Well-Known Member
HahahahahahaIf you think that israeli company did the crack, I have some cannabis futures to sell you.![]()
HahahahahahaIf you think that israeli company did the crack, I have some cannabis futures to sell you.![]()
Right now im hereView attachment 4032146 might go to Russia soon haha
"Was never seen again" LMAO I'm dying over that man, I could just imagine, I'd probably do the same lolHes his location off so it wasnt shown.
I just edited his meta data to show the above information instead as a joke really but yeah if youve your location turned on I can get the exact longitude n latitude.
I use to help out noobs when they'd first post pics, id check out the data as alot of ppl are well..dumb as shit so I pmd him a pic of his house and mentioned the importance of basic opsec n he was never seen again lol I told him i deleted all the data but he ran.better me telling him than some blackmailing cunt.
Long story short if you want to post pics Google meta data remove it or exif remover.
Meta data is basically data about data.
He stopped posting/commenting n that was fairness I was doing him a favour and would of appreciated if I were in the same situation a fellow grower would pm me n let me know"Was never seen again" LMAO I'm dying over that man, I could just imagine, I'd probably do the same lol
Itll provide some level of security.. possibly but not from LE thats for sure or even someone thats good with computers at the end of the day could put a keylogger on ur bus node or something like that so whatever you type is logged now of a cracking/ hacker is able to do this imagine what cops can do?Anyone ever heard of the private messaging apps? Messaging that can't be gotten a hold of by a cell phone carrier and the apps save no records over messages. So the only way to ever see messages is to get a hold of the phone.
A buddy was just telling me about it and swears by it. And him and his buddy's have all been using it a while too, from what he was saying.
I wasn't yet aware of anything like it. Do you guys have any input on them?
So what If the location is turned off and the pics are uploaded straight into riu, that way they actually don't save to the phones gallery? Same difference? Can they still somehow see that your phone took that pic but wasn't saved to the gallery since the pic was taken on the spot when uploading a file to riu?
His question confused me a bit if hed kindly restructure it id be happy to answer it but the meta data remover erases all data where as just having to the location off is just that,pics can have a unique fingerprint which the previous pic did have but I wouldn't worry about that as he could of posted the pic in a legal state if you get me oh and can you pm me ur seedbank pls. Ive a load of great beans atm but id love to see your line n lineageReally can't say. Not "savvy" with the "direct" thing. Beside's, I do like having the pic's (the bulk of them) saved to a data disk....
Yeah my bad, what I mean though is if you click upload a file while on a thread, it gives me the option to pick from the gallery or go straight to my camera to take a picture. If I go straight to the camera it just uploads to riu and not my gallery. And I do have my location turned off but all that "meta data" and different terms is pretty confusing to me. I may pm you later when I get off work.His question confused me a bit if hed kindly restructure it id be happy to answer it but the meta data remover erases all data where as just having to the location off is just that,pics can have a unique fingerprint which the previous pic did have but I wouldn't worry about that as he could of posted the pic in a legal state if you get me oh and can you pm me ur seedbank pls. Ive a load of great beans atm but id love to see your line n lineage
How can you get your friend in trouble?
Well, since you are being paranoid, seeds are classified the same as leaf and bud under federal and most state law. Seeds are cannabis under most state regs. Even here in MA, which is rec legal, seeds are classified as cannabis.
At a minimum, if a leo was attemtping to be prickish, that could lead to a possesion charge, If they really want to squeeze them (to flip the grower), they can add sending/receiving controlled substances through the mail. They can completely toss the guys house, and if he has any loose weed or other contraban, they can up the charges. That could cost him/her a job, a professional license, or potentially, custody of kids. In the 1980's under ronnie raygun, houses and yacht's were seized/forfeited over a single joint.
So yeah, there are risks. Realistically, it's such a low priority that it is a joke to most leo's.
Unless you are in iowa, wisconsin, or a state that is trying to profit from drugs. It is common in those states for leos to search your phone. They have rippers they can use even if you won't unlock them (may not work on all phones, but it works on a lot).
So, just stay in the herd, don't stick out, don't call attention to yourself, and don't have a significant other. It seems pissed off ex-lovers are a very risky loose end.![]()
Which is your best post thus far.I dont post any! Except that large penis I just drew.
On a serious note, I am a little noid. Could be my ADHD. I can't help not to think about theses things from time to time. I don't see how any non mmj state grower wouldn't be. At least a little. So everyone who's been on this thread has got a growers card or license and reside in a mmj tolerated state.
Seeds cannot get you in trouble. For all states if you are using them AS bird feed or fish and bait tackle you can get away with having those seeds.
Not true unless those seeds are infertile or you have a federal hemp permit. Just read the laws. They are pretty clear. After that, you are paying lawyers and taking your chances in the judicial system.
In reality, it's a low priority. Until you run into occifer firehat. But people have been busted for seeds before. If they find them in your car in iowa, you are getting cited.
Okay I see. And going this route then it would be safe for a guy to have pics in his phone except for only if the police or somebody physically got a hold of the phone correct? I'm mean unless homeland security or something big time like that got involved they could probably see pics cyberly but for them to go through all that trouble you'd think they'd only be worried about larger warehouse type grows. Am I atleast somewhat correct?Meta data means information about information like the phone type used,model of said phones,and all that carry on.
If u use ur phone down load exif eraser for free from the app store so when you take a pic click on the program n select the pic youd just taken then click clear data n itll be saved and thats the pic u wanna upload