Aussie Growers Thread

I was a bit on the fence with fems but if they are by a reputable breeder I don’t see anything wrong with them. I had a good clean out of my seeds this year I had a heap I couldn’t see getting popped so I just started them and sifted through looking for any special ones,all up I’ve started about 200 in the last 3 months
I justify buying from dna, TH, reserva prada,rare dankness etc by doing my utmost best to bring out the best in the seed I guess.
Soil wise is my main effort followed by proven strain selection.
Sour k from dna was recommended to me buy a good bloke i talk to on the cali side and he was spot on .
Wonder woman before that was recommended by garden boss and it was exactly wat he said it was.
It's cool that I made some gd friends that actually know each other so trust is mutual
They don’t need to get that big, a little bit of pollen goes a long way
That's why I'm thinking I pop an easty or tmb strain reg hoping for a male by Jan 10 so if I put one down first week dec my flowering starts pretty much australia day
Normally see stretch mid to 3rd week jan
Be gd if I could just pollen chuck onto the sour k with something potent then next season do a few in tent see how they look way in veg
I dunno ill prob change my mind like gigs
I justify buying from dna, TH, reserva prada,rare dankness etc by doing my utmost best to bring out the best in the seed I guess.
Soil wise is my main effort followed by proven strain selection.
Sour k from dna was recommended to me buy a good bloke i talk to on the cali side and he was spot on .
Wonder woman before that was recommended by garden boss and it was exactly wat he said it was.
It's cool that I made some gd friends that actually know each other so trust is mutual
That’s one of the best things on the forums,you go to attitude and look at the 1000’s of strains and the descriptions are all written by the seed companies so there’s not a bad one amongst them,and it becomes a bit like throwing a dart in the dark trying to pick something solid especially outdoor you only have one chance to get it right.
That's why I'm thinking I pop an easty or tmb strain reg hoping for a male by Jan 10 so if I put one down first week dec my flowering starts pretty much australia day
Normally see stretch mid to 3rd week jan
Be gd if I could just pollen chuck onto the sour k with something potent then next season do a few in tent see how they look way in veg
I dunno ill prob change my mind like gigs
Or reverse the sour Kush and self it ? I wouldn’t continue to do it but selling it the once should be ok. The shit skunk could be a nice solid male to hit it with should keep the variation down a bit
You learnt all that in an hour lol you talking nitrogen fixing cover crops ? Legumes and clovers are good ones but get the pre inoculated seed
all ready new about n fixation nd cover crops from now one tho im only planting hairloom cultivars n shit i cant recal what it is and im also having trouble articulating it like the cn ratio but for the c n u use bio char and leave the n fixing plants like the raised bed isent all the way full ye like bio dynamic gardening in a way instaed of doing fpes i mulch all thos plants in exept n fixer ye compost castings and char to biuld upnthe soil layers type shit and im thinking some kind of mulchlayer and maybe some thing 2 atract all tje goood bugs and earth worms its a work in progress but i feel im getting somewhere
all ready new about n fixation nd cover crops from now one tho im only planting hairloom cultivars n shit i cant recal what it is and im also having trouble articulating it like the cn ratio but for the c n u use bio char and leave the n fixing plants like the raised bed isent all the way full ye like bio dynamic gardening in a way instaed of doing fpes i mulch all thos plants in exept n fixer ye compost castings and char to biuld upnthe soil layers type shit and im thinking some kind of mulchlayer and maybe some thing 2 atract all tje goood bugs and earth worms its a work in progress but i feel im getting somewhere
Cec ? Carbon exchange ratio,nutrients and minerals bind to the clay particles in the soil so when the roots uptake the nutrient they can’t just take it from the clay particle and leave nothing shit doesn’t work that way so there has to be some type of exchange like the plant will exchange a hydrogen particle for a nitrogen particle now the nitrogen particle that’s fixed to the clay has a positive or negative charge helping it stick if you have a low CEC ratio the plant has trouble unsticking the nitrogen particle and exchanging it,raise the CEC the exchange is made easier. That’s a very simplified version of it
all ready new about n fixation nd cover crops from now one tho im only planting hairloom cultivars n shit i cant recal what it is and im also having trouble articulating it like the cn ratio but for the c n u use bio char and leave the n fixing plants like the raised bed isent all the way full ye like bio dynamic gardening in a way instaed of doing fpes i mulch all thos plants in exept n fixer ye compost castings and char to biuld upnthe soil layers type shit and im thinking some kind of mulchlayer and maybe some thing 2 atract all tje goood bugs and earth worms its a work in progress but i feel im getting somewhere
Bio dynamics have some good techniques and preparations they use. You just need to get top quality inputs and it will turn out fine,the compost you use is 90% of the answer
that helps a lot so i need to look into the cec thing and figure outwhat inputs to add but i need to add some kind of ththing thats got high cec so it holds ont to the nutrients but thats half of it cuse it needs to be abke to give back not just hold onto thing cuse shit im lost now ill hit up google now an see if i can figure this out i hope im close
Bio dynamics have some good techniques and preparations they use. You just need to get top quality inputs and it will turn out fine,the compost you use is 90% of the answer
Speaking of compost - sort of - Best garden I've seen in recent times is an old bloke in town who got heaps of deliveries from the local slaughterman - blood and guts basically and used that plus loads of shit and leaves as the basis for the garden before he built his house. Said anyone within about 2km of him hated him till it broke down and the smell subsided but it's a fucken amazing garden now
that helps a lot so i need to look into the cec thing and figure outwhat inputs to add but i need to add some kind of ththing thats got high cec so it holds ont to the nutrients but thats half of it cuse it needs to be abke to give back not just hold onto thing cuse shit im lost now ill hit up google now an see if i can figure this out i hope im close
No the biology and organic matter does the holding on bit. One of the things that I use is zeolite its good at raising CEC and also adds surface area and hiding spots for microbes,I get a 25kg back of it for $15
Cec ? Carbon exchange ratio,nutrients and minerals bind to the clay particles in the soil so when the roots uptake the nutrient they can’t just take it from the clay particle and leave nothing shit doesn’t work that way so there has to be some type of exchange like the plant will exchange a hydrogen particle for a nitrogen particle now the nitrogen particle that’s fixed to the clay has a positive or negative charge helping it stick if you have a low CEC ratio the plant has trouble unsticking the nitrogen particle and exchanging it,raise the CEC the exchange is made easier. That’s a very simplified version of it

Speaking of compost - sort of - Best garden I've seen in recent times is an old bloke in town who got heaps of deliveries from the local slaughterman - blood and guts basically and used that plus loads of shit and leaves as the basis for the garden before he built his house. Said anyone within about 2km of him hated him till it broke down and the smell subsided but it's a fucken amazing garden now
I bet it is,some of the old guys really new how to garden and do it efficiently with what they could get from around the farm or locally for cheap
The old dairy and cattle farms always had a spot where they buried any dead cows and the soil from there is some of the richest compost Ive ever seen especiallyfrom dairies because they are always on really fertile ground
The old dairy and cattle farms always had a spot where they buried any dead cows and the soil from there is some of the richest compost Ive ever seen especiallyfrom dairies because they are always on really fertile ground
Yep - all farms that run livestock have a spot like that I reckon. A mate down near the snow slaughters lambs where they grow the veg. Fuck fresh lamb is delicious