Aussie Growers Thread

laying mash is feed thay give to laying chikens think itg high in calcium im pretty sure it was u who mentioned it a few weeks ago lol
laying mash is feed thay give to laying chikens think itg high in calcium im pretty sure it was u who mentioned it a few weeks ago lol
I’m definitely sure it wasn’t. That’s the shit they feed bait worms,you put that shot in with your worms and have to much moisture you cook them no wonder you have no worms
witch is why i think its fucken wierd that the potato peel have not only not roted theve keep sprouting lol
Because it’s dark,warm and moist perfect conditions for germination. Potatoes grow underground so the skins aren’t going to break down very easily are they ? They need to be blended up into a slurry
Because it’s dark,warm and moist perfect conditions for germination. Potatoes grow underground so the skins aren’t going to break down very easily are they ? They need to be blended up into a slurry
good point lol speaking of potatos temptation got the better of me i harvested my ootato and the onions the onions wernt that big and i only got like 5 potatos but fuck it tasted good
Lol also i now what im gunna do for my hempy i was in the reject shop thay had 75 liter garbeg can im gunna get that and make the hempy downt the line im gunna make some kind of drying curing bin ill save that for when im a bit more knoledge able lol but fuck it may as well go hard lol
Lol also i now what im gunna do for my hempy i was in the reject shop thay had 75 liter garbeg can im gunna get that and make the hempy downt the line im gunna make some kind of drying curing bin ill save that for when im a bit more knoledge able lol but fuck it may as well go hard lol
A normal 8L bucket is a good size those white ones that paint and stuff like that comes in are stronger but the normal ones will do for a cycle and you can get them for $1