I hate this bitch

Instead, the focus landed on Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who was forced to resign over internal emails that revealed DNC staffers’ frustration with Sanders’s insistence on playing out his campaign until the last possible moment.

"I think she should resign, period," Sanders said on an ABC appearance the morning before the convention started. "And I think we need a new chair who is going to lead us in a very different direction."

Wasserman Schultz did ultimately resign, only to be given a courtesy title as an honorary co-chair of Clinton’s campaign. This, in turn, was misinterpreted by many on the left as Clinton rewarding her for malfeasance rather than simply letting her save face. Critically, some of the most over-the-top coverage of the leaks appeared in the New York Observer, a publication that happens to be owned by Jared Kushner.
Lmfao at your absolute absurd stupidity
They'll twist the truth into pretzels to suit their purposes, then question the credibility of anyone who calls them on it.

Propaganda 101.

you claimed the military had 650 step protocols and cite iranian holocaust deniers as evidence for your sarin gas conspiracy theories.
you claimed the military had 650 step protocols and cite iranian holocaust deniers as evidence for your sarin gas conspiracy theories.
Propaganda 101.

Keep pushing the lies.

Tell us again how Palestinians don't deserve to have their property and human rights respected.
Because others are wrong, they know they're wrong and they're sticking with the wrong candidate because the system is rigged in a way that ensures she will win. Even worse, they're demeaning Sanders supporters as much, and in many cases in this very thread worse than conservatives on the boards have been doing for years. We're supposed to be progressives, Clinton does not represent progressives and claiming that she does isn't good enough when her record shows otherwise. She represents the corporate establishment, the single biggest reason Sanders supporters support him. How can Clinton or her supporters possibly expect Sanders supporters to get in line behind her and help get her elected?

The threat of a Trump administration or the guarantee of a 'business as usual' administration that's slightly better on social issues doesn't appeal to me very much personally

If my arm is going to be broken either way and someone comes along and says "Hey listen, I'm going to break your arm, but that other guy.. he's going to do it a loooooot worse!", it still doesn't make me feel any better about it

Yes Give us Bernie or get Trump. I see a theme here
@Padawanbater2 , this is a highly informative post, thank you!

We should also thank the Republican party for helping clarify our choices.

This is yet more evidence, as if any was needed, that Mrs Clinton's candidacy aims to erase whatever difference remains in the distinction between Republicrat and Demublican, leaving those who bribe everyone firmly in control of our 'democracy'.
We either elect Mr Sanders or we deserve what we get. We can't say he didn't try to warn us.
you're missing 'write in' Sanders in your poll.
fail..but i love your avi.
writing in sanders WILL have an impact.
sticking with Bernie is popular idea..i want you debbie downers to see this.
if hillary really loves this country, she should kill herself now..you see, once people are ALLOWED to know about BERNIE..they VOTE for HIM.
Bernie Sanders Seizes 3 States, Sweeping Democratic Contests
I can prove she had a stroke here's why:
-she came back to the hearings with glasses after her fake fall..remember how everyone remarked about that?
-look at a closeup of her left eye during the hearings..it goes inward towards her nose..any medical professional knows what that means.
she was wearing those glasses to retrain her eye from the neurological damage she suffered..
so Shillary's playing the victim now?
hey! I heard she had a ministroke..when will she be releasing her medical records over that fake fall (that was really the stroke) during the beghazi hearings?
where was she born again? I heard it was outside the US..where's her birth certificate?..she needs to pony that up too..
hint: she's not releasing anything including the transcripts of her paid speeches..what is she hiding?
let's take a listen, shall we?:
If you're making less than 6 figured a year- really, 7- then Mrs Clinton has nothing for you. The Republican party hasn't for decades.
So we are watching the vast majority of voters choose people who ate against their own best interests.
How is that not ignorant? Being part of the majority doesn't make you right.

Like I said before, take a little bit of responsibility
"Vote for my candidate or you want Trump!"
Uhh.. no, no matter how many times you repeat it
I don't want Trump, I don't want Clinton either, if I don't want either, why would I go vote for either?
"You don't want him more though"
Yeah, you'd be right about that, but not enough for me to give much of a fuck. I live in California, it's going to the democrat regardless of my vote, so no huge loss there
I'd vote for her if I lived in a swing state, but I wouldn't blame anyone who doesn't, she's a shitty candidate

Answer me why I should vote for a candidate who isn't going to do anything for me?
..bright boy?

Exactly right.
So maybe instead of browbeating everyone about their choices, you should make sure yours does what you really want it to.
If Mrs Clinton were a strong candidate who represented my needs in Washington, she'd have my vote!
Since she doesn't, I'll vote for the one who does.
That's called 'democracy'. As a fellow American, I completely understand your lack of familiarity with how the process works.

I'm of the opinion that her spots won't change. Whatever she promises, her ties of vassalage to Big Finance are as clear as they are binding.

I'm speaking of Mrs Clinton and her depressing similarity to the candidates of the right wing.

I can't speak for everyone, but there are a lot of people in Michigan looking at Bernie as the last hope. If he doesn't get the nod on the dem side I think a lot of people will stay home and not vote. My family included. I have no interest in more of the same, dem or repub. Hillary is more of the same. She does the bidding for the 1%. Pass
like any good business person, he's conserving his resources in states where the contest is currently over.
he already got what he came for, dem electorate awareness which will translate over to the General when he runs Indy.
he's split the ticket men, nary a mew and right under hillary's nose
ooops! that reminds me..time to set-up an auto donation schedule for Sanders2016!
writing in sanders WILL have an impact.
she is so power hungry, she's seriously scary.
I wouldn't be surprised if this led to her undoing.
she's tarnished at the very least.
i'd like to read the transcripts to her paid wall street speeches now more than ever.
Because others are wrong, they know they're wrong and they're sticking with the wrong candidate because the system is rigged in a way that ensures she will win. Even worse, they're demeaning Sanders supporters as much, and in many cases in this very thread worse than conservatives on the boards have been doing for years. We're supposed to be progressives, Clinton does not represent progressives and claiming that she does isn't good enough when her record shows otherwise. She represents the corporate establishment, the single biggest reason Sanders supporters support him. How can Clinton or her supporters possibly expect Sanders supporters to get in line behind her and help get her elected?
The threat of a Trump administration or the guarantee of a 'business as usual' administration that's slightly better on social issues doesn't appeal to me very much personally
If my arm is going to be broken either way and someone comes along and says "Hey listen, I'm going to break your arm, but that other guy.. he's going to do it a loooooot worse!", it still doesn't make me feel any better about it
@Padawanbater2 , this is a highly informative post, thank you!
We should also thank the Republican party for helping clarify our choices.

This is yet more evidence, as if any was needed, that Mrs Clinton's candidacy aims to erase whatever difference remains in the distinction between Republicrat and Demublican, leaving those who bribe everyone firmly in control of our 'democracy'.

If Sanders is not the mom, I'm going to give him my vote (that I couldn't during primaries) and will be writing him in.
End of story, men.
You said it is stupid for me to not vote for her. I told you it would be stupid for me to vote for her since she doesn't represent my interests. You are stupid if you think I should vote for someone who doesn't represent me just so someone else who doesn't represent me a little bit more doesn't get into office

How is that changing the subject?

Sanders supporters will not 'fall in line', they are agents of change, even if it means a Trump presidency.

Bernie Sanders has my vote. It's not a popularity contest, it's not fucking fantasy football; the point is NOT to vote for the 'inevitable' candidate, but the BEST CANDIDATE.
But Chump! Isn't a reason. It's hysteria, and worse, it's a snow job; a LIE.
As citizens, we have the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to vote for the candidate of our choice.
A vote for Mickey Mouse would be throwing it away. We need not vote for the anointed candidate vetted by either corrupt excuse for a political party. I'm voting for the best one for the job, and I incite you to join me!

I'm not a democrat therefore I feel no remorse not voting for one.

So you're going to hold up the results of an obviously rigged primary election system as proof of any kind of legitimacy?
Whatever you try and sell with those numbers, don't ask me to believe they're actually representative of the truth. I was there. I saw with my own eyes. I know better.