Aussie Growers Thread


SensI seeds.
i thought thay wernt legit any more i swaer its cunfusing keeping up with whos worth doing buisness and who should be kept away from lol im tempted 2 go with mr nice for my next seeds purches but i dont think i really have the room to grow sativas im not sure tho
i thought thay wernt legit any more i swaer its cunfusing keeping up with whos worth doing buisness and who should be kept away from lol im tempted 2 go with mr nice for my next seeds purches but i dont think i really have the room to grow sativas im not sure tho
You should have heaps of room in the tent just do alot of Toping and tie her down and switch to flower before it gets to big.
I remember when me and a few mates did our first bush patch when we were 16-18 we would take out enough firepower to start world war 3 lol. We had 2 sks’s Semi auto .22’s a couple of 12 gauge pumpies,30/30 lever action and a couple of semi auto pistols,fucking bunch of dick heads we’d be out there stoned as fuck full of the old ox blood speed and every noise you’d hear one of us would start popping a few rounds of lol. Was just lucky no one got killed. Think there is a couple of the semi autos still buried out there might have to take the metal detector out one day and have a look
haha I remember the blood ox (we called it the other way around tho- Ox blood). I used to get it off the stable hands when I lived at Harris park near the race course. Fkn cheap evil horse cheating stuff.
After smoking a bit of skunk and the last indica I grew out its safe to say I'm more of a uplifting sativa smoker. I do like feeling doey and chilled (couch locked) but I smoke all day everyday on my days off so sativa is more my thing. The last random I grew outside the one that looked and smell like Jack herer actually made me feel a little nauseous and nearly sick when I shut my eyes.
I prefer a Sativa to.
haha I remember the blood ox (we called it the other way around tho- Ox blood). I used to get it off the stable hands when I lived at Harris park near the race course. Fkn cheap evil horse cheating stuff.
Is that chlembuterole ? Or speed.. I had some chlembute and rubbed it in my gums like they do with horses and Fuck it makes you fry up like amphetamines
Wasn't told too much else other than they were gotten from a dude my sis knew in Nimbin. Said they've got all sorts in them. "Colombian, Thai, etc... Most of which are huge.
I think there the mix MM came from. Thai, Colombian and Vietnamese mix.

There are a few stories and some info available on Google but so much of it is "he said, she said"
Sounds like good fun anyways haha. I used to get weed for a heroin addict in a town I lived in and his old man owned the veterinary clinic. Some times he wouldn't have any coin but I done a few trades horse tranq (ketamine) and some wack opiate for dogs.thats how I got onto the chlembuterole haha I can safely say ketamine is fun. Give someone enough to nearly hit the k hole and tell them the cops are coming in and watch them try to leg it haha
i thought thay wernt legit any more i swaer its cunfusing keeping up with whos worth doing buisness and who should be kept away from lol im tempted 2 go with mr nice for my next seeds purches but i dont think i really have the room to grow sativas im not sure tho
You just need to find a grower who has the old strain of nl
Is that chlembuterole ? Or speed.. I had some chlembute and rubbed it in my gums like they do with horses and Fuck it makes you fry up like amphetamines
Speed lol. Clenbuterol is a fat stripper,when I was training I’d take the liquid clen and start at 2ml a day dropped under your tongue and add a ml every second day til you got to the stage you had the shakes like you were having dt’s and keep that dose up for 2 weeks. If you are looking to strip fat and get cut get it and some stanazol and do a month on it and 6 gym sessions a week you’ll be ripped
I think there the mix MM came from. Thai, Colombian and Vietnamese mix.

There are a few stories and some info available on Google but so much of it is "he said, she said"
There's 109 pages on kangas mm grows on but he also messed around with the pure mm by crossing it with nl#5 ,white widow and jack herer. There are maybe a handful of old growers who refuse to share the strain so I say it will die out in 20 years. Here's pics of the pure mm. Nothing special just a cross of pure Sativa's there was a bigger yeilding sativa called old mother sativa which could yield up to 10 pounds. I doubt if any of us on here will ever .get the real mm. But all you need is Columbian ,Mexican and Vietnamese strains and you can easily make your own giant hybrid.user145783_pic667218_1304840678.jpg user138436_pic378820_1273913932.jpg user138436_pic511488_1287093287.jpg user138436_pic446839_1280613444.jpg user138436_pic722698_1311630407.jpg
There's 109 pages on kangas mm grows on but he also messed around with the pure mm by crossing it with nl#5 ,white widow and jack herer. There are maybe a handful of old growers who refuse to share the strain so I say it will die out in 20 years. Here's pics of the pure mm. Nothing special just a cross of pure Sativa's there was a bigger yeilding sativa called old mother sativa which could yield up to 10 pounds. I doubt if any of us on here will ever .get the real mm. But all you need is Columbian ,Mexican and Vietnamese strains and you can easily make your own giant hybrid.View attachment 4033811 View attachment 4033812 View attachment 4033813 View attachment 4033814 View attachment 4033815
yep, I already mentioned its one of my all time fav threads.