Can phone pics get u busted?!

Cyber security can easily penetrate this site ,collect our ips and get our location but pretend to grow pot of course n we aint Mexican drug/human smugglers so I wouldnt worry there...its not illegal to be on this site mate.
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Ive my phones unlocked so ive access to a few command line programs so if the cops were to attempt to take my phone I can 'bomb' it and itll destroy the data but at the end of the day thats not even enough, theyve specialist that are trained for specifically retrieving data.
best bets delete all damaging info as you go and if needs be communicate via pgp(Google it) or face to face.
(How can they tell if they are cannabis seeds. Some apple and berry seeds look vary similar. 8))

Well, they will use their experience and judgement. It will be up to you to convince a court they are something else. Once you have been cited its going to get expensive. If they seize your car, it won't matter if they get a conviction. Your property and any cash you had is gone, and you won't get it back.
Really can't say. Not "savvy" with the "direct" thing. Beside's, I do like having the pic's (the bulk of them) saved to a data disk....

"Air Gap" security baby... ;)

I think you are safe. I haven't heard of any successful way to read a cd/dvd that is sitting in a drawer.
Seriously, youre asking this question? Of course pics on a phone are viewable by law enforcement! They can access anything they want remotley from any kind of phone. Photos, texts, web searches you name it.

1. Dont was take any pictures
2. Don’t post pictures
3. Dont have any witnesses to a grow
4. Dont ever mention growing to anyone
Hey guys I need some help on something. A few months ago i downloaded an app called cell spy catcher. It recognises all local cell towers and lets you know if there are any unknown or "fake" towers. I read an article that that is how the police can listen in on phone calls, by casting "fake" cell towers toward your devices and then they can record everything.

So anyway today all morning this app has been alerting me about an unknown tower found. This is in an area out of town an hour or two, havent been here for about a week so unless a new tower was built this week then something screwys going on.

So anyway my question is if any of you are up on that tech, can you tell me what all this data means in these pics? Much appreciated


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I just find it fucking hilarious you guys are worried bout your 1-20 plants when ppl are cooking and selling meth in any huge city. You think they are worried bout you? Pssh get real. If they happen to find out cuz you f'ed, that's on you. They got bigger fish to fry and aint trying to found out who's growing by data collection and shit. They save that for the big boys. Its expensive and tasking.
I just find it fucking hilarious you guys are worried bout your 1-20 plants when ppl are cooking and selling meth in any huge city. You think they are worried bout you? Pssh get real. If they happen to find out cuz you f'ed, that's on you. They got bigger fish to fry and aint trying to found out who's growing by data collection and shit. They save that for the big boys. Its expensive and tasking.
Ok, Ok, Ok Sorry dude dang......... Didn't know meph was still around.
make sure to strip the EXIF data from all pictures you post, GPS coordinates could have the law or rippers at your place in a jiffy
Cops hate low level meth busts. There is no money in it. Usually addicts and street cooks don't own shit. There is nothing to seize, and the labs are so toxic the cost tens of thousands to clean up, leaving any property seized worthless. Even street dealers don't have a lot of cash; they deal to use. You have to catch the upper level dealers/distributors to find the cash.

All a meth street dealer or lab bust is to departments is expense. As the ferangi would say, where there is no profit, there is no effort. The only reason they make arrests is to try to get to the upper levels through snitches.

Cannabis, on the other hand tends to be very profitable. Usually the people smoking it own nice things. Dealers do as well, and they have cash, lots of cash.

Sure, the feds are focussed on the cartels, which push meth and opiates. But soon they get billions more to fight with, and cannabis will be a focus.

Your taxes will go up to pay for it. Your benefits/services will be slashed. Unless of course you are a part of the middle class in the 1% of top wage earners (the house published a chart claiming you are middle class if you make up to $450k, which is in the top 0.005 percentile of wage earners).

But leo's love cannabis busts. It's easy, safe, and profitable.
I should've worded this thread CAN POSTING PICS ON FORUMS GET YOU BUSTED!? Of course I know keeping pics on ur phone can get u caught. If u take ur phone back to Verizon or Apple store for service issues they could see ur grow or if u get arrested and cops go through ur phone. I know all that. Can sharing pics on forums get u though?
I should've worded this thread CAN POSTING PICS ON FORUMS GET YOU BUSTED!? Of course I know keeping pics on ur phone can get u caught. If u take ur phone back to Verizon or Apple store for service issues they could see ur grow or if u get arrested and cops go through ur phone. I know all that. Can sharing pics on forums get u though?

Yes, there are posts on this site that say pictures posted to riu appeared during trial.