Aussie Growers Thread

if i was at a point where i was a good grower and it was legel id probly ell underground at the end of the day tho i think it willl be legel one day theres alot of swart people on our side plus nz is gunna have a vote on it so its getti g pretty close look at how many places are already changing i mean in usa 100 percent buy 2020 ittl be legel that fuck dog chris christie the governer of nj is gone now and the bloke whose now in can remember if he sead med or rec but he sead within 100 days he wants to make it legel there theres good things happening all the time i think if there wasent so mutch ice heads and fuckwits giving ot a bad name and just dickheads in genarol peaple are waking up man when youll see man ittl happen within ourlifetime thats for dam sure
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That’s not legal weed that’s pharmaceutical bullshit
yes but ultimatly i think thue peopke getting on the pharma shit i think that will be the slap in the face that makes alot of people wake up and realise all tje stoners where write pharma are a bunch of cunts plus when granma say fuck the pils and cure what ales her using canna word of mouth will spread then more people will wanna try it i think theres alot of big changes coming but time will tell when theres more mony in not loking people up
Curious. If all you lot had was 3ft by 2ft. What do you think you could get out of it?

I think I could aim for at least 2 zips per foot.
Who the fuck would take anyone that describes themselves as “stoners” seriously is beyond me,to me stoner is a derogatory name I defiantly do not nor ever will classify myself as one and you should have a good think about it if you do
fair enough all i ment was when thay realize people who are supporting legal canna should of said that my bad on that one but ittl be legel soon thats all i no from what iv seen so fare all the people who want it illegel arnd as smart as the people fighting for it
fair enough all i ment was when thay realize people who are supporting legal canna should of said that my bad on that one but ittl be legel soon thats all i no from what iv seen so fare all the people who want it illegel arnd as smart as the people fighting for it
a lot of the people fighting for it are doing it with less than pure motives. think big pharma mate. they couldnt give a fuck about the good it does when theres a buck to be made. Hell look at how they hang onto patents to make coin for shareholders rather than open up production of life saving medications by other companies that cant pay the millions for the right to do so.
a lot of the people fighting for it are doing it with less than pure motives. think big pharma mate. they couldnt give a fuck about the good it does when theres a buck to be made. Hell look at how they hang onto patents to make coin for shareholders rather than open up production of life saving medications by other companies that cant pay the millions for the right to do so.
well at this point fuck it ill just have to do my best to not get cought im not going 2 jail fuck em there not getting me alive
well i can seem 2 fix this nitrogen problem think im just gunna have 2 feed less more often i dont wanna overwater it or nothing but the buds are defenetly showing signs og growing so fuck it i know im going 2 end up with somthin out of it lol
a lot of the people fighting for it are doing it with less than pure motives. think big pharma mate. they couldnt give a fuck about the good it does when theres a buck to be made. Hell look at how they hang onto patents to make coin for shareholders rather than open up production of life saving medications by other companies that cant pay the millions for the right to do so.

We're just the dirt under their feet, remember. Unless you can make a name for yourself. And somehow climb that ladder. All we'll ever be seen as is crap under their feet.

They don't care if we die or how. Just if they're making money from our grief.
its fucken bulshit like the mojoraty of people here i think would be happy ier buying the same stuff if it was decent enough at tje same price or lower under ground vs paying a fuckloed for what will be over prised