and strain those number are hittable
think for summer im gunna 12 12 from seed a plant or two in my pc grow case i can keep that in my room considering upgrading the lighting might go cfls and glue the powerbourd to the roof totel piece of shit thos fucken rip off the white reflective metirial is all loose and the magnets that where glued on the back came of but shit nugs ur making me exited 2 break it out lol
You’ve got all the stuff you need not to have to buy a gram of weed,you know what to do but you need to focus on doing it instead all the other shit c’mon bro you can do it,time to put your big boy pants on and get your grow in order.
20171109_143946.jpg 20171109_143904.jpg 20171109_143817.jpg 20171109_143749.jpg 20171109_143724.jpg 20171109_143650.jpg 20171109_143714.jpg heres some pics i got of the auto thinking of finnishing it out doors for now up the top the very top the leaves at tne buds on the underside there like purple pink iv feed it twice in like 6 days should i keep giving it the vega at this point or maybe go and get some power feed or maybe just some seasol like at this point i dont no if theres any thin i can do should i put a teaspoon of some blood and bone in the bucket witch is foeming now abit its got gogo and biovega in it shit i know ill get somthing but shit if i can atleast get a gram or two dried and cured id be happy is it even gunna make it is it 2 badly affected to even stay alive untill harvest shit maybe i should fuck the mycrobes and break out the sensi ph perfect i got its a goot 2 maybe 3 years ol now tho
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You’ve got all the stuff you need not to have to buy a gram of weed,you know what to do but you need to focus on doing it instead all the other shit c’mon bro you can do it,time to put your big boy pants on and get your grow in order.
fair point over tired at the moment i gues i needed to think about somthing difrent and this is where my mi d wandered im gunna fix up my pc grow thing might take clones of the pg and keep em in that and then veg em a bit in that summers over get the hps and that soreted and bang veg em and flower em
Yep. We even have different groups of bikies moving in due to the mainland states anti bikie laws. With it we have seen a huge rise in speed and ice. Its just to small a place for all the different groups and its powder keg waiting to explode. Cops should be hassling them and the pollies to implement anti bikie laws to.

And if anyone wants to jump on me and say "Bikies just ride bikes and have a bit of fun" then please don't. I was in the bike industry and have ridden with some of the old well known names. Tough cruel cunts in their own right but with some morals not like the new breed.
That' cos half the bikies now use gangs affiliated to run the shit and most of them cunts dont even ride a bike
Not hassling,investigating that’s their job it isn’t their job to hassle any member of a free society which we are apparently
We will never beat the cunts.
I got shoved in the back by one and I turned around and placed my hand on his shoulder and said ease the fuck up mate...
Assaulting police
Fined $1200 No conviction
Filthy fucken cunts