Hey Don Tesla, good to see you, super-engaged making those dreams happen as always! Yay!
1 part aeration #1, humus forming and de-compacting
1 part aeration #2, mineral lending, robust and permanent)
Yes! I simply
love this differentiation!
My thoughts on this just recently have led me to differentiate aeration vs drainage on that mineral side of the "aeration" component. It was kicked off by perlite, which I had used extensively this year for the first time, sadly all over the place... o clueless fool that I was!
My dislike of the material as it handles
per se aside, perlite performs a different function than pumice or biochar, as it doesn't hold any moisture at all, water just drains past it as sand or pebbles will do. Sure, it keeps pockets of air open in the soil too, but it doesn't really
breathe as more malleable porous material, like pumice or burnt clay, do seem to do.
Also, I've been thinking of counting the hulls and similar stuff to the "fibers" (ie coco & peat) portion of a mix, but I actually like your 2 types of aeration better conceptually