Aussie Growers Thread

It's surprising how good those home remedies work. My pop showed me the whole blood thing when his dog was bitten by a brown he took about half a litre of blood from a horse that had been hot a few times by a brown and made the dog drink it. Preety full on but within hours he was better
I’ve never heard of that but that’s how they get anti venom for humans out of horses they inject with snake venom so it’s a pretty good idea
I’ve never heard of that but that’s how they get anti venom for humans out of horses they inject with snake venom so it’s a pretty good idea
Yeah I said "hey pop I dont think that's how it works" he said shut up and learn haha. The dog was ready to die but it blew me away when it got up and started walking about 3 hours after
fucken adhd strikes again iv got starting ph 6
7 cant remember exactly how many drops of ph down i used i think like 10 now its at 58 59 also it sais in tje bottle to use per ten liters use 40 mils for seedlings i used 60 mills for 20liters so that i think means i used i think 10 mills less then the 40 mils per 10 for seedlings cuse my math was it would of been 80 mills for seedlings per 20 liters well shit here we go no mater what im gunna stick with this also yhe ppm meter said it was going between 300 and 400 hundred 0.6 and 0.8 ec butmit says ppm 500 and the tds under it and in the colum next to it it says got 420 and under it 560 im so fucken comfused lolmaybe ill be better of using the ec but then its got cf next to ec fuckmthis things confusing shit in the colum that said ppm then 700 hundred under it and its got ec x 700 how the fuck do i know what my ppms are mother fucker my head hurts fuck it maybe i should messege blue lab and ask em but i cant even make sense of how iv articlulated it id take a pic but i cant hold and tablet and the ppm meter at the same time fuck well fuck it in for a penny in for a pound i might do a tomato seed forst just to see
Whoa!! U gotta slow that shit down boy lol! Especially without punctuation that was intense!!:P
we have those little lizard our cunt of a cat kills those one idk fuck all bout lizards but i saw the taail of a big one it wasent all one coler not sure if it was a blue tounge but it was like light almose white with dark segments if the car kills tjat its gone fucken hate cats man theve got no place in australia
Haha how's this .. (sorry tad smashed atm)bongsmilie .. There was a juvenile bearded dragon that lived in my yard prob 3 or 4yrs. Could near hand feed it even came in the house once, took a couple of hrs to get the bastard back out lol. I was heading out one day and noticed it under my car near drivers tyre and knew he'd move once I started the engine, and I didn't give it another thought. When I got back I'm rolling towards where I park, and from a few metres back, I'm thinking is that a palm frond but a bit confused how it got there wasn't windy. Then as I got closer I realised it was "Lizzy"! I was absolutely crushed!! (And so was Lizzy to be honest:shock::o) .. But no I was devastated,
And cats, cats are awesome! How could u say that lol) kidding. Cats are just as good as dogs if raised the same way. Love both and together is even better:)
Haha how's this .. (sorry tad smashed atm)bongsmilie .. There was a juvenile bearded dragon that lived in my yard prob 3 or 4yrs. Could near hand feed it even came in the house once, took a couple of hrs to get the bastard back out lol. I was heading out one day and noticed it under my car near drivers tyre and knew he'd move once I started the engine, and I didn't give it another thought. When I got back I'm rolling towards where I park, and from a few metres back, I'm thinking is that a palm frond but a bit confused how it got there wasn't windy. Then as I got closer I realised it was "Lizzy"! I was absolutely crushed!! (And so was Lizzy to be honest:shock::o) .. But no I was devastated,
And cats, cats are awesome! How could u say that lol) kidding. Cats are just as good as dogs if raised the same way. Love both and together is even better:)
wow that wouldove sucked sorry u went thrue that im just fucken pissed cuse im trying to do a no till type thing in my raised garden bed and evey cat keeps shitting in it pluss wev got my auntys cat witch she claims 2 love but wont take it back so we cant get chickens i cant ever seem to pursue any interest its bull shit i do kinda like our cat sometimes lol at night she goas mental and randemly starts running around n shit its apways fully random
It's Preety straight forward shit and commen sense. One tip tho if you get hit by a snake keep your shit together and stay calm or you will die. It's more important than pressure bandages
Once upon a time I used mow my lawn with a bandage loosely wrapped around the handle of the mower and my phone ready to dial in my pocket incase I got bitten. I thought being somewhat prepared will give me a better chance of at least "trying"to stay calm. (Oh and yes it's because the grass was usually knee height lol)..
Haha how's this .. (sorry tad smashed atm)bongsmilie .. There was a juvenile bearded dragon that lived in my yard prob 3 or 4yrs. Could near hand feed it even came in the house once, took a couple of hrs to get the bastard back out lol. I was heading out one day and noticed it under my car near drivers tyre and knew he'd move once I started the engine, and I didn't give it another thought. When I got back I'm rolling towards where I park, and from a few metres back, I'm thinking is that a palm frond but a bit confused how it got there wasn't windy. Then as I got closer I realised it was "Lizzy"! I was absolutely crushed!! (And so was Lizzy to be honest:shock::o) .. But no I was devastated,
And cats, cats are awesome! How could u say that lol) kidding. Cats are just as good as dogs if raised the same way. Love both and together is even better:)
Yeah our boy cats name is "post man spider" yep the kids called him that haha. He's the first cat I have owned and he's grown on me. He's also my staffys best friend and my daughters baby. He changed my mind about cats
Once upon a time I used mow my lawn with a bandage loosely wrapped around the handle of the mower and my phone ready to dial in my pocket incase I got bitten. I thought being somewhat prepared will give me a better chance of at least "trying"to stay calm. (Oh and yes it's because the grass was usually knee height lol)..
That's what I do when I'm trying to burn them out and clear my yard. Phone in pocket,bandage in pocket and a shovel haha.
are indicas only good for sedation like is that it loke i hear every effect people want is sativa but then the only time indica gets mentioned is sleep
Yeah our boy cats name is "post man spider" yep the kids called him that haha. He's the first cat I have owned and he's grown on me. He's also my staffys best friend and my daughters baby. He changed my mind about cats
That's all it takes hey? People say they don't come when called etc that's bullshit. Cats are just more like a mirror they give back exactly what u give them. Whereas dogs will give always, no matter how much they're getting from u. Haha I'm pretty impressed with my analogy there lol.
But now the phone keeps slipping outta my hands and I've pins n needles in my wrists
I'm out. Nite;):sleep: