What did you accomplish today?

I wouldn'tt know if I had, what's asp stand for?
That's a strange spot for gout. I get it in the first joint of my left big toe.
Gout is EXTREMELY sensitive to touch. :o:cuss:
Gout normally is in the big toe. I found out though that gout can hit any joint.

That is a metatarsal joint so maybe? Drink 5 gallons of apple cider vinegar and see a doctor
It is the fifth metatarsal bone.

I went to an after hours clinic. They looked at me like I was stupid. They did an xray and blood work.

I would wager they tested for drugs and when I tested positive for pot that was the end of it. Said they didn't know. Maybe a contusion. Sent me home. I called my Dr and going in.

I also read that a blood test is not always accurate. They pull fluid from the joint and look at it under a microscope.

It is very painful to the touch. Its really red and warm to the touch.

I guess I will know when I go to the Dr tomorrow.
Gout normally is in the big toe. I found out though that gout can hit any joint.

It is the fifth metatarsal bone.

I went to an after hours clinic. They looked at me like I was stupid. They did an xray and blood work.

I would wager they tested for drugs and when I tested positive for pot that was the end of it. Said they didn't know. Maybe a contusion. Sent me home. I called my Dr and going in.

I also read that a blood test is not always accurate. They pull fluid from the joint and look at it under a microscope.

It is very painful to the touch. Its really red and warm to the touch.

I guess I will know when I go to the Dr tomorrow.
Yeah that's fucked up. I'm a little worried that if I see a doctor here in the Philippine Islands I might end up vanishing.

Reminds me of a neat story I'm rather proud of.

A few years ago I had a fit of renal colic, my first kidney stone, while I was down at a depth of 22 meters on a reef in Cebu. One of the most painful experiences of my life and definitely an emergency. I knew it wasn't the bends or anything related to diving, but I wasn't sure what it was. I bid farewell to my guide and two other divers and I ascended safely. I did a short safety stop, just two minutes. While I was holding my depth at 5 meters I found myself in the midst of a sardine run. Millions of these fish formed a tornado around me. It was so wondrous I almost forgot about the pain.

As I ascended the last bit, I suddenly felt no pain at all, but only because of the way renal colic works. I knew what was wrong at that point. As I cheerfully climbed onto the boat, I informed the captain of my problem and he took me to shore since we were only a few hundred meters away, then he went back to get the rest of the divers. As the pain returned, I explained to the diveshop manager that I needed to get to a medical facility and safely pass a kidney stone. They got me squared away to a local clinic.

After I got catheterized and administered various injections, I was sent to Cebu City. While at Cebu City, I had an ultrasound that also found that I have a slightly enlarged prostate. It's nothing to lose sleep over as I am young but a complication regarding my medical condition at the time. Anyway, as I was returned to my bed, I was scolded by a nurse who thought my BPH was a result of my sinful ways. She told me it was because I have too much sex. After that she was rather terrible in her bedside manner.

As much as I wanted at the time to write it off as something isolated to the culture in this country, it is a common attitude among medical staff to treat patients as though their medical problems are to be dealt with by chastising them for their habits which they feel are contributing to their need for medical attention. I really worry how it would go if I needed medical attention here and were to piss hot in a hospital.
Gout normally is in the big toe. I found out though that gout can hit any joint.

It is the fifth metatarsal bone.

I went to an after hours clinic. They looked at me like I was stupid. They did an xray and blood work.

I would wager they tested for drugs and when I tested positive for pot that was the end of it. Said they didn't know. Maybe a contusion. Sent me home. I called my Dr and going in.

I also read that a blood test is not always accurate. They pull fluid from the joint and look at it under a microscope.

It is very painful to the touch. Its really red and warm to the touch.

I guess I will know when I go to the Dr tomorrow.

Uh-oh. Kinda looks like a DVT (blood clot). My sister went through one of those. Does it keep swelling, and did the symptoms come on suddenly not as a result of trauma? I hope it's not the case, but it's a relatively easy fix with blood thinners and such, as long as part of the clot does not break off and get stuck in the brain, heart or lungs (pulmonary embolism). Glad you're going to the doc quickly, let us know the diagnosis. Good luck, bro...
As for today's accomplishments, I went for a dive at a site known for soft corals and sea fans. I was really hoping to spot a pygmy seahorse. The local guide who was with me (Danny) was confident we'd see some on a particular fan. We didn't see any but it was still an excellent dive. As we were rinsing off our gear he was conversing with another local dive guide (Jose) in Visayan who told him that the seahorses that lived on that fan were dead.

Apparently Jose had a large group of divers from Korea that he took to that dive site yesterday. They poked and prodded to isolate them from the fans for a clean shot with their expensive cameras and ridiculously bright strobes (I only shoot ambient light). Jose works at a high end resort and is one of the most experienced divers in this country. I should note that I have on several occasions been quite impressed with the knowledge these guys have. They know more about the biology and behavior of the wildlife where they work than many seasoned marine biologists.

So Jose wasn't fucking around. He had them sent packing from the resort, even arranged a refund for the remainder of the nights they'd booked. He told Danny not to take them diving. They ended up down the beach a ways at a dive shop run by a guy from Europe and owned by his wife from Luzon. They're now staying in the hotel that I am staying in. I am intentionally in the room nearest the pool at a quiet and sleepy hotel. When I came back to put on some dry clothes, they were all hanging around by the pool making a lot of noise and smoking tobacco (like chain smoking) within a few meters of my door and only window.

Normally I'm pretty chill about that sort of shit even late at night, but I was hyped about the pygmy seahorses. They are the perfect subject for macro. This group is four couples in their late 20s. They occupy the two rooms to the left of mine and the two rooms to the right of mine. I don't know much Korean but I do know what they were saying as I was sizing them up. The women in their group thought I was checking them out. I just said "stop fucking smoking that shit so close to my door" and kicked a pack of smokes that was on the end of my porch into the pool. I walked through them and bucked one with my shoulder, the biggest and most formidable looking of them. They were absolutely stunned and I didn't hear a word for at least two minutes.

Shortly after that, I came back out with dry clothes on. I don't normally wear shoes (prefer flip-flops) but I'm wearing them now. I'm thinking these guys are smart enough to know I am friends with a lot of local and regular divers. I'm chilling at a restaurant with a bunch of them watching one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever witnessed and editing photos. Several of the dive shops on this island have photos I took displayed prominently on their websites. I might buy them all some lechon, just to make sure I can ask for help if I need it. Anyway check out this view. I shot this in jpeg, these colors are what I am actually seeing.

Lumix GX8 with Olympus 12-40 PRO lens, 12mm (24mm equivalent), F2.8, 1/60th sec shutter, ISO 200.
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I have one of those on the wall.

My trimmer killed an 8 button 2 days ago near the roll up shop door ....I keep a few cats around for mice .....and I like pussy......but I guess the cats were fucking with it and my friend noticed....thank God he didn't step on it.....I usually just move em super far away ....but he moved it's head from it's body....:shock:

I'd show the pic.....but I'm on pic watch ....and it's a snake ....and it's head fell off
Gorgeous snake....yes I'm guna make a wall hanger out of it's skin....I use to kill and keep the skins...but as I got older and seen fewer and fewer of them....I just move them to the neighbors yard. I figure everything has it's place....except this thing
Ain't nobody got time for dat..:finger:

Oops on the pic...((total accident))
Yeah that's fucked up. I'm a little worried that if I see a doctor here in the Philippine Islands I might end up vanishing.

Reminds me of a neat story I'm rather proud of.

A few years ago I had a fit of renal colic, my first kidney stone, while I was down at a depth of 22 meters on a reef in Cebu. One of the most painful experiences of my life and definitely an emergency. I knew it wasn't the bends or anything related to diving, but I wasn't sure what it was. I bid farewell to my guide and two other divers and I ascended safely. I did a short safety stop, just two minutes. While I was holding my depth at 5 meters I found myself in the midst of a sardine run. Millions of these fish formed a tornado around me. It was so wondrous I almost forgot about the pain.

As I ascended the last bit, I suddenly felt no pain at all, but only because of the way renal colic works. I knew what was wrong at that point. As I cheerfully climbed onto the boat, I informed the captain of my problem and he took me to shore since we were only a few hundred meters away, then he went back to get the rest of the divers. As the pain returned, I explained to the diveshop manager that I needed to get to a medical facility and safely pass a kidney stone. They got me squared away to a local clinic.

After I got catheterized and administered various injections, I was sent to Cebu City. While at Cebu City, I had an ultrasound that also found that I have a slightly enlarged prostate. It's nothing to lose sleep over as I am young but a complication regarding my medical condition at the time. Anyway, as I was returned to my bed, I was scolded by a nurse who thought my BPH was a result of my sinful ways. She told me it was because I have too much sex. After that she was rather terrible in her bedside manner.

As much as I wanted at the time to write it off as something isolated to the culture in this country, it is a common attitude among medical staff to treat patients as though their medical problems are to be dealt with by chastising them for their habits which they feel are contributing to their need for medical attention. I really worry how it would go if I needed medical attention here and were to piss hot in a hospital.
Its so backwards here being the bible belt. They find pot in your system and your labeled a drug seeker.

I told the fuckers I didn't want pain pills just figure out what's wrong with my foot.

Uh-oh. Kinda looks like a DVT (blood clot). My sister went through one of those. Does it keep swelling, and did the symptoms come on suddenly not as a result of trauma? I hope it's not the case, but it's a relatively easy fix with blood thinners and such, as long as part of the clot does not break off and get stuck in the brain, heart or lungs (pulmonary embolism). Glad you're going to the doc quickly, let us know the diagnosis. Good luck, bro...
It doesn't keep swelling. It did come on very quickly. Gout does to. I hope its not a blood clot. Its the joint where the little toe meets the foot and red on top. The joint is very painful.

I have an appointment in a couple hours. Ill know shortly.

Not unless you've been to the Nile area in Egypt. :D
AKA: Egyptian Cobra
Gout normally is in the big toe. I found out though that gout can hit any joint.

It is the fifth metatarsal bone.

I went to an after hours clinic. They looked at me like I was stupid. They did an xray and blood work.

I would wager they tested for drugs and when I tested positive for pot that was the end of it. Said they didn't know. Maybe a contusion. Sent me home. I called my Dr and going in.

I also read that a blood test is not always accurate. They pull fluid from the joint and look at it under a microscope.

It is very painful to the touch. Its really red and warm to the touch.

I guess I will know when I go to the Dr tomorrow.

Ouch it doesn't look like a typical gout presentation, pain in that area is more often from Rheumatoid Arthritis but I know very little about feet so go see your regular doctor today as you planned. Get ice on it.

Good news, it's not a glioblastoma :bigjoint: